Fast diet for weight loss
Fast diet will help to lose weight by 7 kg in 3 days
Fast diet -this is a rooted weight loss program that will help correct the figure after the holidays, before an important event, a beach season or an upcoming vacation.
Essence and principles of dietary techniques for rapid weight loss ^
All fast diets tend to contribute to weight loss by consuming low-calorie foods for a few days in limited quantities.
Applying one of any options for accelerated weight loss programs, you can easily lose weight, remove from the waist extra centimeters and tighten the tummy.
The authorized products of the accelerated diet programs include:
- Oat, rice and buckwheat groats;
- Vegetables in fresh or cooked form - pumpkin, carrots, beets, garlic, cucumbers, peppers, celery and tomatoes;
- Greens - parsley, green salad, dill, basil and so on.
- Fruit, incl.exotic, citrus fruits and any berries;
- Low-fat dairy and sour-milk products - yogurt, milk, kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka and sour cream;
- Fish, eggs and lean meat;
- Nuts, grains and dried fruits;
- Unsafe drinks - green tea, cocoa;
- Mineral water, natural juices and fruit drinks.
Fast dietary programs oblige to observe several mandatory rules:
- To adhere to a dietary diet should be no more than a week;
- Standards of ready meals should not exceed 200 grams;
- You need to eat 4-5 times during the day;
- Drink up to 2 liters of drinking water daily, in addition to juices and drinks;
- Cooked meals should be steam, baked or boiled.
As most popular methods of rapid weight loss completely change the habitual diet, they have significant drawbacks: the lost weight can soon return, and rapid weight loss can provoke a stressful condition in the body.
The plus of fast dietary techniques is effective weight loss in the shortest time. Express weight loss is strictly contraindicated to people in old age, with pregnancy and in the presence of diseases of the liver, kidneys, blood vessels, stomach and heart.
Fastest diets: varieties and features ^
Among the fastest diet programs for weight loss the most popular among slimming people use the following:
The fastest diet of
This express technique is good because in 3 days the extra 5 kg easily leave the body along with toxins and toxins, located in the intestine.
The diet for three days is equally strict, requiring compulsory compliance:
- 08-00: a glass of drinking water;
- 08-20: hot milk with ch.l.cocoa and honey;
- 13-00: Grapefruit;
- 13-20: any boiled meat, vegetable salad;
- 16-00: vegetable broth;
- 18-00: vegetable broth;
- 20-00: Vegetable broth.
The recipe for cooking a dietary broth: in a half liter of water, add a kilogram of leeks, half a kilo of tomatoes and 300 g of carrots. Cook should be about 20 minutes, then drain and the broth is ready.
Fast prune diet
Dietary prune technique will help to reduce weight by 4 kg within 4 days. In addition, prunes contain potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and other useful trace elements, which help to strengthen the heart and cleanse the bowels of toxins.
The first day of
- Morning: grapefruit, egg, prunes 2 pcs.;
- Lunch: 7 pcs.prunes, lettuce( cabbage, boiled carrots with beets, peas, walnuts, greens), tea;
- Snack: grapefruit juice;
- Evening: orange, tea, fish boiled.
The second day of
- Morning: a couple of prunes, a slice of hard cheese;
- Lunch: broccoli stew, a piece of beef,
- Snack: berry syrup;
- Evening: fruit salad with prunes.
Third day
- Morning: prunes 3 pieces, bread with ham;
- Lunch: a couple of prunes, vegetable soup without potatoes;
- Snack: Mandarin;
- Evening: kefir with 5 pcs.chopped prunes.
- Morning: steamed gherkin porridge, 5 prunes;
- Lunch: salad( prunes, cucumber, cabbage, tomato);
- Snack: cereal yogurt;
- Evening: a ham with ham, a handful of raisins, 7 pcs.prunes.
Rapid diet of models
Fast 3-day diet, which contributes to weight loss up to 7 kg and is very popular among podium stars, consists of the following tough diet:
- Breakfast: raw egg, unsweetened coffee drink or tea;
- Lunch: a piece of beef boiled, cut into pieces;
- Dinner: warm green tea, a portion of cottage cheese.
Kefir Fast Diet
A mono-diet based on kefir is designed for 2 days, for which you can say goodbye to 3 to 4 extra pounds.
The basis of the kefir food system is 1% kefir in the amount of 2 liters per day.
The sour milk drink is divided into 6 equal parts and is consumed throughout the day. The best time for such weight loss is the weekend, because in this dietary period the intestine starts to work in a strengthened mode.
Milk - banana fast diet
The daily diet of a fast four - day dietary method is 4 glasses of milk and 4 bananas. They can be passed through a blender and add a spoonful of honey or eat separately.
After 4 days of milk and banana nutrition, the body weight is guaranteed to decrease by 4 kg. Despite the fact that the food ration is rather monotonous, a successful combination of milk and a ripe banana will brighten it with its taste qualities.
Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about diets for rapid weight loss ^
The results of fast diets depend on the chosen option, the characteristics of the body and the desired effect. However, whichever version of the accelerated dietary method is selected, the result will be a weight loss of over 2 kg.
It should be noted that fast diet programs, although they contribute to instant weight loss, but still, are quite difficult to transfer. In addition, the lost weight can easily return back. Therefore, only the right way out of weight loss will help to maintain a harmonious shape of the body for a long time.
If the diet of fast methods is two or three products, then the yield involves reducing these products and gradually switching on other foods. If the food ration is more diverse, then in the next days it is necessary to slowly switch to the usual food, avoiding overeating.
However, if you want to save weight for a long time, you should forget about soda, sweet, flour, confectionery, fried foods, fatty foods and fast food.
Reviews of fast diets among women who have lost weight on this or that accelerated technique are very positive. But, unfortunately, many dropped kilograms for a few weeks often come back. Only those losing weight who came out right after losing weight, were able to keep the desired weight.
Nutritionists and doctors do not recommend the use of rapid weight loss techniques, because they can adversely affect your health. Doctors agree that it is safer to lose weight gradually, without tormenting yourself with a debilitating feeling of hunger and without causing harm to the body.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: