Diet for allergies
Diet for allergies: testimonials and patient results
For allergy sufferers special foodis an important part of getting rid of the symptoms and reducing the frequency of their manifestation, since often the food depends on the food allergies to products and external sources: dust, wool, ragweed, etc.
Features of the diet for allergy ^
Allergy is a chronic disease that is the reaction of the immune system to contact with hair, dust, poplar fluff, ragweed, ragweed or food.
Its symptoms appear in the form of itching, redness, sneezing, coughing, wheezing in the lungs, but it is often complicated by suffocation, asthma or Quinck's swelling.
Do you need a special diet for treating allergies
If an allergy occurs on external stimuli, then a diet for allergy sufferers helps to strengthen immunity and alleviate the symptoms of its manifestation. When the disease concerns certain foods, they must immediately be excluded from the diet. Most often, a food allergy occurs on the following dishes:
- Citrus fruits;
- Sweets;
- Canned food;
- Cocoa;
- Pickles, smoked or pickled dishes;
- By-products( liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.);
- Alcohol;
- Baking and other flour products;
- Food containing food additives and coloring agents;
- Milk.
To find out which products a person has an allergy, you can use a blood test, which you need to take in the direction of an allergist.
Of course, the therapeutic diet and diet for allergies is made depending on what is its source:
- If the body reacts negatively to the animal protein, then sour-milk products, fish and meat are excluded, and the ration is made up of vegetables, fruits and cereals;
- When an allergy occurs on pollen, seeds are prohibited, and the remaining products are allowed;
- With allergies to animal hair, you can eat anything except pork and beef;
- With gluten allergies, cereals and flour products are excluded;
- If the symptoms of the disease appear due to house dust, then the seafood should be removed from the diet.
Thus, it is only the person who can determine which diet is needed for an allergy by determining the source of the allergen. Many people are interested in whether the therapeutic diet helps with the treatment of allergies, and here it is important to clarify the following: properly formulated nutrition significantly increases immunity, so the effect of hypoallergenic menus will be noticeable in just a few days.
Diet for allergy in pregnant women is of no small importance, because the state of the fetus depends on the mother's state of health, but the menu should be as balanced and useful as possible.
Allergy diet rules:
- If the food allergy source is known, it is always prohibited;
- It is recommended to practice five meals a day: this does not overload the body and ensure the best absorption of food.
Diet for allergies in adults and children: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for allergies: therapeutic menu, recipes for allergy sufferers
Therapeutic diet table number 7 for allergy
To reduce the allergic reaction to external stimuli, you should limit the consumption of protein foods, and giveAdvantage to carbohydrates:
- We have breakfast with boiled egg, buckwheat porridge and tea;
- At lunch we eat a baked pumpkin;
- We have lunch with milk soup, potato casserole and jelly;
- We snack a curd soufflé;
- Supper with a salad of vegetables, a slice of chicken and a glass of fruit juice.
Diet for allergies in adults
Over the age of 15 helps to strengthen the immunity of a large number of fruits and vegetables in the menu:
- In the morning we eat fruit salad, drink tea;
- At lunch we eat a piece of curd casserole;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup and salad;
- We snack 200 g of juice;
- We dine with steam cutlets and vegetables.
Diet for allergies in the child: menu
In this case, the diet can be made according to this example:
- We have breakfast oatmeal and a green apple, wash down with tea;
- We have a bite with rice casserole;
- We have dinner with stewed vegetables and soup;
- We snack buckwheat cutlets and jelly;
- We have dinner with boiled rice and chicken.
A lactating mother's diet for an allergy in a child
If the baby shows signs of allergy, then whole milk, seafood, oatmeal and semolina, marinades and canned foods, citrus fruits and fruit of yellow or orange should be removed from the diet.
Sample menu:
- We have breakfast with pearl barley and weak tea;
- At lunch we drink broth of dogrose and eat cottage cheese;
- We dine rice soup, a slice of rye bread and a cabbage salad;
- We snack compote from prunes;
- We have dinner with rice porridge and boiled fish.
Diet for allergies to ragweed, wormwood and pollen of plants
It completely excludes honey, halva, sunflower oil, melons, peaches and seeds, and the ration can be made on the basis of the following products:
- Macaroni;
- Bread;
- Soups on low-fat meat broth;Bird or beef meat;
- Boiled eggs, beets and potatoes;
- Curd.
Diet for food allergies
For allergies to foods, it is forbidden to consume whole milk, fatty fish and meat, eggs, citrus, chocolate, cocoa and coffee, and these products can be included in the diet:
- Sour-milk products;
- Meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
- Dried fruits;
- Green vegetables and potatoes;
- Cereals;
- Bread and crackers.
Diet for allergy to cow's milk protein
It is allowed to eat anything you like except:
- Cheese;
- Milk;
- Milk porridge;
- Sour-milk products;
- Ice cream;
- Beef and veal.
Diet for allergy to dust
In case of allergy to house dust, seafood and sunflower seeds are prohibited, and you can eat on this menu:
- In the morning we eat a bowl of oatmeal with berries, we drink tea;
- At lunch we eat a couple of apples;
- We have dinner with a light soup and vegetarian cutlets;
- We snack a glass of jelly;
- We have dinner with vegetable salad and fish.
Diet for allergies to gluten
In this situation, you need to forget about all gluten-containing foods:
- Oats, barley, rye, wheat;
- Bread, flour;
- Macaroni;
- Tomato sauces, sausages;
- Barley, semolina or pearl barley;
- Kvass and sweets with malt content.
Hypoallergenic diet for allergy
If there is no exacerbation, then to extend the remission, you can use this example menu:
- We have breakfast with rice porridge and tea with prunes;
- Having a snack with a banana;
- We have dinner with meat soup;
- We snack the baked apple;
- We have dinner with boiled fish and stewed vegetables.
Diet for allergies to citrus fruits
In addition to citrus, these foods should be removed from the diet:
- Melon and pineapples;
- Peaches and raspberries;
- Strawberries and strawberries;
- Kiwi;
- Lemonade.
You can eat with any dishes that are not included in the list of banned items.
Diet for exacerbation of allergy
If the cause of the allergy is an unidentified food product, then at the stage of exacerbation it can be defined as follows:
- The first three days we drink only water, do not eat anything;
- Next, we introduce one product and follow the reaction of the organism;
- When the allergen is determined, it must be removed from the menu.
Results, testimonials and doctor's recommendations about proper nutrition for allergy sufferers ^
As a result of a diet with an allergy, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of exacerbations, or completely prevent their occurrence. It is worth noting that the allergy is a chronic disease, and it is almost impossible to cure it completely.
Prevention of allergic reactions includes a suitable diet, and in addition the doctor can prescribe medications.
Tips for avoiding exacerbations of allergies:
- Doing more wet cleaning at home;
- Avoid contact with allergy source;
- Take vitamin complexes to enhance immunity;
- Always wear antiallergenic drugs prescribed by your doctor.
Reviews of doctors how to get rid of allergies by diet:
Alina, 39 years old, an allergist:
"Diet is an obligatory recommendation for my patients, because it depends on the food depends on further treatment. If you continue to eat forbidden foods, you can get serious complications. "
Marina, 35 years old, allergist:
" Proper nutrition is the basis of treatment, and if the diet is not taken, there is no sense in taking medication - they will give a short-term effect ". Galina, 43, Allergist:
"Without a diet, no medication and treatment will not help, because very often the body reacts specifically to products, rather than to external stimuli"