Diet for body drying
Body-drying diet burns fat, keeps muscles and forms a beautiful body relief
Sport diet, or body-drying diet, is very popular among professional athletes, athletes, bodybuilders, fitness instructors and bodybuilders.
It is often used in preparation for any competitions or performances to not only lose weight( for 2-3 months you can reduce weight to 30 kilograms), but also get rid of ugly fat folds, giving the figure a beautiful relief.
The essence and contraindications of the diet for drying the body ^
The purpose of drying the body is to get rid of fat deposits as much as possible while completely retaining the muscle mass. At its core, it is a low-carbohydrate protein diet, often called ketone.
Due to the maximum reduction in the amount of carbohydrates( up to the critical level), which are known to be the main "fuel" for the vital functions of all organs and systems, the body has to switch to extracting energy from fat stores.
Like all extreme programs for weight loss, the body drying diet has many contraindications and is suitable only for healthy people. In inattentive use, it can literally kill, since with acute glucose deficiency, ketoacidosis can develop rapidly, up to total intoxication of the body and development of coma.
In particular, body drying is strictly prohibited for use in the following cases:
- for kidney disease,
- liver,
- stomach,
- intestine,
- pancreas,
- in the presence of cardiovascular problems.
It is also contraindicated for pregnant, breastfeeding mothers and diabetics. But, even if you do not have the above listed diseases, be sure to consult a doctor so as not to harm your health.
In addition, because of the rigid low-carbohydrate diet, and, as a consequence, low blood glucose levels, the general weakness of the body occurs, psychological and physical activity decreases, dizziness and inhibition of intellectual activity are not uncommon. Therefore, losing weight to maintain vitality often enough to resort to stimulants in the form of green tea, containing caffeine.
According to fitness trainers, not everyone can adhere to the program of drying the body, as for maximum effect you need not only strictly observe proper nutrition, but also intensively engage in physical training - otherwise you can get a skinny gaunt look instead of a beautiful figure.
If drying the body for the first time, you need to closely monitor your feelings - with discomforts, discomfort, the appearance of acetone from the mouth or dizziness, the diet should be stopped immediately. If you feel very bad, drink a sweet juice - this will help quickly normalize your condition.
Body Drying Diet for Girls ^
Body Drying Diet: Burns Fat and Preserves Muscle
There are many types of programs for body drying, but within this article, consider the classic option for girls who lead a normal lifestyle.
Basic principles of nutrition when drying the body
- Basic nutrition should consist of low-fat protein products - chicken breast without skin, eggs( only protein), white lean fish and cottage cheese of zero fat content. These products can be eaten without restriction, when and how much you want. In addition, the use of a sufficient amount of protein is a prerequisite, as the protein will preserve muscle mass and will not "burn" the muscles during training.
- Do not completely eliminate fats from your menu, so as not to damage your skin and hair, do not spoil your eyesight and well-being and do not worsen the metabolism. Unnecessary animal fats exclude, and useful essential fatty acids in the form of vegetable oils( olive, linseed or sunflower) must necessarily be present in a small amount in the daily diet( at least 2 tablespoons a day).
- To calculate the amount of carbohydrates consumed, you can use the calorie and food composition tables, the Kremlin diet table or the table of bread units( XE).As a source of carbohydrates, whole-grain wheat and buckwheat cereals with a low glycemic index, pasta from rye cereals, and various vegetables that are poor in carbohydrates, but with a high content of fiber, which contributes to the elimination of toxins and the normalization of useful intestinal microflora, are preferred. Tomatoes, grapefruits, cucumbers, greens, cabbage and other vegetables are useful, except potatoes, beets and carrots.
- Since it takes a long time to digest carbohydrate food, try to consume carbohydrates before dinner, and proteins, on the contrary, in the afternoon. Before you leave the house, be sure to have breakfast and do not allow large intervals between meals( more than 5-7 hours).
- Exclude from the diet fried, canned, smoked and spicy dishes, ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces, alcohol, sweet and flour products. Drink plenty of fluids - at least 2 liters of clean water a day to avoid dehydration and constipation. Ginger or green tea without sugar is also allowed.
- To ensure that when losing weight is not sagged and was not flabby "superfluous" skin, regularly engage in intense physical exertion. This is very important, because the muscle tissue is split much faster and easier than fat - so as not to lose muscle, do not neglect power and aerobic workouts, not only during drying, but also after its termination.
The body drying diet for girls lasts an average of several months and consists of three consecutive steps that can be repeated several cycles to the desired loss of fat.
- The first week of drying is preparatory - the total amount of carbohydrates, calculated from the tables, should be 2 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. Enter the process of losing weight smoothly, so that there is not a lot of stress for the body. If you really want a sweet one, eat a banana or an apple, if you want a roast, use this dish in a cooked form.
- Then the number of carbohydrates consumed consistently decreases - in the second week to 1 g for each kilogram of body weight, and on the third is brought to a minimum - 0.5 g per kilogram.
- The third week is the most strict - in the menu there are only products with a high protein content and almost complete absence of carbohydrates.
After the third week, you can either stay on the same diet( 0.5 grams of carbohydrate per kg) as much as you need to reach the desired weight, or go backwards, that is, go first consistently to the menu of the second week and then the first. Drastic withdrawal from drying is impossible, not to provoke swelling, rapid weight loss and general deterioration of well-being.
Sample menu for drying the body
- First week - skim curd, 0.5% milk or 1% kefir( no more than 1 cup), boiled beef, chicken breast( skinless), seafood, boiled or baked sea fish, vegetables( tomatoes, greens, cabbage, cucumbers - without restrictions), 2 eggs, 1 orange and 1 apple( before lunch).At night 1 tbsp.bran.
- The second week - 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken breasts, boiled or baked sea fish, 1 cucumber, 1 bunch of parsley, bran( 1 tablespoon 3 times a day).
- The third week - 8 proteins boiled eggs, boiled chicken breasts, 1 bunch of parsley and bran( 3 times a day for 1 st.lozhke).
To those who seem to be too extreme with the method of muscle drying, you can try a milder version of the protein-carbohydrate diet BEACH( protein-carbohydrate alternation), which is much easier to transfer because of a more balanced and varied menu.
In order to have a beautiful fit figure and feel great, according to experts, do not dry the body more than once a year. The ideal option - once dried, and then, with the help of proper nutrition, regular exercise and a competent daily routine, keep the result.
Physical stress when drying the body ^
Physical loads during drying of the body play a crucial role, since they help to keep muscles, do not let the skin fall and maximize the process of losing weight. The most useful aerobic training( running, biking, aerobics, dancing), especially running, not fast, but slow, aimed at training endurance.
But note that the maximum effect can be obtained from a run lasting at least 40 minutes. The main condition for success - you need to run only after all the stores of carbohydrates are burned, otherwise a positive effect will not be achieved. Therefore it is desirable to run either after classes in the gym, or early in the morning, immediately after sleep, when the body has used up carbohydrate stores. Before jogging, eat one apple or something like that.
As for various fat burners and preparations for drying the body, doctors warn that their use is very dangerous and can lead to excessive metabolism acceleration and the risk of ketoacidosis. Therefore.try to avoid any "chemistry", because it is better to spend more time on weight loss than after many years to restore lost health.