Diet with acetone
Diet with acetone: reviews and patient results
Diet with acetone isthe necessary measure to reduce the concentration of acetone in the urine of a child, which is prescribed by a doctor after receiving tests or test results.
Features of the diet with increased acetone ^
Increase in acetone in urine and blood is a consequence of many negative factors: malnutrition, eating fatty foods, overeating, excessive consumption of products containing artificial colors.
Generally, a high level of acetone is a sign of the development of diabetes mellitus, which threatens with complications such as ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia and coma. Of course, for such reasons, the question of whether a diet with acetone is needed, by itself, disappears, since its increase is most often provoked by unhealthy foods.
What should be in a diet with acetone syndrome:
- Abundant drink;Compote from dried fruits and mineral water;
- Only fresh cooked or steamed meals;
- Cereals;
- Vegetable soups;
- Mashed potatoes;
- Baked apples;
- Gallets.
With positive dynamics, it is permitted to keep lean meat, milk and kefir, but in very small quantities.
The diet for acetonemia excludes the use of the above products at the first time and in the absence of positive dynamics, and within two days from the time of its onset, it is best to drink only water.
What kind of diet should be observed with acetone
There are many nutritional methods to reduce the level of acetone in the blood, in the urine, in children or adults, as well as in pregnant women, so you need to choose a specific diet with these nuances in mind.
The most important thing in all cases is that the food should be easily digested, be lean, without the addition of salt or spices.
Diet with acetone: menu, features of dietary nutrition, recipes ^
Diet with acetone: therapeutic menu, recipes for dietary dishes
Diet for acetone in children
First day:
- Drinking about 2 liters of water;
- We have a snack with a couple of crackers.
Second day:
- If there are positive changes, then we eat rice porridge and baked apple;
- Allowed to bite with drying.
The third, fourth and fifth days:
- We eat porridge cooked on the water: buckwheat, rice, semolina or corn;
- It is allowed to eat 1 serving of mashed potatoes, as well as a few biscuits, baked apples and crackers.
If there are improvements, then for two weeks we eat these products:
- Soups without roasting;
- Low-fat meat dishes;
- Macaroni on vegetable broth;
- Vegetables;
- Low-fat cottage cheese;
- A little vegetable and butter.
Acetone in children: Komarovsky's diet
Dr. Komarovsky developed his own method for relieving exacerbations, the essence of which is as follows:
- The child should not starve, and he needs to eat the first days of boiled water and mashed potatoes, biscuits, baked apples;
- When vomiting occurs, it is also permitted to consume milk, vegetable soups, meat and kefir;
- After a diet for 3 weeks allowed to eat only non-fat, non-fried and non-smoked food without seasoning. It is best to cook or cook a couple of dishes.
Diet for acetone in adults
When increasing acetone in adults it is recommended to eat, following these principles:
- In the first two days it is allowed to eat food only of vegetable origin and without the addition of various oils: porridges, vegetable soups, mashed potatoes;
- If there are positive changes, then meat and dairy products are introduced;
- If there is vomiting, only rice decoction, compotes from dried fruits and water are allowed.
Diet with acetone in pregnant women
Often during pregnancy, the level of acetone rises precisely because of toxicosis, and in such cases a woman should be hospitalized in a hospital where the doctor prescribes a strict diet:
- The first and second days drink only mineral water in small portions;
- With the improvement we eat carbohydrates for another 5 days: vegetable soups, salads, fruits.
Diet with acetone in urine
If you detect acetone in urine, you need to build your diet on cereals, skim curd and milk, fruits and vegetables, fresh juices, rabbit meat or turkey, and boiled eggs.
Sample menu:
- Lunch boiled eggs, drink compote of dried fruits;
- For lunch we eat baked apples;
- We have lunch with boiled meat and vegetable salad;
- We eat fruit for a snack;
- We are eating 100 g of cottage cheese.
Diet for acetone in the blood
This diet is not much different from the previous one, but it is dominated by carbohydrates:
- We have breakfast with buckwheat porridge;
- We eat cottage cheese for lunch;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup and 100 g of boiled meat;
- We snack fresh vegetables;
- We are having dinner with vegetable stew.
Diet with acetone: recipes
Recipe for vegetable soup with rice
- Purify and thin with small pieces 2 potatoes, carrots and onions;
- Throw in a pan with water, add a little salt;
- After 15 minutes, pour 0.5 cups of rice and cook until done.
Recipe for braised potatoes
- Bring a small amount of water to a boil, throw there diced potatoes( 2 pcs.), Chopped onions and carrots;
- Water should completely cover vegetables;
- We add a little salt there, extinguish about 40 minutes.
Recipe compote of apples and raisins
- 30 g raisins pour 1 liter of water, cook half an hour;
- Add to the pan 2 finely chopped apples, boil for another 5-10 minutes and turn off.
Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about therapeutic nutrition with acetone ^
As a result of a diet with acetone it is possible to reduce its level to normal, but it must be used in conjunction with drug treatment or clinical examination.
As a rule, it takes 1-2 weeks to normalize acetone, and acute attacks in the form of nausea and vomiting take place in the first two days.
Reviews about diet with acetone from doctors
Maria, 39, endocrinologist:
"Increasing acetone does not always indicate the presence of diabetes: this may be due to fatigue or a viral illness during which a person drank little water. That is why consuming a large amount of liquid with any diet is a key rule, and it should be respected both by adults and children. "
Larissa, age 33, endocrinologist:"
With increasing acetone, it is also desirable to do a glucose test. If it is also increased - immediately consult a doctor and the diet can be used without consulting him. »
Irina, 35, pediatrician:
« If a child has vomiting, and the test showed a high level of acetone, it is important to adhere to a diet, as withouther use of medication will not give the desired result. It is best for this to choose Komarovsky's method, tk.she proved herself on the positive side of many doctors »