Diet for conception of the child
Diet for rapid conception: reviews, tips
Diet for conception- this is a special diet that promotes the best conditions for conceiving a child, and for those who want to have a child of a certain sex - to implement this dream.
Features of the diet for successful conception of the baby ^
Proper nutrition for conception implies a complete rejection of products containing chemicals and switching to natural healthy food.
This principle is desirable for both women and men, as the process of fertilization in equal shares depends on both the reproductive organs of the future mother, and on the quality of the father's seed.
What are the foods used to promote conception:
- Products with a high content of vitamin C, as well as fruits, berries, bell peppers, peaches;
- Products with high iron content: spinach, lentils, beans, soy, seafood;
- Avocado, olive oil, nuts and olives;
- Fatty milk products;
- Soy products;
- Cauliflower;
- Plums;
- Oysters and other sources of zinc.
There is an opinion that with the help of a certain diet it is possible to conceive a child of a certain sex:
- Diet for the conception of a son means restrictions on the consumption of milk, beans, green beans, milk chocolate and cocoa, pancakes, wafers, shrimps, caviar, crabs, fresh cabbage and dill;
- You can not eat sausages, canned food, fried, smoked foods, cheeses, ice cream, margarine, carbonated drinks, spicy sauces, shrimps and crayfish.
Of no small importance is the male diet before conception, as it affects the condition of the reproductive system. It gets under the ban heavy alcohol, spicy and fatty foods, and it is desirable to quit smoking.
From the nutrition of the future mother before conception depends not only the process of fertilization, but also the pregnancy itself. Of course, any bad habits here are unacceptable, and you also need to try to avoid stress.
Rules for a diet for conception:
- You can not overeat, reduce the caloric content of the diet, use products with artificial additives - it is because of this very often it takes a long time to conceive a child;
- Recommended fractional power, becausethe organism under such conditions better assimilates the food;
- To adhere to a diet for the conception of a child of a certain sex is necessary for both women and men.
Diet for conception: a menu and features of nutrition for conception of a girl or a boy ^
Diet for conception of a child: a menu for boys and girls
Diet for conception of a boy
In this case it is necessary to use in your diet meat, fish, sausages, bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables, beer, dry wine, coffee, canned goods, dried fruits, peas, lentils, mushrooms, white beans.
Sample menu:
- Lunch a cup of coffee and a sandwich with sausage;
- We ate a handful of dried fruits for lunch;
- We dine with lentil soup, baked potatoes with mushroom garnish;
- For a snack drink fruit juice and eat banana;
- We dine with vegetable salad, boiled beans and a slice of meat.
Diet for conceiving a girl
To conceive a girl, one must eat fish, any meat( limited), eggs, cereals, chocolate, honey, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, fruits( except bananas, plums, apricots, oranges, cherries and black currants), as well as unleavened pastry, jam and spices. Sample menu:
- For breakfast we eat a little chocolate, we drink tea with jam;
- We have a snack with fruit;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup with a small amount of potatoes, as well as salad and tea;
- We snack boiled eggs;
- We have dinner with baked fish and vegetable stew.
Diet for men for the conception of the boy
The main emphasis here is on lean meat and soups, and it is also recommended to slightly increase the consumption of flour products, herbs and meat.
Approximate menu:
- In the morning we eat a steam omelet, drink tea, eat a ham sandwich;
- We use fruit fruit for lunch;
- We have dinner with beef meat, we eat salad with greens;
- We snack a cocktail of fruits;
- At dinner we eat stewed vegetables and meat.
Diet for men for conception of the girl
In this case it is recommended to eat rice, semolina and oat porridge, as well as watermelons, pineapples, apples, pears, strawberries, lemons, cucumbers, tomatoes, dairy products.
Sample menu:
- For breakfast we eat cottage cheese with strawberry slices, we drink tea with lemon and unleavened bread;
- We have a snack with fruit salad;
- We have lunch with fish soup without potatoes, we eat salad;
- For a snack we eat berries or fruits( allowed);
- We have dinner with pilaf without meat, leafy vegetables and tea.
Diet before the conception of the child: menu
Two months before conception, the future parents need to limit their nutrition to fruits and vegetables, pasta, rice, potatoes, lean fish, meat, dried fruits, legumes, green vegetables, whole grain bread, fruit and vegetable juices.
Approximate menu:
- In the morning we are eating an omelet steamed. We drink tea with a slice of bread;
- We use dried fruits for lunch;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup and boiled pasta with a mild sauce;
- We drink juice for a snack;
- Supper with a salad of green vegetables, a piece of fish.
French diet for the conception of the girl
There is another option - the French method, implying a complete ban on sausages, fried, salted, cheeses, potatoes, canned goods, melon, avocado, plums, oranges, bananas, salted dried fruits and cabbage.
Sample menu:
- We have breakfast with fruit and berry salad and juice;
- At lunch we drink green tea with biscuits;
- We have dinner with soup or borshch without meat, we eat vegetable salad;
- We have tea with jam;
- We dine with rice porridge or steam omelette.
For those who want to conceive two children at once, start taking folic acid 3 months before the proposed fertilization, and in the menu include meat and dairy products, yams, chocolate, fruits, berries and vegetables, preferably infresh form.
Approximate menu:
- We have breakfast with fat cottage cheese, diluted with sour cream. You can add fruit to it;
- For lunch we eat vegetable or fruit salad;
- We dine with meat borscht or soup baked with vegetables;
- We drink tea with chocolate for a mid-morning snack;
- We dine with plov, leafy vegetables and tea with jam or simply with sugar.
Results, testimonials and tips for rapid conception and pregnancy ^
As a result of a diet for conception, the chances of a woman becoming pregnant are increasing, since this depends to a large extent on the useful foods used in the diet.
Tips on how to conceive a boy or girl :
- Often walk in the fresh air;
- Try to avoid stressful situations;
- Do not limit yourself in eating too strictly;
- Do not use mono diets for weight loss;
- In order to conceive twins, it is desirable for a woman to gain a little weight.
Reviews of the diet for the conception of our regular readers are also very positive:
Ekaterina, 29 years old:
"We wanted a daughter with our husband, and we did it! Have used for this purpose a special diet. Of course, my husband was hard to persuade, but he still succumbed to my whims, and now in a month I have to give birth to our girl! "
Galina, 23:
" I did not believe that thanks to a diet, you can conceive a child of a certain sex. When my husband and I realized that we had problems with fertilization, and the analyzes did not reveal any violations, we decided to use the diet to conceive the boy. Two months later, the test showed two strips, but by that time the sex of the child already had no value - we just wanted children. "
Tatyana, 27 years old:
" I had to persuade my husband to diet with me for the conception of the girl,in the end, under my onslaught, he surrendered - I'm cooking something anyway. A month later, I found out that I was finally pregnant, but the sex was still too early to determine - too short a term. I am happy only that we will have a child, because before that we tried to conceive it for almost a year, but did not follow their food, but in vain "