Diet after childbirth
Diet after childbirth will help to lose weight without reducing lactation and without harm to the baby
Dietafter childbirth becomes an urgent need for many women who gained significant weight during pregnancy.
Postnatal weight loss method is developed taking into account the gradual weight loss without harming the health of the mother and baby.
Peculiarities of nutrition for women in the postpartum period ^
The diet after childbirth for women breastfeeding should be organized in such a way that dietary nutrition is rich, nutritious and healthy. According to doctors, only a balanced diet and the right diet after childbirth will help the woman in childbirth to lose weight without reducing lactation and without causing harm to the health of the baby during breastfeeding.
The postpartum diet for breastfeeding women has its own characteristics:
- Feeding after childbirth should be often and in small fractions, at least 4-5 times a day;
- Once a day, include in the diet of meat or meat;
- Strictly forbidden to fast and overeat. Fasting after childbirth can put stress on the mother's body and reduce lactation, and overeating will only bring discomfort and add extra pounds;
- During the period of dietary nutrition the field of birth is recommended to take multivitamin complexes;
- Avoid in the diet of citrus fruits, fried foods, mayonnaise, sauces, ketchup, marinades, all kinds of alcohol and carbonated juices, strong drinks, smoked products and chocolate;
- Preparation of dishes from meat, vegetables and fish exclude frying.
After delivery during the first week, it is desirable to exclude eggs, raw vegetables, legumes, fruits, cabbage, pastries, canned food, sour and sour food from the diet. During this period it is recommended to eat cereals, soups, meat, nuts, cheese, boiled vegetables, baked fruit and fish.
It is necessary to adhere to such a menu in order that the baby does not experience swelling, constipation, intestinal distress or any allergic reactions( diathesis, rash, redness, etc.) during breastfeeding.
Diet after delivery for weight loss: approximate menu ^
The diet after childbirth for weight loss during lactation is calculated for a long time and approximately consists of the following dietary diet:
Week one
- Breakfast: buckwheat or oatmeal, tea, cracker with butter butter;
- Lunch: cereal unsweetened yogurt;
- Lunch: steamed buckwheat, pumpkin puree or vegetable broth, tea, steamed meat( chicken without skin or veal), cracker;
- Snack: a small guest of nuts;
- Dinner: stew of stewed beets, zucchini and carrots, milk with muesli.
Week two
- Breakfast: apple baked, tea, egg, oatmeal porridge;
- Lunch: cracker with butter or egg;
- Lunch: cracker, macaroni, kefir, chicken or fish;
- Snack: salad from boiled vegetables;
- Dinner: lean vegetable soup, unsweetened compote of raisins and dried apricots, a slice of ham.
Week of the third
- Breakfast: a piece of bread, oatmeal with dried fruits and butter, milk;
- Lunch: baked apple;
- Lunch: steamed beef, soup with crackers, unsweetened drink;
- Snack: salad from eggs, boiled carrots and cheese;
- Dinner: steamed vegetable stew, curdled milk or ryazhenka, cottage cheese with a dessert spoon of honey.
Fourth and fifth weeks
- Breakfast: curd salad with red baked apple, carrot juice, butter porridge;
- Lunch: curdled milk, cheese;
- Lunch: crackers, milk( chicken) soup - noodles, salad from boiled zucchini and carrots;
- Snack: marmalade, cocoa;
- Dinner: a piece of boiled or steamed meat or fish, spaghetti or vegetable garnish, tea.
Week 6
- Breakfast: not strong tea( you can include rice broth), cheese, porridge, egg;
- Lunch: a small apple or sour milk drink;
- Lunch: meat soup or ear, baked fish or steamed meat slice, compote or dill, toast;
- Snack: any salad, but from cooked foods;
- Dinner: ham, a dish of boiled vegetables, tea.
The dietary diet of the sixth week can be adhered to until the desired result is obtained. The main condition of the diet after childbirth is the daily inclusion of meat or fish, sour-milk drinks and cottage cheese in the menu. Raw vegetables, especially cucumbers, when breastfed should be introduced very carefully, since they can adversely affect the digestion of the baby.
The second variant of dietary nutrition after delivery for women who do not adhere to breastfeeding, is designed for a shorter time. This technique will allow you to throw off about 5 kg or more for a month after childbirth. Approximate menu for the day is made in two versions.
The first variant of the diet after the birth of
- Morning: unsweetened flakes with milk or oatmeal( on water without salt), egg, toast;
- Lunch: salad from potato boiled, tomato and fresh cabbage, any soup, sour-milk drink;
- Snack: grapefruit or pineapple;
- Dinner: steamed vegetables( boiled rice) with meat, cheese, tea, any fruit( banana exception).
The second variant of the diet after the birth of
- Morning: dried bread slice, vegetable puree, fish, yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk;
- Lunch: pasta, sauce from boiled minced meat, tomato and greens, salad from any raw vegetables, unsweetened gorse or compote;
- Snack: yoghurt with muesli or berries;
- Dinner: cracker or toast, stewed cabbage, fruit and juice.
It is not necessary to strictly adhere to these two diet options for a month. They can be changed at will, but it should be noted that all products in the women's menu after delivery should be low-calorie and useful.
Results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about dietary nutrition after birth ^
The results of a diet for weight loss after childbirth largely depend on the physiology of the female body and on how much the woman gained weight during pregnancy. Eating on the proposed postpartum diet, weight decreases gradually and does not damage the health.
Subsequently, by transferring the baby to artificial feeding, it is easier for women to diversify their food ration, in which the weight will decrease much more efficiently. The medical diet after delivery is transferred very easily due to a lack of hunger and strict restrictions in the products.
Drawing attention to the doctors' reviews of the diet after childbirth, you can see approving views on this dietary food. A balanced and rational diet for women after childbirth is designed in such a way as not to make the slimming mothers hungry after delivery and the toddlers to have health problems.
In addition, doctors especially recommend at the end of two months after childbirth to resort to various physical stresses. With a combination of dietary nutrition and exercise, you can achieve the desired result much faster and more efficiently.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: