Cabbage Diet
Slimming with cabbage helps to quickly and stably lose weight
Cabbage diet is not for nothing is considered one of the most simple and effective ways to combat excess weight.
Cabbage - traditionally Russian, quite normal for our edges vegetable. Its use in various programs for weight loss is not accidental - because this amazing product contributes not only to rapid weight loss, but also to a significant improvement of the body.
So, according to women, the results of a diet for cabbage for 7 or 10 days can be expressed in the loss of extra 6-10 or more kilograms.
Cabbage Diet: Features, Pros and Cons ^ ^
All kinds of cabbage( white, broccoli, color, sea) are widely used in diet programs, since they are all equally useful and low in calories.
The main distinctive feature of the cabbage diet is that the cabbage is the invariable( and main) product in it. Moreover, it is allowed to use as one kind of this leafy vegetable, and any combination thereof. Reviews about the cabbage diet are very good, but remember that to consolidate the result you will need additional efforts - the transition to the usual diet should be gradual.
Slimming techniques based on cabbage are quite effective with addition of some other products. It can be low-fat fish or lean meat, eggs, carrots, fruit, kefir. Drinking green tea or water without gas is recommended. Repeating this program for weight loss is possible not earlier than two months after the previous one.
Pluses of cabbage diet:
- high content of fiber, vitamins and natural antioxidants in the vegetable, which contribute to overall health and rejuvenation of the body;
- cabbage also promotes bowel cleansing and normalization of its work;
- such a program of losing weight gives a visible and fairly stable result, which can easily be maintained by a proper transition to the normal diet;
- because of its low caloric value, this leafy vegetable can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities. Disadvantages and contraindications:
- it is not suitable for people who have problems with gastrointestinal tract, suffering from diabetes, kidney failure or severe obesity;
- because of the low content of carbohydrates in cabbage at first, when it is used, there may come a sense of weakness, drowsiness, headaches. Therefore, this method of losing weight is recommended to try only when you do not need increased performance - for example, on vacation;
- in order to avoid complete loss of strength and depression, in compliance with this dietary program, it is recommended to take multivitamins;
- can not get carried away with this weight loss program too often or for long - with its long use, the body starts using muscle mass as fuel, which makes the body flabby, muscles lose their elasticity;
- and the last - this technique is quite tough, if not to say - extreme, requiring great dedication. Since there are very few products in it, the probability of frustration and return of extra kilograms is quite high.
Classic cabbage diet for 7 and 10 days: menus and recipes ^
The classic cabbage diet program is usually designed for 7 or 10 days.
The menu of the classic cabbage diet for 10 days can be made as follows:
- Breakfast - green tea or coffee without sugar, still water;
- Lunch - cabbage soup and 200 g of boiled beef, chicken or fish;
- Dinner - cabbage salad with olive oil, 1 egg( chicken or quail), any fruit( except grapes and bananas);
- 2 hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir( natural drinking yoghurt or bifidoc).
You can not salt anything, and if you are not eating enough during meals, you can eat cabbage and in between, but in pure form, without any additives.
Diet on cabbage soup for 7 days
Quite popular is the method of losing weight on cabbage soup. Its basis is soup, made from fresh cabbage.
Sample menu for 7 days:
- 1 day - cabbage soup, fruit( not bananas and not grapes).
- Day 2 - cabbage soup.
- Day 3 - cabbage soup, vegetables( except potatoes).
- Day 4 - cabbage soup, low-quality milk.
- Day 5 - cabbage soup, 500 grams of low-fat meat or fish, fresh tomatoes.
- 6 day - cabbage soup, 200 g lean meat, vegetables.
- Day 7 - cabbage soup, vegetables, fruit juice.
Cabbage soup recipe:
- cabbage - 500 g, carrots - 5 roots, bulb - 5, Bulgarian pepper - 2, tomato - 2, stalk of celery - 4. All the vegetables are shredded and boiled in a saucepan. In another container 100 grams of brown rice are boiled and added to vegetables, soup is seasoned with a pinch of salt.
Since such a diet provides the body no more than 800-100 Kcal per day, slimming with cabbage soup is quite active.
Diet on cabbage broth
Another version of an effective weight loss program - on cabbage decoction. It assumes the following menu:
- Breakfast - drink from water( 150 ml), honey( 1 tablespoon), lemon juice( 5 drops).A little later they drink a cup of green tea or coffee without sugar;
- Lunch - boiled meat and light vegetables( 500 g);
- Dinner - cabbage( 200 g) pour water( 150 ml) and cook for 20 minutes.
- You can drink a glass of kefir 2 hours before bedtime.
Cabbage diet for 7 days
Its essence is that in a day you can eat 4 pieces of baked potatoes( without salt and butter) and 0.5 kg of cabbage, which is cooked for a couple. All this is divided into 5 meals. In a day potatoes are allowed to water 1 tsp.olive oil. Cabbage can be replaced by a fresh cabbage.
Diet on sauerkraut: menu for 3, 4 and 10 days ^
The lowest caloric content( 19 Kcal) is for sauerkraut, so the methods of losing weight with its use are considered to be the most effective. There are several options for diet programs with sauerkraut, the most popular of them for 3, 4 and 10 days.
Dietary program # 1: 3 days
- 1 day - one kilogram of sauerkraut is eaten in a pure form throughout the day. This helps to accelerate the metabolism and relieves the body of toxins.
- Day 2 - for breakfast eat 1 boiled egg, for lunch apples, for dinner - any dish of sauerkraut( only 700 grams per day).
- Day 3 - on this day, try a combination of menus from the previous days.
Dietary program number 2: for 4 days
This option is softer and includes a full 3x single meal.
1 day
- breakfast - skim curd with crumbled watercress, a slice of black bread;
- lunch - sauerkraut( 200 g), braised with pear, and 100 g of stewed pork;
- dinner - salad: sauerkraut - 150 g, radish - 4, white radish - 0.5, cucumber - 0.5.It is poured with yoghurt, in which 1 tsp is added.ground nuts.
Day 2
- breakfast - low fat yogurt with banana and oat flakes( 1 tablespoon);
- dinner - soup from sauerkraut;
- dinner - salad with sauerkraut( 200 g) and salmon fillet( 150 g), seasoned with lemon juice.
Day 3
- breakfast - salad of cottage cheese and orange, sprinkled with sunflower seeds;
- lunch - sauerkraut( 150 g) and fried saury( 150 g);
- dinner - potato pancakes, and a salad with sauerkraut and 4 grapes.
Day 4
- breakfast - coarse grind and 0.5 apples;
- lunch - sauerkraut( 150 g), braised with beef fillet( 200 g) and pineapple;
- dinner - salad from sauerkraut( 100 g), tomatoes( 3 pcs.) And pork slicing( 125 g).
Dietary program # 3: for 10 days
- Breakfast - green tea and a slice of black bread;
- Lunch - 200 grams of sauerkraut, an apple, a glass of water;
- Dinner - sauerkraut( 100 g), boiled fish( 100 g), a glass of kefir.
As all the above methods of weight loss do not contain in the diet physiologically necessary norms of vitamins and nutrients, they can not be repeated more than once in 2 months in order to avoid health problems.
Sea-cabbage diet: menu and results ^
Seaweed( kelp) is considered to be an excellent dietary product with a high content of vitamins and microelements necessary for human and insoluble dietary fibers that can quickly quench the feeling of hunger.
Diet program based on kelp implies the use of this product in an amount of 250 - 300 g per day. The menu can be made as follows:
- Breakfast - salad from kelp with tomatoes, cucumbers, dressed with vegetable oil. From drinking - green tea;
- Lunch - salad with kelp with tomato, 150 g of poultry( chicken or turkey) or 2 eggs;
- Snack - 100 g of salad from kelp and boiled carrots;
- Dinner - salad from kelp, tomatoes, cucumbers, apple and boiled meat;
- Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of green tea with a spoon of honey.
For a seaweed diet, both frozen and dried, canned or raw produce are suitable. Duration of weight loss on sea kale should not exceed one week. Reviews of those who lose weight show that during this time you can lose from 7 to 10 kg of excess weight.
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the diet of losing weight on fat-burning soups.Diet on cauliflower for weight loss ^
The method of weight loss based on cauliflower is considered quite extreme( the product contains only 20 - 30 Kcal per 100 grams), therefore it is not necessary to observe it for more than 3 days.
Dietary program on cauliflower №1 : boil 1.5 kg of the product in unsalted water, divide it into 4-5 meals and consume during the day. Perhaps a combination of cauliflower with greens or fresh tomatoes( cauliflower - 800 grams, tomatoes - 300 grams).
Dietary program number 2 : boil cauliflower( 600 g) and chicken breasts( 400 g), grind in a blender, add broth for soup - puree. This regime of nutrition with the addition of vegetables and unsweetened fruits can be adhered to within 7 days.
To ensure that after a cabbage diet the extra pounds are not returned to you again, it is very important to make the right transition from a diet program to a normal daily diet:
- If you go immediately to a daily diet that contains more than 1500 calories per day, youNot only will you return to your previous weight, but you can step over his mark.
- Post-diet food should be formulated with the condition of strict restriction of the consumption of fats, salt, fried foods. From sweets and desserts you have to give up altogether.
- Take care also of sufficient physical activity for your body - the use of low-calorie food can lead to loss of skin elasticity and its sagging.
- Do not get carried away with cabbage diets too often - the product does not contain protein and is a low-carbohydrate food, and therefore can not be fully attributed to a healthy and balanced diet.
We advise you to watch a video about the benefits of sauerkraut for health and longevity: