  • Diet 80 /10/ 10

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    Read in the article:
    • Weight loss on a diet 80 /10/ 10: the essence, pros and cons of the
    • Douglas Graham Diet 80 /10/ 10: menu, rules, recipes
    • Diet 80 /10/ 10: doctor's reviews, the results of losing weight

    Diet 80 /10/ 10: reviewsand the results of weight loss

    Diet 80 /10/ 10 is a diet developed by a specialist in the field of raw food and healthy lifestyle Douglas Graham.

    Weight loss on a diet 80 /10/ 10: the essence, pluses and minuses of the technique ^

    The essence of the diet 80 /10/ 10 Douglas Graham for weight loss is in its specific proportions: the daily menu of 80% should consist of slow carbohydrates, and 10%is given to fats and squirrels.

    This calculation allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight, because here you can only eat low-calorie foods: fruits and vegetables only fresh.

    It is known that salads from raw vegetables are the most useful, and they are allowed to eat every day, but only if they are seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice.

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    Many people are wondering if the volumes on the diet are 80 /10/ 10. Of course, after a week, taking a measuring ruler and measuring the waist, you can see that it has become much thinner. This is due to the splitting of fat deposits due to the lack of the usual consumption of calories.

    Advantages of the technique of Douglas Graham( Douglas Graham):

    • The Graham Diet ideally suits those who love its main ingredients - fruits, berries and vegetables;
    • Due to the fact that it is allowed to consume fruits in unlimited quantities, the feeling of hunger is rare;
    • People who play sports after losing weight with fruit-making and raw food do not feel such fatigue, which is usually due to drying solely on proteins;
    • The fiber in the food cleanses the intestines well and quenches the hunger.

    Do not forget about the shortcomings:

    • Despite the fact that the technique can be used for an unlimited time, it is still not necessary to completely exclude animal proteins in the future, since they are of great importance for the organism;
    • The food system is not recommended for children and the elderly, as well as for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases;
    • In the first week from the beginning of the diet, there may be a decline in strength and dizziness, especially among those who are accustomed to eating meat.

    How much can I lose on a diet 80 /10/ 10 without harm to health

    Even if the caloric content of the diet is 80-10-10 in any case does not exceed 1200 Kcal, in one day it can lose weight by about 700-800 grams.

    In addition to fruit vegetables, when eating a diet, food and other products are destroyed:

    • Seeds, nuts, avocado and coconut can be consumed no more than three times a week;
    • Spinach, lettuce, celery - a maximum of 1 kg in total per day.

    Condiments, salt, sugar, sweets, flour, potatoes, rice, meat, fish, milk and dairy products are completely forbidden. Also, do not expose food ingredients to heat treatment - this reduces the effectiveness of the diet 80 /10/ 10 for weight loss.

    Douglas Graham Diet 80 /10/ 10: menu, rules, recipes ^

    Diet 80 /10/ 10: menu, recipes for weight loss, the correct way out

    Rules for weight loss on a diet 80 /10/ 10:

    • During each meal only 1 type of fruit is allowed to eat,but in unlimited quantities;
    • Water will accelerate the process of losing weight, so you need to drink 1 day from 1.5 liters of mineral water without gas;
    • Throughout the diet, it is recommended to visit the gym three times a week, as well as maintain a positive emotional mood.

    Diet 80 /10/ 10: sample menu

    Anyone who wants to use this technique can independently design their diet using this menu example:

    We have a breakfast of watermelon or melons;
  • We eat raw sunflower seeds for lunch;
  • Dine with mango or ripe bananas;
  • We snack apricots or leafy vegetables;
  • We dine with a salad with the addition of avocado, as well as tomato soup.
  • Recipes for a diet 80 /10/ 10

    Recipe for tomato soup:

    • Cut the sweet peppers, red onions and greens;
    • We rub 1 kg of tomato;
    • Mix everything, whisk with a blender.

    Recipe for salad with avocado:

    • Grind avocado pulp, onion, lettuce leaves, cucumber, bell pepper and parsley;
    • Mix, sprinkle with lemon juice, and before serving, pour olive oil.

    Recipe for fruit salad:

    • Cut the pulp of melon, peach and apricot;
    • Everything is mixed.
    We also recommend that you read the article Diet on seeds.

    Diet 80 /10/ 10: physicians' reviews, the results of weight loss ^

    All doctors have different treatment for raw food: some consider this method useful for health, while others talk about the need for protein food in the diet. In any case, those who decided to use Douglas Graham's diet system need to monitor the reaction of their body, and if there are no negative changes, then you can practice eating raw fruits and vegetables for a long time.

    In general, such a diet is not recommended for use for more than two weeks, as it can cause indigestion and other side effects.

    To lose weight after weight loss, you need to make the right way out after a diet. 80 /10/ 10:

    • In the first week you can inject porridges on the water, and continue to eat the same foods;
    • Starting from day 8, add eggs and low-fat dairy products, and then - fish and meat.

    As a result of the diet 80 /10/ 10 for healthy weight loss can really be reset in 3 weeks to 15 kilograms, and to keep weight in the future should limit the consumption of high-calorie and fried foods.

    Reviews about the diet 80 /10/ 10 for losing weight to our regular readers are also very positive:

    Maria, 28 years old:

    "I love meat, and it was very difficult for me to change my diet so radically, but looking at how my girlfriend lost weight on raw food, I still made up my mind and achieved some success: literally for a couple of weeks I threw off 8 kilograms! "

    Tatyana, 33:

    " For two years now I have been a raw-cheater, so this technique is not for me a curiosity. I sat on such a diet for only two weeks, and this time I was quite enough to lose 9 kilograms of weight. "

    Anastasia, 25:

    " The first week and it was really hard to eat only fruits and vegetables,and now for me raw diet is not just a diet, but a way of life, but now I eat a little differently "