  • Model diet

    Read in the article:
    • Weight loss diet: the essence of the methodology, pluses and minuses
    • Rigid model diet for losing weight at home: menus, rules
    • Efficient model diet: doctors' reviews, the results of losing weight

    Model diet: reviews and results of losing weight

    Modeldiet is one of the most difficult but effective ways to lose weight, characterized by a restriction of calories and some prohibitions, so you can throw off excess pounds in just a few days.

    Diet model for weight loss: the essence of the methodology, pluses and minuses ^

    This model agency is most often used in front of important shows, and the models have to rigidly limit themselves in nutrition.

    But the result does not take long to wait: after a few days they are in great shape, and please their viewers with a beautiful elegant figure.

    Many people want to know the secret of the diet for the model figure, but no one assumes how simple it is: just do not eat high-calorie food - sweets and fatty foods - and also adhere to certain rules.

    instagram viewer

    It is thanks to a strict diet and weight loss occurs: with a shortage of calories, the body produces them on its own, splitting fat deposits. Thus, the high efficiency of the model diet for weight loss allows you to significantly reduce weight and keep yourself in shape.

    Advantages of the model diet:

    • In addition to losing weight, it cleanses the body well, and useful products improve the skin condition;
    • With its help you can achieve fast results in a short time, because the caloric content of the model diet does not exceed 1000 Kcal per day.

    There are some drawbacks to this method:

    • Those who are not used to limiting themselves in nutrition may feel hungry for the first time;
    • The diet is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as people with any chronic illnesses.

    How much can I lose on a model diet without harm to my health

    For a week on a diet, the weight is reduced by 8-9 kilograms, so it is not recommended to use it for longer than 14 days. All this time is allowed to eat the following foods:

    • Low-fat varieties of meat or fish;
    • Curd and other sour-milk products;
    • Any vegetables other than potatoes;
    • Fruits and berries.

    Rigid model diet for losing weight at home: menu, rules ^

    Model diet: recipes for weight loss, menu

    Rules for weight loss on the model diet:

    • To accelerate the excretion of fluid from the body, you need to use as little salt as possible and increase the amount of water you drinkup to 2 liters per day;
    • For a day you can not eat more than 1000 Kcal;
    • It is forbidden to eat after 15.00;
    • You need to eat 5 times a day, and if you feel hungry, have a bite of greens. For example, parsley - it quickly quenches the appetite.

    Model diet for 3 days: menu

    To lose 3-4 kg weight, it is recommended to use this menu:

    • Lunch boiled egg;
    • For lunch we eat low-fat cottage cheese( 130 g), we drink green tea;
    • After 2.5 hours, repeat the same thing, and then - drink only water.

    Model diet for 7 days

    For slimming 5-7 kg more soft menu option is offered:

    • We have breakfast with boiled meat( 50 g), we drink a cup of tea with a sandwich of black bread with butter;
    • For lunch, fry 100 grams of meat or fish without oil and fat, eat vegetable salad and fruit, drink tea;
    • For tea snack;
    • We dine with a boiled egg and a salad of green vegetables.

    Model diet for curds

    This option involves the use of only low-fat cottage cheese and green tea for 3 days:

    • Daily eat up to 400 g of sour-milk product;
    • Drink 3-4 cups of tea.

    Cabbage model diet

    This method can be used no more than 10 days, and the weight is reduced by 7-8 kg:

    • We have breakfast coffee or tea without sugar;
    • Lunch boiled, braised or fresh cabbage;
    • We drink kefir for a mid-morning snack;Dinner with boiled meat and cabbage salad.

    Recipes for dishes for the model diet

    Cabbage salad recipe

    • Shred cabbage finely, grate the carrot;
    • We fill with olive oil or lemon juice.

    Salad Recipe with spinach

    • Grind the spinach, boil the beans;
    • Mix everything with canned peas, fill with olive oil.

    The recipe for stewed cabbage

    • Moem and shred cabbage;
    • We put on the stove pan, we pour a little water and oil into it, we put cabbage there;
    • Cut the carrots and onions, put them in a saucepan;Simmer on low heat until cooked.
    We also recommend that you read the Victoria Beckham Diet article.

    Effective model diet: doctors' reviews, results of losing weight ^

    Nutritionists do not recommend resorting to dieting patterns too often, since such fasting can adversely affect the performance of internal organs. It is enough to use it no more than twice a year, and all the rest of the time to maintain weight by regular unloading days, sports and proper nutrition.

    The correct exit from the model diet implies the following:

    • The usual foods should be included in the diet gradually, for two weeks, adding 1 new dish in 2 days;
    • You can not eat sweets and fat for another 2 weeks from the beginning of the release.

    Results of the model diet for rapid weight loss:

    • Sharp weight loss;
    • Cleansing the body.

    Reviews about the model diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:

    Alina, 28 years old:

    "I tried to eat one cottage cheese - I barely lasted 3 days. I was hungry all the time, but I threw off 3.5 kg for this period, and I think that this result is very good "

    Galina, 35 years old:

    " I love cabbage and, accordingly, the model diet also chose cabbage. She survived all 10 days, and almost did not want to eat. Standing on the scales, I saw that 8 hated pounds seemed to evaporate, which was extremely gratifying. "

    Daria, 39 years old:

    " I lost 6.5 kilos on a weekly diet of mannequins. Of course, not without starvation, but this effect is difficult to achieve by eating your favorite food. Incidentally, the kilogram after it really does not return, if you continue to eat correctly: I had 52 kg after it six months ago, and I remained ยป