The Greek diet
Greek diet:reviews and results of weight loss
The Greek diet is a system of proper nutrition, aimed at improving health and safe weight loss.
Greek diet for weight loss: essence, benefits and features ^
The main feature of the Greek diet for weight loss is the division of products into several groups: the first group includes those that need to eat every day, the second - no more than 4 times a week, and inthe third - a maximum of 3 times a month.
The first group includes the following products:
- Macaroni and whole wheat bread;
- Legumes;
- Cereals;
- Vegetables and fruits;
- Nuts and seeds;
- Olive oil;
- Cheese, milk and yogurt;
- Red dry wine.
The second include:
- Seafood, fish;
- Sweets;
- Eggs.
The third group includes:
- meat( pork, beef, turkey and chicken).
Due to the observance of the rules for dividing food into these groups, the organism is cleansed and weight is reduced, becausea healthy balance of the diet is formed and the substances are delivered in the most necessary proportions.
There are no contraindications to the Greek diet, and many people continue to feed on such a system all their life. Kilograms leave slowly, without sharp jumps, and then do not return.
The main dish of the menu is a Greek salad, which includes tomatoes, olives, cucumbers, green peppers, cheese, oregano, olive oil and onions - i.e.all products belonging to the first group. Advantages of the "Greek Salad" diet:
- Balanced diet;
- Easy portability;
- Improving the condition of hair, nails and skin;
- Melting, but effective weight reduction.
How many kilograms is spent on the Greek diet
It's impossible to talk about the calorie content of the diet unambiguously,everyone makes it for themselves in their own way, based on the allowed products. Nevertheless, on the Greek diet per day a person consumes no more than 1200-1500 Kcal, and for a week grows thin by about 3-5 kilograms.
Greek diet: eating rules, menu for 5 days, popular recipes ^
Greek diet for weight loss: menus and the best recipes
The rules of the Greek diet are simple and understandable:
- You can independently make up your menu using lists of allowed products;
- As in other weight loss regimes, it is recommended to drink plenty of water - from 1.5 to 2 liters per day;
- You can not eat sweets, flour, smoked and fatty foods.
Greek diet for 2 weeks: menu
Here are just two examples of sample menus, using which you can make up your individual diet. If all the rules are observed, for 14 days the weight decreases by 5-7 kilograms, becausethis mode is quite saturated.
Option 1:
- We have breakfast oatmeal on water or skim milk( 200 g), apple and tea with lemon;
- Snacking nuts( 30-40 g), drinking juice;
- We have a Greek salad, a piece of baked fish and berries( 100 g);
- We have dinner with porridge from brown rice, soy and peas, we eat boiled chicken breast and vegetable salad. We drink herbal tea.
Option 2:
- For breakfast we eat chicken cutlet, a black bread sandwich, a couple of tomatoes and tea with lemon;
- Have a snack with fruit salad with orange juice;
- For lunch we eat vegetable soup and seafood salad;
- We have dinner with chicken fillet and vegetable ragout, we eat a few berries;
- 1 hour before sleep drink a glass of 1% kefir.
Greek diet: for 5 days 7 kg
For slimming by 7 kilograms a more rigid diet is used, including vegetable salads, seafood, lean meat and sour-milk drinks.
Sample menu for 5 days:
- We have breakfast with fruit and green tea;
- We have a bite with two oranges;
- For dinner prepare a salad with cheese and vegetables;
- We snack dried fruit;
- For dinner, cook any vegetables.
Diet in Greek salad for a week
The essence of this 7-day diet is that for a week for lunch you need to eat Greek salad, which helps to lose weight by 3-4 kg, despite all their satiety. In addition to it, all products from the first group should be on the menu.
Approximate menu for every day:
- For breakfast, eat everything, anything, becausecalories received in the first half of the day, do not form fat deposits;
- For the second breakfast we eat nuts( handfuls), avocados and any other fruit;
- Dinner Greek salad with stewed vegetables and boiled chicken breast;
- We dine with any vegetable dish.
Recipe for Greek salad:
- Cut onions( 0.5 heads), tomato cubes( 2 pcs.) Cucumbers( 2 pcs.), Sweet pepper, feta cheese( 200 g);
- Put the onions in a saucepan with the bottom layer, then pour out the remaining vegetables;
- Season with olive oil, add a little lemon juice, spread a jar of olives and sprinkle with oregano seasoning;
- We put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Greek diet with brynza
This mode is suitable only for unloading for 3 days, and during this time the weight decreases by 1-2 kg. Due to the fact that the cheese cheese is fairly salty, such a diet is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.
Sample menu for the day:
- We are having a lunch with a slice of bran bread dipped in milk with cheese( 30 g), drinking green tea;
- We have lunch with vegetable salad( 250 g), eat 100 g of cheese, drink berry jelly;
- We drink a glass of kefir for a mid-morning snack;
- For dinner we soak in water 100 g of brynza, we eat it and we wash down glasses of broth of a dogrose.
Diet for weight loss in Greek salad: testimonials, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Doctors are very positive about the Greek diet, because its diet is fairly balanced and healthy. In view of the fact that there are no sharp jumps in weight, for its further maintenance after losing weight, it does not take much effort - it is enough simply not to eat high-calorie harmful food.
It is also very easy to get out of the Greek diet: after losing weight, you can gradually enter products from the third group into the menu.
The results of the diet on Greek salad are remarkable:
- Safe, but noticeable reduction in body weight;
- Significant improvement in well-being.
Reviews about the Greek diet for losing weight to our regular readers, also sent to the editorial office, are also very positive:
Inna, 37 years old:
"I really like salad in Greek, and so I decided to lose weight on it. Marina, 30 years:
"I found the diet of the Greek diet to be difficult, and I barely survived these 3 days."
Marina, 30 years old:
"I found it difficult to diet the Greek diet on brynza, and I barely survived these 3 days. But my suffering was crowned with success - I dropped almost 3 kilograms, as required. "
Tamara, 25 years old:
" I very easily suffered a two-week regimen of the Greek diet: I was fed by all the rules, practiced sports, drank a lot of water. As a result, I now weigh almost 10 kg less! "