Diet Area
Diet Zone: reviewsand the results of weight loss
Diet Zone is a unique method of losing weight, allowing you to lose a few extra pounds without harming your health.
Diet Barry Sears Zone: The Essence of the Nutrition System, Efficacy and Features ^
The "Zone" diet was developed by the American dietician Barry Sears, and in a short time gained popularity with his compatriots and the French.
The technique for losing weight from Barry Sears "Zone" first surprised his patients, as the doctor suggested that they eat, using the slogan "Eat more and lose weight."When people saw the first results, the diet became very common not only in the US, but throughout the world.
The essence of the diet The zone consists in placing the body in the optimal zone for him, in which he can independently discard extra pounds. This requires only one - to observe the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates daily: 30, 30 and 40% per day, respectively.
Many are interested in whether the volumes go on a zonal diet? Of course, if all the rules are followed, waist and hip volumes are reduced, and the breasts are not affected, so women can use this technique absolutely calmly.
Advantages and disadvantages of the diet Weight loss zone
Zone feeding mode has many advantages:
- No harm to the body;
- Strengthening the muscles, improving the functioning of the brain;
- Prophylaxis for atherosclerosis;
- Enhance the protective properties of immunity;
- Deceleration of aging processes.
The disadvantages of the procedure are:
- Contraindications for kidney disease;
- Possible occurrence of acne;
- Too long diet compliance is fraught with hypertension, cholelithiasis, osteoporosis and other diseases in which the smallest protein content in food is needed.
How much can I lose on a diet Area
According to the author, for a week on a diet for problem areas it takes 500-700 g, so this method is not suitable for those who want to quickly lose weight.
Authorized products for zonal diet:
- Egg proteins;
- Dried fruits;
- Fermented milk products;
- Nuts;
- Lean meat;
- Berries;
- Fruits and vegetables;
- Red wine;
- Black bread;
- Ham;
- Beans.
When using a zonal diet, it is not allowed to eat sweets and fatty foods.
Diet Slimming zone: detailed menu, rules, recipes ^
Diet Zone: menu for the week, recipes
Diet Dr. Barry Sears zone: instruction for use
The author of the technique has outlined several rules that must be strictly observed:
- Breakfast is needed in an hourafter waking up;
- Drink 2 liters of water without gas per day;
- Eat 5 days a day;
- Perform physical exercises, it is desirable to do meditation - it normalizes the work of all organs of the body.
Diet Zone: menu for every day
This diet can be observed throughout life, as it is quite satisfying, but it helps slow weight loss.
- In the morning we eat a protein omelette with grated cheese, 100 g raisins, we drink coffee or tea;
- For lunch we eat seafood salad with dressing based on mayonnaise and lemon juice;
- We snack with yoghurt or sour cream( 50 g);
- We have dinner with a beef kettle;
- Before eating we eat a cup of raspberries or strawberries.
- We have breakfast with bacon( 50 g), oat porridge with chopped almonds, drink unsweetened tea or coffee;
- Lunch roasted in vegetable oil chicken fillet, tomato salad, 30 grams of cheese, 50 g of nuts and ½ apple;
- For a mid-morning snack we eat green peas or boiled beans, seasoned with vegetable oil;
- We have dinner with baked chicken fillet( 150 g), salad with spinach and a cup of strawberry;
- Before eating we eat low-fat cottage cheese( 50 g).
- We have breakfast with fruit salad with sour cream dressing, we eat 100 g raisins and a few walnuts, we drink coffee or tea;
- We have lunch since Monday;
- For a snack we eat a pack of cottage cheese with the addition of pieces of pineapple;
- We have dinner with baked fish and steam vegetables;
- At night we eat ham( 50 g) or as much boiled turkey.
- We have breakfast with yoghurt, fried bacon, tea or coffee;
- For lunch we eat baked chicken fillet( 150 g), salad with mushrooms and vegetables, as well as orange;
- We have half an apple half and a slice of low-fat cheese;
- We have dinner with baked pork with apples and vegetable salad;
- Before eating we eat yogurt, drink a glass of red dry wine
- For breakfast we eat croutons with the addition of berries, we drink tea;
- Lunch boiled chicken with vegetables, 100 g raisins and a piece of bran bread;
- For a mid-morning snack we eat a slice of ham, puree from lemon and avocado, half a cup of raisins;
- We have dinner with beef patties, boiled broccoli and apple;
- Before eating we eat berries( 100 g) and a few nuts.
- We have a breakfast of watermelon or melons( 1 slice), a slice of ham, tomato and tea;
- Lunch crab meat with salad leaf, cheese slice and a sandwich. Eat half an orange;
- We snack a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, pineapple in canned food( 50 g) and 50 g of almonds;
- We have dinner with roasted turkey fillet, boiled vegetables and 100 g of berries;
- At night we eat a couple of olives and a slice of ham.
- We have breakfast with an omelette with bacon, a slice of bread, half a grapefruit, tea or coffee;
- Lunch baked chicken fillet with vegetables, as well as a handful of plums;
- Lunch boiled egg, apple and almonds( 50 g);
- We have dinner with roasted salmon with garlic;
- Eat 50 grams of ham or poultry meat 1 hour before bedtime.
Protein Diet Zone
This diet has a more rigorous menu, which does not allow fried foods. With this technique, you can remove excess centimeters at the waist and hips for 2 weeks:
- For breakfast prepare a steam omelet, drink tea;
- Snack with yoghurt with the addition of fruit;
- We dine with seafood soup and a piece of boiled chicken;
- For a lunch we drink a glass of kefir;
- We are eating cottage cheese( 100 g).
Diet Zone: The best recipes
Omelet recipe for breakfast
- We break 4 eggs, separate the proteins from them;
- Warm up the greased frying pan, place the squirrels there, sprinkle them with grated cheese;
- Fry until done.
Recipe for cutlets
- 150 g of ground beef mixed with tomato paste and white boiled beans;
- Fry in vegetable oil, served with a salad of onions, peppers and herbs.
Recipe for baked pork
- Lubricate the pork with mustard( 150 g), cut the apples into mugs, put them on top;
- We pour all sauce from white wine and purified water;
- Bake in the oven at 250 degrees for a quarter of an hour.
Power system Zone for losing weight problem areas: reviews, results, history of losing weight ^
Many nutritionists do not recommend using the Barry Sears technique for more than two weeks, because they consider her diet unbalanced, and in some cases even contributing to weight gain. Supporters of the author on the contrary consider the diet to be effective and healthy, and recommend using its menu throughout life.
According to those who have already tried this option for weight loss, as a result of the diet Zone they managed to lose 7-8 kilograms in one month without harm to the body, and normalize digestion.
The exit after the zonal diet is not particularly difficult, since the diet itself is not considered strict: it is enough simply to increase or decrease the balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
Reviews of doctors about diet for weight loss zone
Tatyana, 39 years old, cardiologist:
"In general, I like the menu, but I would recommend removing the last meal, as eating at night puts stress on internal organs, includingheart »
Eugene, 43, nutritionist:
" Sears' method reminds me of Kvasnevsky's diet, only the latter has priority in its priority - some fats. I do not exclude that in this case you can really lose weight, but you need to do sports or at least run for it. "
Marina, 35 years old, gastroenterologist:
" If a person does not have gastrointestinal diseases, I do not see any contraindicationsfor its part for this diet. Her menu is well planned so that a person does not starve, but also does not allow overeating "