Diet for the deposition of salts in the joints
Diet for the deposition of salts in the joints is an important part of the treatment.
Proper nutrition and a well-designed diet for the deposition of salts in the joints plays a big role in the complex treatment of the disease and helps to get rid of pain, relieve exacerbation and improve their mobility.
Salt deposition is considered one of the main causes of pain and crunch in the joints, impairing the quality of life and oftenleading to loss of efficiency and disability.
What is the deposition of salts in joints ^
A number of diseases( osteochondrosis of the spine, osteoarthrosis of the joints, gout) are called the deposition of salts in everyday life, in which various chemical compositions are deposited, so each case requires the development of different types of therapeutic nutrition.
Moreover, food salt, contrary to the widespread error, has nothing to do with these diseases, therefore it is not necessary to exclude it from the diet. Moreover, the sodium from which it is made is a very necessary microelement for humans, thanks to which many important processes take place in the body.
- It is generally believed that the osteochondrosis of the spine causes phosphate white salts that are deposited in all its parts( cervical, thoracic and lumbar), causing headaches, pains in the shoulders and back, as well as impaired cerebral circulation.
- Uric acid salts( urates) accumulate in the joints of the legs, shins and feet, which swell and ache, causing gout.
- Oxalates are deposited not only in the joints and bones, but also in the muscles, forming very hard stones with a smooth surface.
In order to reliably determine which excess salts you have, you need to pass a laboratory analysis of urine. At home, you can also approximately determine the composition of the salts - to do this, collect the morning urine in the jar and leave for a day:
- If there are phosphate salts at the bottom of the jar, a white coating will be visible,
- urates precipitate in the form of crystals of grated bricks,
- and oxalateswill have the appearance of dark or black crystals.
When cleaning joints from salts, it is necessary to observe the following order:
- first to remove the softest, phosphate salts,
- then urate,
- and only the last to get rid of the most solid oxalate salts.
Recently, doctors strongly refute the postulate that the cause of osteochondrosis is the deposition of salts and argue that this is basically impossible, since osteochondrosis occurs solely because of the rapid aging of the spine from a sedentary lifestyle, the lack of regular physical exertion, displacement of the vertebrae andother damaging factors.
This results in the formation of osteophytes( sprouting sprouts), which in their structure are part of the bone and have nothing to do with salt.
Salt deposits in the joints occur only with one disease - gout, when the exchange of salts of uric acid is disrupted, as a result of which their excess is deposited in the tissues of the joints and kidneys, forming gouty nodes.
Gout is divided into primary, transmitted genetically and secondary, resulting from malnutrition - the abuse of alcohol and fatty meat. Gouty disease is closely associated with urolithiasis, because the deposition of salts does not occur by itself, but is the result of diseases of the kidneys, the bladder and the organs responsible for metabolism in the body.
Diets during deposition of salts and urolithiasis can vary greatly depending on the chemical composition of the salts.
- So, in the presence of urates, you need to limit foods rich in purines( meat, broth, kidney, liver);
- In the presence of oxalates, it is necessary to exclude products containing oxalic acid( sorrel, fig, rhubarb, cocoa, chocolate, jelly and jellied) and there are more apples, plums, pears and grapes that contribute to its excretion.
- When phosphate salts should be limited to the use of dairy products, raspberries and strawberries and expand the diet of cereals, bread, eggs, vegetables and fruits.
Diet for deposition of salts in the joints ^
Since the pain in the joints due to gout arises from the accumulation of uric acid( urates) in them, the diet for salt deposition should be directed, first of all, to the exclusion of foods high in purines from the menu- substances, in the splitting of which this acid is formed.
The main motto of the diet when salt is deposited is the intake of as few purines as possible, the champions of which are red meat and alcohol.
The purpose of the diet for deposition of salts is:
- decrease in the level of blood in uric acid,
- increase in excretion by its kidneys,
- decrease in the risk of urate stones in the kidneys,
- reduces the risk of increasing the concentration of oxalic acid and oxalate in urine to prevent the formation of mixed stones.
According to the calculations of nutritionists, the correct nutrition for gout should be chosen so that in the body for a day formed no more than 500 ml of uric acid. Therefore, foods with a high purine content( more than 200 ml of uric acid per 100 g of product) should be avoided.
- The basis of nutrition for gout should be vegetables, fruits, dairy products and cereals. These products are extremely poor in purines and contain a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines and helps to lose weight - a frequent companion of gout.
- Outside the disease, boiled meat and fish are allowed( not more than 3 times a week), meat is preferable to choose dietary varieties - turkey, chicken, rabbit.
- You can also eat low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, eggs, bread, pasta, cereals, seeds, nuts, vegetable and butter( a little), almost all kinds of vegetables, fruits and greens( green onions and parsley is limited).
- The kidneys, liver, tongue, brains, meat of young animals, smoked meat, fish and broths, beans, sorrel, cauliflower, spinach, figs, cocoa, coffee, chocolate and strong tea are forbidden.
- With gout, it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid( at least 2.5 liters per day), since a plentiful drink is well washed out of the body by uric acid compounds.
- The use of alkaline mineral waters, vegetable, fruit and berry juices, tea made from peppermint and linden and broth of dogrose is also shown.
Positive effect on the patient's condition is provided by unloading days once a week, consisting of products poor in purine bases, for example, cucumber, apple, watermelon, milk or potato.
In case of an acute attack of gout it is recommended to hold 1-2 "hungry" days, when only a plentiful drink is allowed - alkaline mineral waters, broth of rose hips, water with lemon, vegetable and fruit juices, after which it is necessary to switch to milk and vegetable nutrition,eating meat and fish.
Table of content of purines in products( per 100 g):
Using this table, it is possible to make a variety of menus from the recommended products( the first and second columns) and prepare a variety of tasty and satisfying dishes.
Sample menu for gout
- First breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, carrot-apple pudding with millet, herbal tea.
- The second breakfast: a decoction of rose hips.
- Lunch: milk soup noodles, potato cutlets, fruit jelly.
- Snack: fresh fruit.
- Dinner: vegetable cabbage rolls, cheese cakes, tea.
- Before going to bed: 2 tbsp.steamed wheat bran.
Because gout is a very serious disease, self-medication is unacceptable, since it can have dangerous complications in the form of urolithiasis and seriously damage health. At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to see a doctor for the correct diagnosis and timely treatment.
The selection of medications, as well as diet, must always be agreed with the attending physician with regular monitoring of urine and blood tests to make the necessary corrections and recommendations.
Diet for osteochondrosis ^
As the development of osteochondrosis is heavily influenced by excess weight and inadequate nutrition, the menu for osteochondrosis should be carefully thought out in such a way that it includes sufficient, but not excessive amounts of essential fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
That is, the body needs to provide all the necessary "building materials", but it is better to eat less than overeat.
Experiments conducted in rats prove that underfed animals are more active and live more than those fed in plenty. Thus, with a 32% decrease in the calorie content of the ration, the lifespan of laboratory rats increased by 50%, and with a decrease of 50%, rats lived twice as long.
In order to have a strong and healthy spine, it is useful to adhere to the Mediterranean style of nutrition, since all Adriatic inhabitants, regardless of age, have surprisingly strong bones, flexible bodies and elastic muscles.
- The Mediterranean diet for osteochondrosis is rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals and fish.
- In addition, the menu adds bread, cheese, cottage cheese, olive oil and a small amount of red wine.
- Limit fatty meat, cream, butter and food with a lot of fats and sugar - fast food, chips, cakes, sandwiches.
For the construction of healthy bone and cartilage tissue, the diet for osteochondrosis should be rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. Calcium strengthens bones and prevents the development of osteoporosis, manganese is needed to supply intervertebral disks, and magnesium and phosphorus promote the growth and formation of bones and cartilage.
- The need for calcium is easily replenished with the help of milk, cheese or brynza;
- phosphorus is found in fish, meat, beans, nuts, cheese, bran, buckwheat and millet porridge;
- lot of magnesium in lemons, walnuts, seeds, apples, beans, cabbage, carrots, grapefruits;
- manganese contain bread, peas, beans, beets, dill, buckwheat and millet porridge, as well as raspberries and currants.
Sample menu for osteochondrosis
- Breakfast: porridge( alternately alternate buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal) with vegetable salad in any combination( cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots), dressed with olive oil.
- Lunch: vegetable soup, low-fat boiled fish with a porridge or vegetable garnish;or chicken breast with vegetable garnish or porridge;or low-fat cottage cheese with honey, a slice of rye bread, milk 1.5% fat.
- Dinner: porridge with fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
It should be said that with osteochondrosis of the spine, various new-fangled weight loss diets are extremely harmful, in which first of all muscle tissue, rather than fat, is lost, as naive thought of losing weight. With loss of muscle mass, the spine and joints are deprived of the necessary nutrition, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease. In order to lose weight without harm to the spine and joints, you need strength and aerobic exercise.
In medicine, there are cases when patients had long terrible pains in the spine, which could not be removed either by medication, massage, or acupuncture, and a closer examination revealed that the muscles of the lower limbs are very rigid, undeveloped and practically atrophied.
And only the appointment of such patients as a complex of therapeutic gymnastics for osteochondrosis and deposition of salts helped to eliminate pain and stop the development of the disease.