Liquid diet
The liquid diet helped Angelina Jolie shape herself after giving birth
Liquid diet is a wonderful way,allowing for one - two weeks without excruciating fasting to remove extra pounds, completely clean the intestines and remove from the body harmful slags and toxins.
The essence of a fluid slimming system ^
The basis of a liquid diet is the use of low-calorie food in liquid form and water. It is water that is the fastest and most effective way to lose weight, and liquid food minimizes caloric intake, perfectly satisfies hunger and allows the body to spend less time and energy on digesting it.
In addition, during the time of weight loss on a liquid diet, the stomach gradually begins to contract, which will allow not only to consume a small amount of food in the future, but will also force other organs to work more intensively.
Advantages of liquid dietary methods:
- There is no exhaustion of hunger;
- The body and intestines are completely cleansed;
- For 1 - 2 dietary weeks the loss of excess weight will be from 4 to 6 kg;
- is very easy to transfer;
- Normal physical activity and good mood are maintained;
- The body is gradually saturated with nutrients.
The only drawback of this power supply system is its imbalance. In addition, its compliance is not very comfortable for busy people. That is why it is most convenient to stick to the liquid method of losing weight during the holiday period.
The liquid diet is strictly contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and intestines. The main rule that should be observed with this dietary system is the strict absence of solid foods in the diet and the use of permitted liquid every 50 to 60 minutes.
Liquid diet: approximate menu and recipes for stars ^
The daily menu should consist of vegetable drinks, fruit juices, chicken and vegetable broths without salt, sour-milk and dairy products, unsweetened coffee and tea, decoctions and compotes. Liquid cleansing diet is designed to remove from the body of excess four and more kilograms and harmful substances that pollute the body.
This diet has its own nuances and ways of preparing decoctions and juices:
- The liquid should be consumed every hour in the amount of 200 grams;
- Drinks, squeezed from vegetables or fruits, should be diluted with water in proportions of 3: 1;
- Recipe for chicken broth: 400 - 500 g of chicken washed and place a container with two liters of water. During the boiling of the broth, it is necessary to remove the foam and cook for another 60 minutes. If desired, you can add chopped carrots and greens( parsley, green onions and dill).Then the broth must be filtered.
The approximate menu of the dietary food system is as follows:
- 8:00 - a decoction of oats, rice or oatmeal;
- 9:00 - apricot compote;
- 10:00 - green tea in hot condition;
- 11:00 - pumpkin or carrot drink;
- 12:00 - milk or yogurt 1% drinking;
- 13:00 - boiled hot water;
- 14:00 - berry juice;
- 15:00 - broth from low-fat chicken parts;4:00 pm - coffee;
- 17:00 - drink from fruit;
- 18:00 - vegetable broth;
- 19:00 - milk;
- 20:00 - tomato juice;
- 21:00 - boiled hot water.
Angelina Jolie Liquid Diet
Angelina Jolie's liquid diet has helped her to regain her ideal shape after pregnancy. The essence of it consists in daily consumption during 3 weeks of vegetable and chicken broths, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks and fresh drinks. In addition, dietary weeks were accompanied by daily and intensive physical training. Thus, the Hollywood movie diva successfully threw off 10 kg and brought her figure in excellent condition.
Adriana Lima's Liquid Diet
Adriana Lima's diet is very effective in terms of losing weight, but it is considered quite extreme and can cause harm to health. In the nine-day diet known model includes only pure drinking water and protein low-calorie cocktails. To adhere to such a dietary technique is desirable only in extremely rare cases, for example, before a very important event.
Results, weight loss reviews and advice from doctors about liquid weight loss method ^
Liquid diet results - getting rid of excess 4 kg or more, unloading the body from accumulated slag, improving the health and condition of nails, hair and skin. In order to lose weight did not decide to return, it is necessary to competently follow the way out of the diet.
After the completion of a two-week diet program, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet for the next four days. The correct way out after a diet is necessary in order to consolidate the result and not to cause harm to health.
First of all, it is worthwhile to use cookies, sweet products and fried foods. The sample menu on leaving the dietary method can be as follows:
- Breakfast: cabbage puree and a glass of kefir;
- Lunch: medium carrot, cooked and passed through a fine grater, orange juice;
- Lunch: berry juice, pear puree;
- Snack: vegetable soup, herbal decoction;Dinner: pumpkin liquid mashed potatoes, kefir.
- Breakfast: vegetables stewed, any salad, kefir;
- Lunch: 1% yogurt drinking - 250 g;
- Lunch: drink from citrus, vegetable stew;
- Snack: cranberry or strawberry fruit drink, fruit salad;
- Dinner: tea, salad greens, beets, green onions and carrots.
- Breakfast: liquid milk porridge( millet or buckwheat), vegetable broth;
- Lunch: apricot compote, finely chopped vegetable salad;
- Lunch: milk, vegetable mushroom soup;
- Snack: chicken soup;
- Dinner: ryazhenka, vegetable stew, beet or carrot salad.
- Breakfast: berry juice, oatmeal with the addition of dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
- Lunch: apple puree, apricot compote;
- Lunch: a piece of low-fat fish, mashed potatoes, 50 grams of rye bread, compote;
- Snack: fruit cocktail;
- Dinner: chicken soup, salad greens and vegetables, coffee.
Reviews about the liquid diet of women who lose weight by this method are quite positive. In addition, they all noted that during two weeks they not only eased weight easily, but also did not feel hunger, discomfort and other unpleasant consequences.
Nutritionists believe that the liquid food system causes a certain stress for the body and recommends using it as a single unloading week and no more than once every three months.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: