Diet with gastroduodenitis
Diet with gastroduodenitis maximally protects stomach and duodenal mucosa
Diet with gastroduodenitisis a curative food system, which must be adhered to throughout the period of the disease.
Causes, symptoms and peculiarities of nutrition in gastroduodenitis ^
Gastroduodenitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. According to doctors, the causes of this disease can be:
- Incorrect and unbalanced nutrition;
- Increased nervousness and stress;
- A bacterium called Helicobacter pylori;
- Prolonged use of medication.
This disease has three forms: chronic, acute and exacerbated. Chronic gastroduodenitis in turn is divided into superficial, mixed, hypertrophic and erosive. Depending on the type of gastric secretion, gastroduodenitis with normal, increased( increased acidity) and decreased( reduced acidity) secretory function are distinguished.
The main symptoms of gastroduodenitis include:
- noisy stomach pain after a couple of hours after eating,
- feeling of heaviness,
- nausea,
- burp,
- diarrhea, constipation and their alternation.
- In patients with chronic gastroduodenitis, patients are irritable, pale and quickly fatigued.
Regardless of the type of disease, if it does not start to be treated on time, gastroduodenitis can lead to a cancer or peptic ulcer disease. One of the main roles in the complex treatment or prevention of disease plays a diet. The diet is specially designed to minimize the stomach and duodenal mucosa, in which inflammatory processes occur.
The dietary technique for gastroduodenitis has strict rules:
- Do not eat very hot or cold food;
- Food should be chewed very carefully;
- It should be eaten often and fractional - a day at least 5 - 6 times.
The food ration of patients with gastroduodenitis should consist of the following permitted foods and dishes:
- Mashed soups prepared on chicken, fish, mushroom and vegetable broths;Boiled lean beef and poultry meat, steamed cutlets;
- Caviar black, boiled fish, low-fat chopped soaked herring;
- Omelette and raw eggs;
- Fresh non-acidic sour cream and cottage cheese, mashed cheese, cream, milk, curdled milk, kefir, butter;
- Mashed or well-boiled porridge of mango, buckwheat or rice;
- Biscuit crackers, bread gray or white, but slightly dried;
- Fresh juices, decoctions, tea, cocoa with milk;Raw rubbed or boiled fruits, vegetables;
- Jelly and marmalade.
Canned food, fried, smoked and salted dishes, chocolate products, seasonings and spicy sauces, soda and alcohol are completely excluded from the diet. Of vegetables, cabbage, onion, sorrel, cucumber, turnip, radish and spinach are most limited.
The diet, observed during the period of gastroduodenitis, has several obvious advantages:
- There is no acute hunger;
- Normalization of the digestive system;
- Exchange processes in the body are improving;
- The food intake consists of affordable and inexpensive products.
As for the minuses, it can be attributed to the fact that the exclusion from the diet of seasonings and spices in dishes will significantly worsen their taste qualities. In addition, the preparation of dietary meals will require considerable time. Contraindication to diet compliance will only serve as an allergic reaction to certain types of foods.
Diet for gastroduodenitis: approximate menu and features ^
Daily dietary nutrition for gastroduodenitis consists in following the rules of food intake:
- Liquid porridges( buckwheat or rice wiped, semolina and oatmeal), fish, liquid soups and meat, passed through a meat grinder - inday no more than once;
- Eggs raw - 3 pieces, or an omelette from the same number of eggs;
- Broth of wild rose or not very sweet, not strong tea;
- You need to consume food at least six times and in small amounts to avoid overeating.
Diet for erosive gastroduodenitis
The dietary technique for the erosive form of the disease is based on certain rules:
- Fat, fried and spicy food, carbonated drinks and alcohol are prohibited;
- Dishes should be warm;
- Daily food intake should go up to 6 times;
- Bran, coarse and fibrous vegetables and fruits are excluded.
The approximate daily menu can be as follows:
- Morning: milk porridge( oatmeal, rice), softened curd with addition of sour cream and sugar, mousse berry;
- Lunch: baked apple;
- Lunch;rubbed rice with a piece of meat, compote, semolina soup on low-fat milk;
- Snack: drink from rose hips;
- Evening: raw egg, vegetable puree, boiled fish, a pair of marmalade with tea;
- Before going to bed: fermented milk product( yogurt, yogurt).
Diet with gastroduodenitis during the exacerbation of
During the exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to the following mandatory menu for 5 days:
- Breakfast 1: milk, a pair of raw eggs;
- Lunch: fruit jelly;
- Lunch: slimy milky soup( oatmeal, pearl barley), meat steamed soufflé, cream.
- Snack: broth of wild rose or jelly, fruit jelly;
- Dinner: mashed milk porridge( rice, buckwheat), milk.
- Before going to bed: jelly or milk.
Diet for superficial gastroduodenitis
The nutritional regimen of a therapeutic diet allows you to stop inflammation and helps restore the integrity of the mucous membrane.
The daily menu should contain the following compulsory meals and products:
- Cottage cheese and skim milk;
- Compotes, kissels and fruit liquid mashed potatoes;
- Mineral alkaline water;
- Welded vegetables: potatoes, carrots, peas and beets;
- Cooked or steamed cooked rabbit meat or chicken;Cod, pink salmon or hake.
Diet for gastroduodenitis with increased acidity
The diet program for nutrition with increased acidity includes three main rules:
- Compliance with strict regimen, namely eating at the same time;
- To eat at least 6 times a day;
- The food should be mashed or in the form of a puree. Approximate daily menu:
- 8.00.a cup of millet mashed porridge( oatmeal, rice), dried bread slice, milk tea;
- 11.00.baked apple;
- 13.00.soup with gourd on vegetable broth, compote, steam cutlet, carrot puree;
- 16.00.Milk drink from chicory, a pair of crackers;
- 19.00.rice pudding and fish or chicken cutlet and vegetable stew, jelly;
- 22.00.cream.
Diet with low acidity gastroduodenitis
For gastroduodenitis with low acidity, a diet with four meals a day is recommended, the approximate menu of which consists of the following foods and dishes:
- Breakfast: curd mousse with banana and cream, steamed biscuits, tea, raw egg;
- Lunch: rice soup, steam cutlet, jelly and vegetable puree;
- Snack: broth from bran;
- Dinner: rice pudding, jellied fish, salad from fruit, yogurt.
We also recommend that you read the article Diet for Hepatitis.Results, recommendations and feedback from physicians on dietary nutrition for gastroduodenitis ^
The results of dietary compliance with gastroduodenitis are very positive. These include:
- Avoiding exacerbation of the disease;
- Prevention of the development of other gastrointestinal diseases;
- Significant improvement in well-being and gradual reduction of unpleasant symptoms.
Doctors of gastroenterology, depending on the type of disease, prescribe to the patient an individual dietary diet regime, since without a diet it will not be possible to achieve a positive and quick recovery result. However, physicians do not recommend eating this diet for more than 4 months, since mashed and mushy food can significantly reduce digestive activity.
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