Chemical Diet
Chemical diet will help in 4 weeks to get rid of 20-28 extra pounds
Name"Chemical diet" does not mean that you need to take chemical preparations for weight loss with the help of this program.
Essence and features of the diet on chemical reactions ^
The essence of this technique is to compose a diet so that the products are well combined and cause certain chemical reactions in the body.
It is these chemical reactions that give incredible results, helping to cleanse the body, and also lose extra pounds.
The chemical dietary method is ideal for those people whose weight has exceeded 100 kg, as for a month of compliance it can be lost to 20 - 28 hated pounds. The chemical diet is relatively strict and complex.
The main secret of the chemical method is not in calculating the calories, but in clearly performing the specified diet. Breaking down even once, you need to start from the very beginning.
For convenience, it is customary to start a chemical diet from Monday. The program is designed in such a way that the diet is written specifically on the days of the week. After retreating or skipping at least one day of the diet program, it must be started again from the first day of the week.
The main principles of the chemical program, which must be fulfilled without fail:
- The main product present in the diet of this technique is a chicken egg, which must be hard-boiled. This product has very few kilocalories, it is quite hearty, and in combination with grapefruit for breakfast promotes weight loss.
- Products recorded in the menu, in any case can not be replaced with more suitable, in your opinion. At the same time, products that you do not consume, you can simply exclude from your diet.
- When an intolerable desire to eat is allowed to make a snack, for which light vegetables such as lettuce leaves or cucumbers are excellent. The only rule is: from the moment of breakfast or lunch, that is, the main meal should take at least 2 hours.
- Vegetables in this program are generally welcomed. The use of potatoes is prohibited.
- It is important to strictly observe the portions indicated in the menu of the chemical diet, but if the amount of the consumed product is not indicated, it is allowed to eat until the feeling of satiety, but in no case overeat.
- Cooking should be done on water, not on oil. You can make dishes more delicious by cooking them in the oven or on the grill.
- To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to limit the intake of salt, which delays the fluid in the body.
- If the author indicates the citrus in the menu of the chemical program, it means orange or grapefruit, if the fruit - any fruits are allowed at your discretion, except grapes, dates, bananas, mangoes or figs. If the menu indicates meat, it is necessarily low-fat and boiled, grilled or roasted without the use of sunflower oil, if the chicken is without the skin, which is very caloric and does not benefit the body. You can not eat mutton during chemical methods.
- It is very important to observe the water regime, that is, drink at least 1.5 liters of plain still water per day. At the same time, it does not need to drink down food, you should drink water between meals and snacks. In addition to water, it is allowed to drink in limited quantities coffee, soda water, herbal, green teas.
The chemical program has a number of undoubted advantages:
- The diet is composed in such a way that the feeling of hunger appears very rarely.
- The menu is balanced and contains many biologically active substances and vitamins necessary for the body.
- You can sit on a chemical slimming program for both young and old people. She has no limitations at the age.
- It is available and effective.
Like many other dietary techniques, the chemical diet has disadvantages:
- Breakfasts are always the same.
- The body receives a lot of proteins, so before starting a diet, you need to consult a specialist.
- The chemical program for losing weight is quite strict and provides for the precise implementation of all rules and recommendations.
- It is contraindicated for people suffering from atherosclerosis, chronic liver diseases, and also having problems with the stomach.
Chemical diet: menus for 1, 2 and 4 weeks ^
The menu of chemical methods for 1,2 and 4 weeks differs only in duration, so people can choose for themselves the number of weeks and the number of extra kilograms that they want to lose.
Menu of the first week
Daily to describe the products used for breakfast is inexpedient, because for 4 weeks they are the same. Breakfast should consist of a pair of eggs and citrus.
- For lunch, it is allowed to consume fruits of one kind that are allowed by this program.
- Dinner consists of 150 grams of meat( the rules for its preparation are described in the main principles of the diet).
- Lunch: 150 grams of chicken meat.
- Dinner: salad with egg and fresh vegetables, citrus.
- Lunch: Toast with low-fat cottage cheese and a small tomato.
- Dinner: a portion of meat.
- Lunch: some kind of fruit.
- Dinner: meat, salad of green vegetables.
- Lunch: a couple of eggs and boiled vegetables.
- Dinner: a portion of boiled fish, light salad, citrus.
- Lunch: fruit.
- Dinner: meat and vegetable salad.
- Lunch: chicken breast, medium sized tomato, citrus.
- Dinner: boiled vegetables.
Menu of the second week
- Lunch: meat, summer salad.
- Dinner: a slice of bread, a couple of eggs, boiled vegetables, citrus.
- Lunch: similar to Monday.
- Dinner: such as on Monday.
- Lunch and dinner are the same as on Monday.
- Lunch: eggs, low-fat cheese, fresh vegetables.
- Dinner: a couple of eggs.
- Lunch: fish.
- Dinner: 2 eggs. Dinner: tomatoes and meat, citrus.
- Dinner: fruit salad of allowed fruits.
- Lunch: chicken, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, orange.
- Dinner: similar to lunch.
Menu of the third week
Every day of the 3rd week you only need to eat one kind of the specified product.
- Monday: fruit day.
- Tuesday: vegetable day.
- Wednesday: fruit and vegetable day.
- Thursday: A fish day, during which it is allowed to eat fresh vegetables in addition to fish.
- Friday: a meat day, during which you still need to eat vegetables.
- Saturday and Sunday are the days in which only fruits are eaten.
Fourth week menu
The products recorded in the diet of the last week should be evenly distributed and eaten throughout the day.
- Monday: One slice of bread, meat( 400 g) and canned tuna( 200 g), vegetables( 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers) and fruit.
- Tuesday: Toast, 200 grams of meat, 4 cucumbers and 3 tomatoes, fruit.
- Medium: a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, cucumbers and tomatoes( 2 pieces each).
- Thursday: half of chicken, tomatoes and cucumbers( 3 pieces and 1 piece respectively), citrus and a slice of bread.
- Friday: a couple of eggs, 3 tomatoes, lettuce leaves, citrus fruits.
- Saturday: 2 chicken breasts, cucumbers, tomatoes( 2 pcs.), 120 g curd or a glass of curdled milk, cracker.
- Sunday: canned tuna, boiled vegetables, cucumbers and tomatoes( 2 pieces each), a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese, citrus and toast.
Reviews of doctors and the results of diets on chemical processes ^
After the end of the chemical diet program, during which you can lose up to 28 kg of excess weight, you need to get out of it correctly in order not to gain weight again in the subsequent time. If the results of the chemical diet have pleased you, you can eat in the usual way, if not - repeat 1- 1 and 4 th week.
To maintain a harmonious figure, you need to limit the consumption of sugar and flour products, as well as regularly engage in sports. Numerous positive reviews about the chemical diet of thinning-proof of its effectiveness and easy tolerability.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: