Dietary Diet
Diet plan: reviews and results of weight loss
Diet plan -this is an easy way to get rid of excess weight, which anyone can use, who wants to have a slim figure and good immunity.
Diet: essence, benefits, features of weight loss ^
Figs are consumed in canned, dried or fresh form: it is added to salads, and even soups are cooked with it.
Many people are wondering whether it is possible to use the figs for weight loss, and for this you need to know its caloric value: per 100 g of product you have 49 Kcal, which is a very good indicator for successful weight loss.
The essence of losing weight on a fig diet is that this fruit has many useful elements that favorably affect health and shape:
- Vitamin C increases immunity;
- Fiber improves intestinal motility;
- Microelements stabilize the work of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.
It is worth noting that the dried figs have a higher calorie content in the diet than fresh ones: 100 g contains 214 kcal, but it will not be able to eat it in any case, becauseit is quite satisfying.
Pros and cons of a fatty diet
The main advantages of losing weight with a fig:
- You can eat any low-calorie foods, so the hunger will not be felt;
- There are several varieties of diets in figs: for both set and weight loss;
- The caloric content of a diet on a fig does not happen more than 1500-1700 Kcal per day, therefore with its help it is possible to grow quite well.
Not everyone can eat figs, and a diet with it is contraindicated in the following diseases:
- Gout;
- Exacerbation of inflammation of the intestine;
- Diabetes mellitus.
How much can I lose on a diet with a fig
Depending on the type of technique, on average it takes up to 5 kg per week. The effectiveness of the diets is largely determined by the initial weight, and the more it is, the faster the weight loss occurs.
For those who are interested in whether the volumes on the diet of the diet go, you should know that in any case, along with the disappearing kilograms, the body volumes decrease, but this only applies to the waist and hips.
What foods can be consumed on a fatty diet :
- Low-fat curd, kefir, milk, bifid;
- Fruits;
- Vegetables;
- Broth of dog rose;
- Cereal cereals;
- Green;
- Green tea;
- Lean fish and meat.
What is forbidden to eat during a diet:
- Flour;
- Sweets;
- Smoked meat;
- Pickles;
- Fried.
Diet with figs for weight loss: menus, recipes, rules ^
Diet plan: recipes for weight loss with figs, menu
Rules for weight loss on a diet of the diet:
- The figs should be eaten separately from other foods, and for the whole day you can eat no more than 15 dryfruits;
- It is advisable to switch to 4 meals a day, and drink 1.5 liters of water each day.
Diet on dried figs
In this case it is allowed to eat any non-calorie products:
- Instead of lunch or dinner, eat 3-4 pieces.figs;
- Pre-soak the dried fruit in water.
Diet on figs with kefir
If you choose this option for weight loss, then for 3 days of its use you will be able to lose up to 4 kg of weight and cleanse the intestines:
- Daily eat up to 500 g of figs;
- We drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir.
Diet on figs with milk
Those who love milk more than kefir can also successfully use it for 3 days for 3 kg:
- We consume up to 2 liters of low-fat milk;
- We eat up to 400 g of dried fruit.
Diet on figs with dried apricots
To lose 5-7 kilograms per month, not denying yourself a favorite meal, you need to take for the night 1 tsp.mixture prepared according to this recipe:
- Grind Senna, prunes, figs and dried apricots( 100 g each);
- Mix, store in the refrigerator.
Diet on figs with honey
Mixture of figs with honey allows you not only to get rid of cough, but also lose weight quickly:
- Mix 10 pcs.dry figs from 10 tbsp.l.honey;
- We take for 1 the morning and in the evening;
- The container with the composition is left in the refrigerator.
Diet on figs with lemon
It's enough to replace the usual dinner with this salad, and the weight reduction will be noticeable in a month:
- Rub the beets and carrots, soak the figs and prunes, after 5 minutes add to the vegetables;
- We pass through the press garlic, squeeze juice from one lemon, add 1 tsp.olive oil and fill this mixture with lettuce.
Fat diet for weight gain
If you do not want to reduce and gain weight, then the next sweet mixture should be eaten every morning for 40 days:
- Soak in warm milk 4 pcs.figs and 5 pcs.almond nuts;
- After 3 hours the product is ready for use.
Diets from figs with breastfeeding
The fig contains many micronutrients useful for both mother and baby, but it should be entered into the diet for weight loss carefully:
- The first 3 days we eat 1 piece.dried fruit, we observe the reaction of the baby;
- If the child does not have a rash or diarrhea - and this may be due to the appearance of a new product or an allergy to it - add 2 more.figs every day, reaching up to 10 pcs.;
- We eat figs only for breakfast.
Diet on the figs of Alla Pugacheva
The diva periodically practices this variant of weight loss for 2-3 weeks:
- We have breakfast, lunch and a half-day of any allowed food;
- At dinner we eat 5-7 pieces.soaked figs and washed down with green tea.
Recipes for a fatty diet
Recipe for salad with figs:
- Soak in water 150 g of prunes, mix it with figs and cut;
- Let's burn the almonds with boiling water, remove the peel from it and crush it;
- Mix, sprinkle with orange peel and pour acidophilin.
Recipe for curd dessert with figs:
- We grate through a sieve low-fat cottage cheese, clean and grind an orange, cut figs;
- Add some honey and mix.
Recipe of Spanish soup with figs :
- We clean and cut the feather bow, potatoes;
- Grind the onion, prepare the broth;
- Put the vegetables in broth, cook for half an hour, salt, pour low-fat cream and whisk with a blender;
- Cut the figs and bacon, fry them in a frying pan in butter;
- Cut into strips of baguettes, fry in the same way;
- We pour soup-puree on plates, lay out figs, baguette and bacon;
- We eat only for lunch. Suitable for those who want to gain weight.
How to lose weight on the diet of the diet: feedback, the results of losing weight ^
Despite the fact that all the dried fruits are high in calories, the results of a diet on figs, with proper observance of it, have a positive effect on the figure and well-being. Doctors recommend eating this product to everyone who does not have contraindications, but losing weight on it more than three times a year should not be carried away.
The exit after a diet with a fig is very simple, because the dried fruit itself in most cases replaces breakfast or dinner, and the rest of the menu can remain the same. If low-calorie dishes were introduced into the diet, then for the output it is enough to gradually increase the daily caloric value by 150 Kcal.
Reviews about the diet of diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:
Alisa, 23 years old:
"For a whole month I ate only figs in small quantity instead of dinner, and I lost 7 kilograms very well. Naturally, in addition to diet, I am engaged in the gym, but 80% of success depends on nutrition. "
Olga, 34 years old:
" Every time before going to bed, she ate a mixture of hay and figs. This herb has a laxative effect and improves metabolism, so there were no problems with metabolism. Calories from the food that I ate during the day, just not digested, and the weight literally melted. For a month I threw off 8 kilos »
Oksana, 43 years old:
« I do unloading days on kefir and figs. They are transported very easily due to the satiety of both products, and the weight for one such time decreases by 700-800 grams. "