Potassium diet
Potassium diet: reviews and patient results
Potassiumdiet is one of the best ways to reduce weight and additional treatment for certain diseases caused by a deficiency of potassium in the body.
What is a potassium diet: the essence, indications, contraindications ^
Potassium diet is a special diet containing foods with a lot of potassium.
As a rule, its deficiency arises from the use of diuretics, diarrhea, vomiting, hyperhidrosis, frequent alcohol consumption or abuse of mono-diets. Lack of potassium often disrupts the cardiovascular system, weakens the muscles and leads to the appearance of neuralgic syndromes.
The use of the potassium diet for the body is that it allows you to adjust the work of all internal organs, increases immunity, strengthens joints and muscles, so it has virtually no contraindications and can be used by athletes. Indications for potassium diet:
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Hypertension;
- Atherosclerosis;
- Circulatory failure;
- Diseases of the kidneys and liver. Contra-indications for potassium diet:
- Endocrine diseases;An overabundance of salts.
What foods of the potassium diet should be present in the diet:
- Chicory;
- Potatoes, carrots, cabbage, peas, lentils, beans;
- Walnuts, raisins, prunes, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, dried apricots;
- Spinach, eggplant, green onion, cucumber;
- Sour-milk products;
- Pears, watermelon, apples, peaches, apricots;
- Oatmeal, semolina;
- Chicken Eggs;
- Broth of dog rose;
- Fish and meat.
The most popular potassium diet from dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins and prunes favorably affect the work of the brain and heart, normalize the level of glucose and increase immunity, and they can be consumed as usual, and cooked from them compotes.
The effectiveness of the potassium diet is also in the fact that it not only helps to regulate the work of internal organs, but also allows you to throw off several kilograms if you use it in accordance with the recommendations.
It is worth noting that an overabundance of potassium can lead to the arrest of the heart muscle and bowel ulcer, so you can not abuse the diet.
Potassium diet: menu, rules, dietary recipes ^
Potassium diet: menu, dietary recipes
Rules for adherence to the potassium diet:
- The method assumes the restriction of salt intake to 5 g, so its daily rate should not exceed 1 tsp;
- It is best to choose a fractional way of eating, and eat 5 times a day;
- Optimal amount of water per day - 1.5 liters;
- All products are preferably cooked, steamed or stewed, as in fried form they are of lesser value and do not allow you to lose weight.
Potassium diet № 10: menu
Such a diet is prescribed for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver and digestive organs. It includes vegetable soups, cereals, vegetables, salads, fruits, berries, melted or butter.
Sample menu:
- We have breakfast oatmeal on milk, boiled egg and tea;
- We ate lunch baked apples for lunch;
- We have dinner with pearl soup, carrot puree, boiled meat and compote of dried fruits;
- We drink a decoction of rose hips;
- We have dinner with boiled potatoes and fish, and also eat curd pudding.
Potassium Diet for the Heart
To improve heart function, you can make up your diet following the example of this:
We have breakfast with baked potatoes and tea with milk; - At lunch we eat oatmeal and drink broth of wild rose;
- We have lunch with potato soup, banana, vegetable salad and chicken fillet;
- We snack 50 grams of dried apricots and rosehip broth;
- We dine with vegetable salad, mashed potatoes and a glass of carrot juice.
Kalievo - magnesium diet
Combining potassium and magnesium in the diet has a positive effect on the heart:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal with dried fruits, we drink tea;
- At lunch we drink compote from dried fruits, we eat potatoes;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, chicken breast and stewed pumpkin;
- Snack baked apples;
- We have dinner with fish fillet and vegetable puree.
Protein - Potassium Diet
This diet is best for athletes:
- Lunch boiled egg, drink tea;
- At lunch we eat curd casserole;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, mashed potatoes and fish;
- We snack salad from seafood;
- We have dinner with stewed potatoes and cabbage.
Potassium diet for a child
On the prescription of a doctor, you can use this menu to reduce weight and treat heart disease:
- In the morning we eat a mango with dried fruits, we drink tea;
- We have dinner with carrot juice and boiled potatoes;
- We dine with steam fish, mashed potatoes and tea with milk;
- Instead of snacking, drink a broth of dogrose.
Potassium diet for pregnant women
This diet can be successfully used in anemia during pregnancy:
- We have breakfast cereal with the addition of dried apricots or raisins, we drink tea;
- We ate berries for lunch;
- We have lunch with a thick vegetable soup, we make a salad;
- We snack with dried fruits;
- Supper with braised cabbage and fish.
Potassium diet for nursing mothers
If you have readings during breastfeeding, you can use this sample menu:
- Have breakfast with vegetable salad, milk buckwheat porridge and tea;
- We ate dried apricots for lunch, we drink cabbage juice;
- Dinner plov, vegetarian soup and juice;
- We snack with pears or apples;
- We have dinner with potato cutlets and steam meat.
Potassium diets for kidneys
For kidney diseases, the following menu is suitable as an example:
- We have breakfast with vinaigrette and compote of dried fruits;
- For lunch we eat 100 g of milk porridge, we drink a dog-rose broth;
- Lunch baked with vegetables, fish, drink tea with milk;
- We snack with pears;
- We dine with berry mousse, steam cutlets and rice porridge.
Potassium diet for the liver
To normalize the liver, you can use for example this diet:
- In the morning we eat a portion of oatmeal with dried apricots, drink green tea;
- We bite two baked apples;Dinner with a light vegetable salad and a piece of fish;
- We snack a banana and herbal decoction;
- We dine with fish meatballs and mashed potatoes.
Recipes for potassium diet
Potato soup recipe:
- Cook chicken broth;
- We clean and cut onions and potatoes;
- Throw everything in the broth, add salt;
- Sprinkle with herbs;
- Boil to cook, then drain the broth, add to the vegetables 50 g of butter and whisk everything with a blender.
Recipe for potato cutlets:
- Boil the sliced potatoes;
- Wipe it, add eggs, flour and butter, knead it;
- We make cutlets, fry in oil. Vegetable salad recipe:
- Shinch cabbage, rub the carrot;
- Mix, pour lemon juice.
We also recommend that you read the article Persimmon Diet.Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about the potassium diet for children and adults ^
As a result of the potassium diet, the work of the internal organs is restored, but in order to achieve this effect, it is necessary to adhere to special nutrition and drink medications prescribed by the doctor.
Reviews of doctors about the potassium diet:
Anastasia, 39 years old, cardiologist:
"Potassium is very important for the work of the heart, as with its deficiency, the heart muscles become weaker, arrhythmia appears and the risk of heart attack increases. Diet is an indispensable condition without which it is impossible to achieve effective treatment. "
Maria, 33, cardiologist:
" A diet on potassium products is almost always prescribed for the detection of symptoms of potassium deficiency and the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. I believe that successful treatment depends on nutrition in many ways, therefore the technique is very useful for my patients. "
Larysa, 38, hepatologist:
" For the liver, potassium is extremely important: without it, cirrhosis and hepatitis can develop. The diet helps prevent such complications, and in most cases it is possible to cure curable diseases even at the initial stage »