Yoga diet
Yoga diet - a special nutrition system for achieving harmony of body and spirit
Yoga diet -a special nutrition system aimed at achieving psychological and physical harmony, along with breathing exercises, exercises and meditation.
Features of yoga nutrition system ^
The lifestyle of a yogi should be solitary and calm, and the food is natural, simple and useful. It is believed that a person who does not know the restrictions in eating( mitahara), is not able to achieve success and independently engages injuries and illnesses.
Recommended products:
- Vegetables, fruits, berries.
- Greenery, cereals.
- Nuts, honey.
- Milk.
It should be noted that food should only be subjected to minimal heat treatment, since yogis are recommended to eat food stuffed with "prana", i.e.vital energy.
The bird, fish and meat - prana are not filled, therefore, processing dead tissue, the body loses vital energy. But animal protein is full and only it contains all essential acids. Vegetable food contains protein, but it does not contain many essential amino acids.
Yogis extract everything necessary for healthy life from milk, because, in their opinion, it has a huge supply of prana. Yoga propagandists teach milk and vegetarian food very popular, although some of them can manage without milk, adhering to a purely vegetarian diet. But in both cases, the use of a large number of nuts as a source of protein is suggested.
Prohibited products are the most powerful prana destroyers:
- All kinds of meat, fish and eggs.
- In large quantities, coffee and tea. They excite the nervous system and prevent proper management of emotions and thoughts.
- Onions and garlic are poorly digested, they release gases in the intestines, a huge amount of prana is consumed to eliminate the consequences.
- Drugs, alcoholic beverages and nicotine are "poisons of pleasure", are strictly forbidden.
- Paprika and chili, curry not used for food, like all very bitter, hot and acidic foods. Negatively affect the health of the digestive tract.
- Do not re-warmed and fried foods.
- Products from yeast dough cause fermentation and disrupt intestinal microflora, weakening immunity.
- Honey and sweet fruits replace sugar.
Basic rules for eating:
- Food intake should occur in a good mood and be perceived as an act of unity with nature.
- At dinner, a quarter of the stomach should be filled with air, a quarter with water and half with solid food.
- Before performing asanas, the stomach should not be filled.
Indian yogis diet: 9 and 40 days menu ^
The nine-day method is aimed at cleansing the body and is used in yoga. However, it can be used effectively for weight loss.
Menu for 9 days
- one and a half grapefruit and 1 glass of "live drink".
- It is necessary to wring out the juice from 5 carrots, 2 stalks of celery, a bunch of parsley, half a half-liter can of chopped lettuce. Juice diluted in a liter of clean water.
- Salad from seasonal vegetables and a drink( 1 cup).
- Boiled vegetable 1 type, the amount is not limited( except potatoes), a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, a drink of live 1 serving.
You can eat up to 5 oranges in snacks. Lemon juice( one and a half fruit) you can fill salad and boiled vegetables, add to plain water.
The cleansing diet of yogis gives lightness, clarity of mind, improves mood and has a rejuvenating effect. It is useful to spend time in the sun and take a bath with salt. It is difficult to sustain it, but the result will be stunning.
The diet of Indian yogis has been formed for thousands of years and represents a certain philosophy of nutrition, leading a person to a healthy and happy lifestyle. In the food chain of yogis, plant food, filled with the living energy of the sun, is at the very top and represents the greatest value.
Yoga diet for weight loss
The diet program can be successfully adapted to the life of a person who does not practice yoga. It will help lose weight and normalize weight. You can make a menu based on your own taste habits and following the basic rules.
Three meals are advertised, because it takes up to 6 hours to fully digest it. The food is thoroughly chewed. Dinner after 6 pm is prohibited. Drinking regime 2-3 liters of ordinary water.
- For breakfast it is recommended to eat foods that contain starch - bezdozhzhevoy bread, cereal cereals, baked potatoes. Semi-starchy vegetables and greens.
- A lunch meal involves protein food. Dairy products 2 times a week, on other days - nuts, seeds, greens and dishes from them.
- Dinner - berries, vegetables, dried fruits and fruits.
The food should be separate, as indicated in the menu, it is impossible to mix protein and starchy foods.
Yoga diet for 40 days
With the help of meditation and hut, a special energy of kundalini awakens, weight loss is due to a special mood that breaks the connection between eating and enjoying food. Yoga kundalini diet changes attitudes towards food - a person takes food only when really hungry, and in the amount necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
Kundalini yoga and the green diet of are well combined. Yogi Bhajan promotes nutrition, which allows you to eat only green food inside or outside. It promotes weight loss, blood and liver cleansing, improves skin condition and removes toxic mucus from the digestive tract.
Duration of the diet program is 40 days, the menu consists of the following green products:
- Green lentils and peas, green beans. Pistachios, pumpkin seeds and butter.
- Greens, lettuce, green onions and herbs.
- Cucumbers, zucchini, bell pepper, all varieties of cabbage and white-washed leaves, artichokes, green tomatoes.
- Kiwi, green apples, grapes, pears, dates, watermelon, avocado, nutmeg and others.
Yoga rice diet
Yogic diet on rice is extremely popular and has already helped many people lose weight. Rice diet of yogis, who are adherents of this culture, is used for purification and removal of waste and salts. They help it to feel lightness in the body, and ordinary people lose weight.
- Rice should be eaten for breakfast.
- It is necessary to number the packaging for rice( 4 pcs.).Every day, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of rinsed rice water and clean in the refrigerator.
- You get 4 jars, change the water every day.
- On the fifth day in the bank number 1 rice is ready, it needs to be cooked and eaten for breakfast. In this jar put a new portion and mark it number 5.
- And so on the chain for two weeks.
Results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about the yoga diet for weight loss ^
People for whom yoga has become the meaning of life and have grasped its subtleties, as a rule, are healthy, they are old and flexible. The results of the diet of yogis are contradictory. Some come to her because of illness, and they manage to heal. But this is a whole philosophy, which can not be understood by many. The doctors' comments about the yoga diet are rather cautious - in their opinion, it can even do harm to an unprepared person.
Not everyone agrees with vegetarianism, but many recommendations, for example, a thorough chewing on food, a positive attitude, really, will help get rid of gastrointestinal problems and nervous disorders. Food that does not contain cholesterol, protects against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
Raw food in our climatic conditions is hardly reasonable. Yes, and find in the winter time, quality, live foods: greens, fruits, berries, as required by yoga, is almost impossible. But in the season of harvest of local fruits and vegetables, it is possible to use the technique of yogis, and use it for weight loss. This will help to lose weight, cleanse the body and strengthen health. Special asanas will make the figure flexible, light and slender. After all, you can choose exercises aimed at a specific area of the body.
It is also recommended to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release to help you lose weight fast and effectively: