Diet for nursing mothers
A diet for nursing mothers helps to recover quickly after birth
Health and developmentthe baby who is on breastfeeding depends entirely on the quality of the mother's milk, so the diet for nursing mothers should be made with special care.
Breast milk is the best food for a baby and there is no such thing as a full replacement.
Features of nutrition for women during lactation ^
To ensure that the baby has enough milk, the nutrition of the nursing woman should be regular and repeated, equal to the amount of feeding the child.
For the production of milk, the body spends a lot of calories - this means that the caloric content of the diet should be significantly increased.
In nursing women, it can reach up to 3,500 calories per day. In the diet, it is necessary to maintain a rich content of trace elements, vitamins and amino acids. To do this, the menu in the required quantities should be full of protein, fresh fruit, berries and vegetables.
The monotonous or poor nutrition of a nursing mother will negatively affect the quality of milk, and hence, the health of the baby. After all, all the components necessary for vital activity, growth and development, he can get only from mother's milk.
However, it is not entirely correct to think that if there is a shortage of some substances in the ration of a nursing mother, they will not be enough in milk. To produce milk, until a certain point, they will be taken from the parent reserve. First of all, this will negatively affect a woman's health. Among doctors and dietitians, arguments about the nutrition of nursing mothers do not subside, and there are many disagreements.
But there are a number of undeniable rules:
- The intake of any medicine for lactation should be agreed with the doctor.
- Drinking alcohol is completely excluded, because it will negatively affect the health of the baby. It is recommended to abandon nicotine.
- Spicy, spicy or very salty food changes the taste of milk and is unlikely to appeal to a child.
- Limit the amount of caffeine and chocolate, it helps to disturb the baby's sleep and overexcitement.
- Beans, cauliflower, peas, broccoli lead to flatulence and bloating.
- Semi-finished products, fast food, and any food saturated with preservatives, dyes and all chemical seasonings, sugar substitutes will bring enormous harm to the baby. Many even have a detrimental effect on the brain.
- Some varieties of fish may contain excess mercury, it should be treated with care.
The diet of a nursing mother for allergies is not based solely on her allergic reactions, the child may be allergic to other foods. If the next of kin relatives are allergic to a number of products, then their mother should be taken with caution. It is better to keep a diary, so it will be easier to identify what the child has an allergic reaction and to exclude allergens from the mother's diet.
The baby is allergic to cow's milk protein, even if his mother tolerates it well. On the alien protein, which appears in the mother's milk, the child develops intolerance. In this case, a dairy-free diet for a nursing mother is recommended. Sometimes an alternative to a cow can be goat's milk.
Diet for nursing mothers: approximate menu by month ^
From the first month of feeding, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of the usual amount of liquid per 1 liter, because now it is used for milk production. Accordingly, the fluid intake in nursing can be 2.5-3 liters.
For the children of the first ten days of life, the lactating mother's diet should consist of the following products.
- Cereals: wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn.
- Postal soups.
- Low-fat meat.
- Vegetable oils.
- Butter( 15 g.)
- Baked apples and bananas.
- Compote of dried fruits, decoction of rose hips.
From 10 days to a month of age, the list of recommended products is expanding. Is added:
- Sour-milk products, cheeses( mild, hard).
- Steam, boiled fish, eggs.
- A little pasta.
- Dietary cooked vegetables.
In the first month of lactation, the lactating mother's diet should exclude meat broths, raw fruits and vegetables, fresh pastries, sour cream, whole milk powder, raisins, coffee and black tea.
After the 1st month and the 3rd in the menu, you need to add the following products:
- Raw fruits, berries and vegetables. Nuts( pistachios and peanuts - not allowed).
- Sour cream. Homemade jam from local berries.
- Excludes: raisins, black tea, coffee, whole milk.
From the 3rd month to six months is added:
- Millet, pearl barley.
- Vegetable juices.
- Med.
- Onion, not thermally treated.
- You can not eat whole milk.
Depending on the age of the crumbs, the nursing mother's menu can be made up of the recommended products themselves, given the taste preferences. But it must necessarily be varied and satisfying. For example, from the second month of life it can look like this:
Sample menu
- Breakfast - porridge buckwheat and a slice of veal, green tea with jam.
- Extra breakfast - a little cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts, a banana, a broth of a dogrose.
- Lunch - vegetarian borsch, chicken stew with vegetables, apple, compote of dried fruits.
- Snack - boiled egg, salad from boiled beet, fermented baked milk. Dinner - macaroni with grated cheese and steam fish, pear.
- The last dinner is kefir with biscuits or drying.
If after the birth the woman recovered, then it is not necessary in the first 3 months to make efforts to restore the form. This is not the right time for it. The baby needs high-quality, nutritious milk, and Mom's strength for postpartum recovery, milk production and care for crumbs. Therefore, the diet of a nursing mother for weight loss can not be strict.
It is quite possible to lose weight and not to lose lactation. If we take into account how much energy expenditure a nursing mother needs to care for a baby and the fact that calories are spent on milk production not only from the daily ration, but also from fat stores, then it's enough just to spend a little more time on physical activity. Sweets should be replaced with dried fruits and limited consumption of fats.
If the child is allergic, the mom will have to rid the menu of sausages, any preserves, sweet, and salty foods. Hypoallergenic diet for a nursing mother excludes all products of orange and red. And this is not only many vegetables and fruits, for example, citrus fruits, pomegranates, currants, but also protein products. Such as, red fish and caviar, and chicken, even white meat, it is better to replace the turkey. Eat dairy products from goat's milk instead of cow's milk.
In order not to provoke intestinal colic in the child, a number of products will also have to be abandoned. Diet lactating mothers with colic offers a refusal of grapes, apples with peel, legumes, cruciferous, sauerkraut, and white, is only in the prepared form. For a week, exclude dairy products, and then introduce it gradually.
Results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about the nutritional nutrition for a nursing mother ^
Simple, high-quality, healthy food will benefit both breastfeeding mother and crumb. Rapid recovery after childbirth and a fully developing baby - these are the results of a diet for nursing mothers. Some doctors believe that it is not necessary to comply with the diet at all, it is enough to just eat only useful and natural foods.
But this is the basic rule of the diet for lactation. And doctors' comments about a diet for nursing mothers are in solidarity with this point of view. Useful products - yes, alcohol, chemical additives, surpluses of animal fat and products that spoil the taste of milk - there is no solid. This is the main principle of the diet of each nursing mother.
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