Diet with diarrhea( diarrhea)
Diarrhea diet quickly restores useful microflora in the intestine
Dietwith diarrhea( diarrhea) - first aid for initial symptoms of intestinal disorder, which is characterized by a very frequent and fluid stool and is accompanied by nausea, sharp or aching pain.
The therapeutic dietary method against diarrhea is aimed at the effective reduction of unpleasant manifestations of diarrhea and the prompt recovery of the patient.
Diets in chronic and acute diarrhea ^
Diarrhea or intestinal disorder( diarrhea) is of two kinds:
- Acute diarrhea caused by parasitic, viral or bacterial infections of the intestine, contaminated water use, food intolerance and stress;
- Chronic diarrhea, the causes of which may be ulcers of the large rectum, Crohn's disease, colitis ulcerative and other chronic diseases or inflammations.
In both cases, the symptoms of the disorder are the same - frequent stools, nausea, abrupt or persistent abdominal pain and dehydration. The strongest manifestations of diarrhea can be high fever, vomiting, and sometimes the presence of blood in the stool during emptying.
The advantages of diets with diarrhea are:
- Normalization of bowel health;
- Improvement of the microflora and functional state of the digestive system;
- Restoration in the body of water - salt balance.
The list of approved products for diarrhea includes:
- Steam Omelette, hard-boiled eggs and curd cheese;
- Baked or boiled quince, apples, fresh bananas;
- Soups - mashed vegetable, chicken, fish lean broths and soups;
- Cereals in mucilaginous or wiped form, preferably from rice;
- White or cut dried bread;
- Low-fat fish and chicken in the form of steam cutlets, lean beef in the form of meatballs;From vegetables - fresh finely grated carrots, carrot puree;
- Decoctions( herbal, rice), compotes, kissels( blueberries, quinces, apples) and loose tea.
It is forbidden to include the following food in a diary diet:
- Fresh fruits, berries, vegetables;
- Black, gray bread;
- Marinades, pickles, smoked products, canned food, fatty foods;
- Mushrooms, legumes and flour products;
- Spices, sauces, spices;
- Sour-milk drinks, milk, juices and syrups.
Contraindications and shortcomings in diarrhea diet are absent. However, since dietary food is curative and is fully aimed at fighting diarrhea, it is not recommended to use it as weight loss.
Diarrhea diet: menus and nutrition features ^
Diarrhea diet in an adult
Dietary diet in diarrhea in adults - fractional and frequent food intake and copious drinking. The norm of each dish in the diet should be up to 250 g( ml).
Sample menu for diarrhea in an adult:
- Morning: omelet steam, a slice of bread - 50 gr., Rice broth;
- Lunch: chicken broth with crackers;
- Lunch: rice soup with beef meatballs, 50 gr.bread, black tea;
- Snack: a pair of baked apples;
- Evening: mashed potato, egg, kissel;
- Late evening: decoction of bird cherry.
Diet for diarrhea in a child
Dietary nutrition for diarrhea for children is not much different from that of an adult. The only difference is dishes cooked only in a mushy state or in the form of mashed potatoes.
In case of diarrhea in mother's infants, it is recommended to switch to a hypoallergenic diet. If the baby is on artificial nutrition, then from its menu it is necessary to exclude cow's milk and introduce lactose-free mixtures.
Approximate diet menu for diarrhea for a child aged 4 years and over.
- Breakfast: manna liquid porridge, kissel;
- Breakfast of the second: cottage cheese rubbed, baked apple;
- Lunch: chicken steamed chicken, rice mashed porridge, quince juice;
- Snack: chicken broth with dried bread slices;
- Dinner: steam omelet, wild cherry decoction;
- At night: manna liquid porridge, baked apple.
Diet for diarrhea in pregnant women
The diet for diarrhea in pregnant women is based on certain dietary rules:
- The diet for the first two days for diarrhea in pregnant women is oatmeal and rice porridge boiled on water, baked apples, rice or bird cherry decoction;
- When reducing the symptoms of diarrhea, it is allowed to inject crunches and loose teas;
- For complete recovery, the following soups are introduced( fish, chicken) and boiled lean meat.
Diet in colitis with diarrhea
Colitis is a painful condition that is often accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, severe aching and constant pain. If colitis occurs with diarrhea, the patient should adhere to a balanced diet consisting of the following products:
- Cereals( millet is excluded), eggs, steam omelettes, fresh cottage cheese;
- Low-fat meat and fish varieties, as well as soups based on them;
- Mashed vegetables - carrot, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage( finely chopped), potatoes;
- Baked apples and pears;
- Decoctions( berry, herbal, rice), tea, kissels and compotes.
Diet for diarrhea and vomiting
If the intestinal disorder is accompanied by diarrhea with vomiting, then the first day of diarrhea diet should consist of astringent liquid: rice broth, infusion of balsam or bird cherry, black tea.
The following couple of days are recommended to adhere to the following diet:
- Morning: liquid mashed potatoes, rice broth;
- Lunch: chicken broth with softened crumbs;
- Lunch: oatmeal liquid porridge, berry jelly;
- Snack: baked apple, softened to mashed potatoes, wild cherry decoction;
- Evening: chicken broth, carrot liquid puree;
- At night: semolina porridge, tea.
Diarrhea diet after antibiotics
Antibiotics often lead to complications in the form of diarrhea due to intestinal microflora disorders. To prevent dysbiosis in the period of taking these drugs and the appearance of diarrhea, it is necessary to take drugs that normalize and restore the intestinal microflora. However, when diarrhea occurs, the following nutritional diet should also be adhered to:
- Day one - the second: a steam omelet, rice porridges and decoctions, berry jelly, jelly, cereal puddings;
- Day three - the fifth: fish, meat steamed meatballs or cutlets, herbal teas, compotes( apple, quince) and lean soups.
Diarrhea in acute diarrhea
The acute form of an intestinal disorder involves a sparing diet. The list of products that help to quickly reduce the symptoms of acute diarrhea includes:
- Bananas, baked apples or apple sauce;
- White rice and mashed potatoes;
- Unsweetened biscuits, white toasts and crackers;
- Chicken meat;
- Blueberries and bird cherries;
- Yogurt;
- Teas from various herbs.
Diet for chronic diarrhea
Nutrition in the acute form of diarrhea and chronic with each other is not particularly different. However, chronic diarrhea is characterized by poor absorption of vitamins and mineral salts - phosphorus, potassium, calcium and others. Therefore, they need to be introduced additionally in the form of cheese, cottage cheese, apples, quinces, pears, meat products and liver.
Approximate one-day menu for chronic diarrhea, the following is recommended:
- Morning: rice viscous porridge in oil, cottage cheese rubbed, kissel;
- Lunch: rice broth, a pair of crackers;
- Lunch: buckwheat - beef patties, kissel;
- Snack: baked pears;
- Dinner: semolina porridge on chicken broth, bird cherry infusion.
Results, weight loss reviews and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition for diarrhea( diarrhea) ^
Diets with diarrhea results in a rapid and effective reduction in the symptoms of diarrhea and its subsequent treatment. Depending on the degree of intestinal disorder, the dietary method can last from 5 days to a month. To leave the diet after the diarrhea has been carried out gradually, cautiously including in the menu fresh vegetables, fruits and other habitual food.
Reviews of the diet for diarrhea, both doctors and people who used it, only positive. With the help of a medical diet, the painful symptoms of diarrhea quickly decline, and the stool gradually normalizes.
Doctors recommend using the following tips how to eat properly to avoid the occurrence of chronic diarrhea:
- Drink only boiled clean water for drinking;
- Strictly observe the daily hygiene of hands;
- Properly handle food and prepare meals.
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