Diet for Hepatitis
The diet for hepatitis is not just food, but the most important stage of treatment
The diet for hepatitis is a special therapeutic diet, which plays an important role in the complex treatment of this terrible disease.
Causes, symptoms and features of therapeutic nutrition in hepatitis ^
Hepatitis is commonly called inflammatory liver disease. It can be of viral origin: hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F. G., and toxic - with prolonged use of certain medications, excessive intake of alcohol and poisoning with chemical elements.
In addition, the disease can be caused by autoimmune diseases or be a component of radiation sickness.
The acute course of the disease is characteristic of hepatitis caused by viruses or poisoning by poisons. In this case, signs of intoxication and worsening of the general condition are very pronounced.
The acute form is well treatable, complete recovery is possible. Diet for acute hepatitis is extremely important, as in the case of inadequate treatment or violation of dietary norms, the disease can take a chronic form.
Chronic form can develop and against the background of alcoholism or the abuse of medication. Therefore, a diet with chronic hepatitis should completely exclude all types of alcohol and other factors that destroy liver cells. For a long time the disease can be asymptomatic, but the liver cells degenerate into connective tissue, the liver increases in size and develops its cirrhosis.
During this period jaundice and abdominal enlargement usually occur, the development of hepatic encephalopathy is not excluded, the risk of oncology development is extremely high.
General symptoms of illness:
- Rapid fatigue, asthenia, weakness.
- Nausea, absence or loss of appetite.
- Discomfort sensations and heaviness in the right side of the abdomen, in the region of the liver.
- Jaundice.
- Clarified feces and dark urine.
Doctors say that nutrition with hepatitis is not just food, but the most important stage of treatment. It is well known that the liver is an important organ of the digestive system, which participates in all metabolic processes and hemopoiesis, which produces hormones, enzymes, bile, insulin and other necessary substances.
In addition, the liver is a natural filter that neutralizes toxins and poisons entering the body. With hepatitis, the liver can not perform its functions, so without effective nutrition, effective therapy is simply not possible.
Food is sparing, the products are selected only easily digestible, do not give the load on the sick body, rich in vitamins and minerals, because their body reserve in case of liver damage is dramatically depleted. Prohibited all products that have an irritant effect, stimulating the secretion of digestive organs, containing cholesterol and having a destructive effect on the liver cells. The Institute of Nutrition has developed a special therapeutic diet number 5.
Prohibited products:
- Any fatty varieties of meat, sausages and smoked products, fat, canned food.
- Fatty milk products.
- Butter( cream), margarine.
- Bun, fresh bread, fried patties. Pickled and salted vegetables.
- Steep or fried eggs. Sorrel, garlic, onion, cauliflower, radish, tomatoes.
- Pepper and other spices.
- Chocolate, ice cream, coffee, tea( strongly brewed).
- Alcoholic products and soda.
Recommended products:
- Fish and lean meat.
- Low-calorie milk.
- Egg white.
- Boiled or steamed vegetables. Yesterday's bread, long biscuits.
- Fruits.
- Honey, preserves.
For the prevention of any hepatic disease such a food system is a necessity. The menu consists of useful products that are maximally enriched with all substances required for normal life and health.
The caloric content of the diet is allowed up to 3000 calories, so there is no feeling of hunger. This principle of nutrition is applicable to all people who take good care of their health, as, as you know, the rejection of fatty and fried foods, alcohol and other harmful products is the basis of a healthy diet.
Diet for hepatitis: an approximate menu and features ^
Nutrition rules for hepatitis patients:
- Although patients with liver disease often suffer from a decrease in appetite and nausea, refusals of food are unacceptable.
- Food should be taken fractionally, semi-liquid or skimmed, at room temperature, in small portions.
- The menu should contain proteins up to 120 grams( 60% of them are animal proteins), fats of up to 80 grams( 30% of plant origin) and carbohydrates up to 400 grams.
- Salt is limited to 4 gr.per day.
- Drinking regime is plentiful - not less than 1,5-2 liters.
Sample menu
- Breakfast - porridge on the water, low-calorie cottage cheese, weak tea.
- Extra breakfast - banana.
- Lunch is a vegetarian first course, chicken boiled breast without skin, as a side dish of rice, compote.
- Snack - baked apples. Dinner - fish cooked in a dietary way, mashed potatoes, tea.
- The last meal - 1% kefir with a long biscuit.
Diet in viral hepatitis implies a strict diet. In the morning, the largest amount of food is eaten. Breakfast should be full, coffee and sandwich is not enough. The load on the digestive organs should be uniform, and this provides fractional nutrition. Large breaks create a feeling of hunger, and leads to overeating, and, as a consequence, to obesity.
The situation of the patient is complicated if chronic fatty hepatitis is associated with fatty liver disease. Hepatic cells die and are replaced by fibrous tissue, the risk of gallstones increases. Getting rid of excess weight is necessary - when two problems are combined, the course of the disease is greatly aggravated.
Botkin's disease or hepatitis A, transmitted by a contact-household way. During the period of acute exacerbation, patients are recommended bed rest and special food. The diet for hepatitis A is focused on milk and vegetable food, especially the acute need for the body in the vitamins of groups B and C. To develop intoxication, it is necessary to drink plenty and purify the intestines.
Hepatitis C develops when a virus enters the bloodstream. Diet with this form of the disease excludes solid food during the period of exacerbation. The same diet No. 5 is used, but the food is eaten in a grated form, you can not even eat crumbly porridge, solid fruit and any spices. Dietary diet should be observed very strictly.
Diet in toxic hepatitis, when liver cells are destroyed under the influence of poisons( drugs, alcohol) requires lifelong self-control. It requires a complete exclusion of alcohol, tobacco and all unfavorable factors that destroy the liver. Dairy products should be present in the daily diet.
The diet for hepatitis B( acute or chronic) has no strict limitations. Obligatory only is the refusal of alcohol and the restriction of fatty foods( with hyponatremia).With encephalopathy, it is necessary to limit protein products, liquids up to 1.5 liters per day and sodium to 1.5 a day.
Results, recommendations and feedback from physicians on therapeutic nutrition after hepatitis A ^
Improvement of general condition, restoration of liver function and reduction in the timing of the disease - these are the positive results of a diet for hepatitis. The preparation of food in a dietary way and the restriction of the consumption of fats removes the load from the liver, promotes the effective cleansing and healing of the body.
Compliance with dietary intake will also help to normalize weight. Therapeutic diet for therapy was developed by nutritionists and is considered compulsory throughout the world. In Russia, it's diet number 5, proven and invariably giving a positive result, as evidenced by the doctors' reviews of the diet for hepatitis. It takes into account all the needs of the sick organism and has an optimal balance of nutrients.
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