  • Anemia Diet

    Read the article:
    • Causes, symptoms and peculiarities of nutrition in case of low hemoglobin( anemia)
    • Anemia diet: approximate menu and features
    • Results, recommendations and references of doctors about therapeutic nutrition in case of anemia

    An anemia diet provides the body with all necessary substances for normalhemopoiesis

    An anemia diet is a special way of dietary nutritional therapy, aimed at providing the body with useful substances, without which normal blood formation does not occur.

    This diet program promotes the formation of platelets, saturates the body with iron and other nutrients.

    Causes, symptoms and peculiarities of feeding with low hemoglobin( anemia) ^

    For the disease called "anemia", a decrease in hemoglobin, erythrocytes, violation of respiratory function of blood and oxygen starvation of tissues. Very often anemia is a consequence of some serious disorder in the body.

    The causes of this disease can be different. The main ones include the following doctors:

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    • loss of large amounts of blood during operations, after injuries, profuse menstrual bleeding;
    • insignificant, but frequent blood loss, which can provoke, for example, an ulcer or hemorrhoids;
    • a violation of the function of bone marrow, producing red blood cells;
    • sedentary lifestyle, excessive physical or mental stress;
    • systematic stress;
    • kidney disease or other organs, infection, cancer;
    • parasites in the body( worms), etc.

    With anemia the patient experiences apathy, constant weakness, a rapid appearance of a feeling of fatigue, a headache and dizziness, nausea, constipation. In addition, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms: the hair becomes brittle, the skin is pale, dry mouth and caries appear, the temperature keeps for a long time, taste preferences change.

    Special dietary nutrition, aimed at stimulating the process of hematopoiesis, plays an important and even decisive role in the treatment of this common disease. The dietary program provides for the inclusion in the diet of foods with a high content of iron and other nutrients. It is also important that the products are fully absorbed.

    Recommended products:

    • The following products must be present in the patient's menu: meat, liver, red caviar. All these products contain a large amount of vitamin B12.
    • Folic acid, which lacks anemia, is found in such products: soy and legumes, nuts and seeds, onions and garlic, green vegetables.
    • It is useful to eat wholemeal products, but separately from meat. Combine with meat you can not sugar, bread, cereals and pasta.
    • Better digestion of iron will be promoted by products containing copper in its composition.
    • Fresh berries and fruits, especially in summer, are also very important and useful. It is recommended to eat strawberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn, peaches, pears and others.

    In case of anemia, milk, fatty and flour foods, vinegar and brine should be excluded from the diet. Tea, coffee and cola drink is not recommended, since the caffeine contained in these drinks interferes with the assimilation of iron.

    Alcoholic drinks have a negative or even dangerous effect on the body. The use of fuel can cause complications in the course of the disease, for example, disrupt blood coagulability. This diet program is contraindicated in pneumonia, angina and other infections.

    Anemia diet: approximate menu and features ^

    There are several varieties of the disease, for example, iron deficiency, aplastic, anemia B12.Not only adults and elderly people suffer from maloculation, but also children, for whom the diet menu has its own characteristics.

    Diet for iron deficiency anemia

    The diet for iron deficiency is a program aimed at increasing the number of consumed proteins, reducing the amount of fat in the diet and limiting carbohydrates that are easily digested. The diet menu can be made independently, based on the list of recommended products.

    Approximate diet for iron deficiency anemia is as follows:

    • For breakfast, you can cook vegetable puree and fry chicken liver, drink herbal tea.
    • Egg and a few apples are perfect for a snack.
    • In lunch it is recommended to cook light vegetable soup and cabbage salad, boil chicken fillet, eat an orange.
    • For a second snack, you can buy a bar with hematogen and drink an infusion of dogrose.
    • For dinner it is desirable to cook any curd dish, for example, casserole, as well as oatmeal.
    • It is allowed to drink a glass of kefir before bedtime.

    Diet for Anemia B12

    B12-deficiency anemia is a disease that occurs when vitamin B12 deficiency is due to insufficient intake of it with food or poor digestion. Dietary diet with a lack of B12 should be complete and contain products of vegetable and animal origin.

    The mandatory components of the diet for such a disease are:

    • liver,
    • red meat,
    • fish,
    • eggs,
    • dairy products,
    • vegetables,
    • legumes.

    Also, be sure to use are: rose, mountain ash, strawberries, kiwi fruit and other foods rich in vitamin C.

    Diet for aplastic anemia

    Aplastic anemia form requires medical treatment and surgery, because it is the most difficult kind of diseases characterized by cell deathin the bone marrow. However, an important stage of treatment, according to doctors, is therapeutic dietary nutrition in aplastic anemia.

    Doctors recommend increasing the intake of foods containing protein, iron, zinc, cobalt, manganese and other nutrients.

    Diet for anemia in adults

    Therapeutic dietary nutrition for anemia for adults is prescribed by a doctor depending on the causes of the illness and the condition of the patient. The daily ration should include 50 g of sugar and 200 g of rye, as well as wheat bread. It is important that the menu is full.

    • For breakfast it is recommended to eat salad, cereal porridge, milk or kefir. This breakfast will give energy and ensure normal health.
    • Fresh vegetables and fruits are suitable for a snack.
    • In the afternoon, you can cook a light soup or borsch with meat, rice, drink all the berry compote.
    • Between meals is allowed to drink broth of wild rose.
    • In the evening it is desirable to cook meat and vegetables, and before going to bed drink a glass of yogurt.

    The diet for anemia in the elderly should be based on products that are easily absorbed by the body. Dishes are preferably steamed, but they can also be stewed, boiled or baked. Marinated, salted and fried foods are strongly discouraged.

    Diet for children with anemia

    Therapeutic diet food for children is a very important complex component in the treatment and prevention of anemia. Recommendations for the prevention of disease in children and adolescents are as follows:

    • Vegetables rich in iron should be present in the diet: salad, spinach, parsley and others. Greenery can be thermally treated, which will not affect the iron content.
    • A child in the menu should enter meat, liver, yolk, which promote the assimilation of iron.
    • You can not get carried away with porridges, because all of them, except buckwheat, prevent the absorption of iron.
    • In addition to water, the child should be given a broth of dogrose.
    • Main products in the baby's diet: greens, eggs, cheese, fruits and vegetables, liver.

    Diet for Anemia in Pregnant Women

    Many pregnant mothers suffer from anemia, because a lot of iron is needed to form the fetus. If the mother uses this element in insufficient quantities, a special diet for anemia in pregnant women is necessary.

    Principles of nutrition of pregnant women with anemia are similar to previous recommendations. However, doctors warn that the use of the liver in the diet of expectant mothers should be somewhat limited.

    It is known that excessive consumption of vitamin A, contained in the liver, can provoke the appearance of various defects in the developing fetus.

    We also recommend that you read the article Diet for the kidneys.

    The results, recommendations and feedback from physicians about dietary therapy for anemia ^

    The doctors' reviews of the diet for anemia are only positive, because with this program the patient's hemoglobin level increases and the well-being improves. It is also worth noting that the results of an anemia diet will be more effective if you compose it with your doctor.

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