Diet models and models
Diet of fashion models - the secret of harmony of models Victoria Secret
Any self-respecting girl strives for an ideal appearance and a slim figure, and if it is a model that should walk on the catwalk and constantly be in the spotlight, then you can not do without a perfect figure.
What can I do if these extra pounds still appeared? To do this, there is a wonderful way out - a diet of models in combination with activities in the gym and an active lifestyle.
Essence and rules of nutrition for models ^
The main principle of the diet program, developed by dietitians especially for models and models, is eating only in the first active half of the day. Dinners and evening snacks are completely excluded.
There are certain rules for powering the models, observance of which necessarily leads to the desired result:
- rejection of fatty and sweet food;
- cancellation of canned food of different categories;
- exclusion from the diet of products containing preservatives and chemical additives;
- adding to the menu of fat-burning fruits - pineapples and grapefruits;
- inclusion in a food of a complex of multivitamins;
- increase in fluid intake in any form, primarily simple still water and green tea without sugar.
But it must be taken into account that the dietary technique of models, like any other, has contraindications:
- When protein products are sorted, imbalances in the body can occur, which breaks the metabolism and leads to many diseases.
- If a person has a suspicion of a stomach or bowel disease, then one must also think about the insecurity of losing weight.
- Any exacerbation of chronic diseases is a call to attention and cancellation of any hard and soft diets.
- A dietary program for models can not be used by nursing mothers and pregnant women.
Diet Models: menus for 3 and 7 days ^
For an urgent weight loss there is a universal diet of fitness models, to which girls resort in a pinch. It should be known that it is rather stiff, therefore, with its constant application, health can significantly worsen. But using it sometimes, you can be sure that this universal program creates real miracles with the figures of the girls.
Models menu for 3 days
The universal rigid diet of the models lasts 3 days, during which you can lose excess 4 - 5 kg. But before you start losing weight, you need to be patient and patient.
The first day of
- In the morning, unsalted pearl barley is allowed on the water. Run it with any oil. For breakfast, you can add a carrot salad with lemon juice and a small slice of bread, preferably a cereal.
- The lunch meal is also quite meager - a stew of vegetables, seasoned with butter, to it a cabbage salad with any herbs and sunflower oil.
- Early dinner includes unsalted porridge from buckwheat and shredded carrots with cabbage, seasoned with the juice of one lemon and a spoon of sunflower oil.
The second day of
- In the morning, a fresh porridge of pearl barley cooked on water is eaten, but with any butter and cabbage crispy salad.
- You can have lunch with oatmeal porridge with milk.
- Dinner consists of low-fat wheat porridge and a small portion of beet diet diet.
The third day
- In the morning a fresh porridge of pearl barley, boiled on water, and dressed with oil, carrots grated on a grater with lemon juice squeezed out.
- Lunch is very easy - low-fat soup from any vegetables or these vegetables are allowed to bake in the oven.
- For dinner, a couple of boiled potatoes and a cabbage salad are allowed.
In a similar way, a diet of Victoria Secret's models is made, which makes them slim like a cypress and helps not to lose the standard sizes for the mannequins - magical 90 - 60 - 90.
Models menu for 7 days
Another unique diet of the top models, designed for 7 "hungry" days, can be one of the great solutions and will not only provide the ideal figure, but also to preserve health. In such a program, fats and carbohydrates, necessary for the body to obtain energy and increase the elasticity of all tissues, are not excluded.
After all, as is known, loss of elasticity of body tissues is akin to death. The presence of the necessary amount of calcium is also considered mandatory. Due to its sufficient presence in the body, the health of the musculoskeletal system of a person directly depends.
So, you need to eat all day every couple of hours, while eating 1 of the allowed ingredients is allowed:
- First day - 100 grams of oatmeal, 100 g low fat curd, low-fat drinking yogurt, apples( 2 pcs), 1 orange,200 grams of chicken meat boiled.
- The second day - a glass of low-fat kefir, 100 grams of boiled buckwheat, 200 grams of boiled beef meat, 2 red tomatoes, a small grapefruit and 100 grams of prunes.
- The third day can be varied with milk( a glass), porridge from Chinese rice( 100 grams), baked fish of any kind( 200 g), Bulgarian pepper( 4 pcs.), Sweet mandarins( 4 pcs.), Small pears( 1 pc).), unsweetened green tea.
- The fourth day - 150 gr.low-fat cottage cheese, a pair of sweet pears, 200 gr.white cabbage, 5 cucumbers, 200 g.boiled chicken meat. On the fifth day - low-fat milk( a glass), 100 grams of boiled buckwheat, a can of sea kale, 200 grams of boiled or baked fish, a couple of apples, 4 small carrots, 2 small cups of unsweetened black tea.
- Sixth day - 100 grams of millet porridge, 200 grams of berries( can be fresh or frozen), a pair of medium oranges, 200 grams of broccoli broth, 150 grams of boiled beef meat.
- The last day - a glass of fat-free drinking yogurt, 100 grams of oatmeal, broth from chicken meat( one and a half glasses), 100 gr.dried raisins, boiled beets( 100 grams), 200 grams of boiled chicken meat, 2 pears and apples each.
The main conditions for the success of the diet models are:
- eating fruits and a variety of porridges in the first part of the day;
- for the second half of the day you can leave meat and fish products;
- kefir it is desirable to drink at night;
- drinking pure and mineral water, as well as herbal tea is allowed in unlimited quantities;
- if during the 7 - day program you add exercise, massage and wrapping, then the impressive result of the diet of the models will not keep you waiting.
Results and feedback on the fashion models ^
According to the reports of those who lost weight, as a result of the diet, you can easily lose 3-4 kilograms without harm to the body. However, doctors warn that such rigid diets can be arranged for themselves no more than once in six months. In addition, in order to preserve the result, it is necessary to remember the gradual withdrawal from the chosen method for weight loss.
Do not immediately jump on your favorite sweets and high-calorie foods, increase the caloric content of the diet gradually, giving preference to vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products and healthy home foods. If you meet all the requirements, any diet program designed to reduce weight will give positive and lasting results. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of girls who have experienced the benefits of a diet for models.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of nutritionists on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: