Strawberry Diet
Strawberry diet helps to lose weight by 3 to 4 kilograms for 5 days
Strawberry diet is successfully used by many women, using for weight loss the unique and useful properties of this miracle - the fruit.
After all, strawberries - one of the most popular and popular in the people of berries, which do not bypass the attention of cosmetologists, specialists in traditional medicine and nutritionists.
How to lose weight on a strawberry ^
The use of weight loss with the use of strawberries consists primarily in the fact that it contains a large number of vitamins C and B, flavonoids, folic acid, fruit sugars, pectin, iodine, iron, calcium, fiber.
And this is not the whole list of useful substances, due to the abundance of which its effect on the body is very diverse:
- the calorie content of the strawberry is extremely low - only about 40 kcal per 100 g of berries, which makes it a very attractive ingredient for many diet programs;
- thanks to the antioxidants contained in the berries, during the diet, the organism is liberated from harmful substances, the negative impact of free radicals decreases, which contributes to the improvement of the body and strengthening of the immune system;
- iodine, contained in strawberries, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, and potassium and magnesium contribute to the normalization of blood pressure;
- there is an improvement in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- regular use of a diet with strawberries helps not only to reduce weight, but also to improve the condition of the skin and hair( thanks to the presence of vitamins C and B).
Strawberry diet: menus for 3 and 5 days ^
Strawberries are used in many diets( from vegetable to meat), but, as a rule, as an auxiliary product and source of vitamins and microelements.
Diets in which this berry is the main ingredient exist in two variants - "hard"( only strawberries are used for food for 3 days) and "soft", in which they supplement other foods.
Menu for 3 days
"Hard" strawberry technique is called a diet in the full sense of the word difficult. Rather, it's 3 days off, which is ideal for those who need to quickly lose 1.5 - 2 extra pounds.
Only strawberries( whole and in the form of juice) and unmineralized water or green tea are used for food. As such, there is no menu. The daily norm of berries( about 1 kg) is divided into equal portions and consumed at regular intervals. Water and / or tea are drunk arbitrarily, if desired.
To continue the diet for more than three days is not recommended because of the rather aggressive effect of strawberries on the stomach.
Menu for 5 days
The essence of the "soft" strawberry diet is to prepare dishes from vegetables, fish, dietary meat and dairy products with mandatory use of strawberry berries.
- From the diet, bread is removed( except for whole grains), butter, any products with a high content of fats and carbohydrates, the use of salt is minimized.
- As sources of fats, it is better to use vegetable oils and sea fish, and carbohydrates are obtained from fruits.
- Duration of the diet - 5 days. Increase is not recommended.
- Number of meals - at least 5 times a day. One glass of fresh berries is eaten at a time, and only one kilogram per day in just one day.
- Average weight loss - 2.5 - 4 kg, depending on the weight before starting weight loss.
- Average daily required amount of calories - no more than 1200 - 1250 kcal.
Delicious recipes for strawberry season ^
The approximate daily menu is developed individually, taking into account food preferences and habits. You just need to remember that strawberries should be contained in each dish. Therefore, for a dietary diet, you need to choose those recipes in which you can "inscribe" berries without compromising taste and cooking technology.
Especially good strawberries are combined with fruits, cottage cheese and yoghurt. These dishes( salads, mousses, casseroles) can be consumed daily.
Vegetable soup - puree
- If there is a soup in your usual menu, then you do not have to give up your habit. You can try to make soup - mashed potatoes, squash and carrots on broth from chicken or turkey, and berries, cut into 4 parts, add to it after cooking.
Casserole soup
- A small amount of semolina porridge mixed with sliced or mashed strawberries, add a little cottage cheese, beaten egg whites and vanillin. All carefully mix so that the berries do not give a lot of juice, and then bake for 10 minutes on the protivine in a preheated 220 - 230 ° C oven.
Chicken Breast
- Boil the breast, cut into cubes or slices. Strawberries are mashed, add finely chopped kiwi to it and mix. Add mint or lemon balm to the mixture. The resulting "sauce" put on meat. As a side dish, you can serve rice.
Curd mousse
- Cottage cheese beat in a mixer, adding vanillin to it. Strawberries can be crushed together with cottage cheese, and can be finely chopped and put on mousse top.
Fruit Salad
- Finely chop apple and strawberries, mix. To the salad, add a little orange juice and low-fat yogurt.
Fruit puree
- Peel the apricots or peaches and mix with a mixer. In the puree, add a little honey or orange juice.
From these dishes you can try to make such a menu for the day:
- Breakfast: curd mousse.
- Second breakfast: fruit salad. Lunch: chicken breast with rice.
- Snack: fruit puree.
- Dinner: casserole.
Similarly, the menu is developed for the remaining days, not exceeding the required daily amount of calories.
Results, testimonials of thinner and doctors about the strawberry diet ^
The results of the strawberry diet are impressive - according to the weight loss, there is a significant weight loss( up to 4 kg for 4 days).You can sit on it repeatedly, with interruptions of at least 3 weeks, and all-the-year-round use of it( once a month) is allowed.
However, it is better to resort to the use of strawberry dietary technique after consulting with a doctor, since it has serious contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract( especially intestinal dysbiosis and increased stomach acidity).
In addition, it must be remembered that strawberries are quite a strong allergen. Therefore, if you have any history of an allergic disease( asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, etc.), even when the reaction does not occur on strawberries, you should treat this program with extreme caution.
The effectiveness of strawberry weight loss depends not only on strict compliance with the rules when applying. A healthy lifestyle, including a proper diet and sufficient physical activity, will help you not to lose the achieved results, to keep a new weight and to improve your body.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of specialists - nutritionists on the three best unloading days, helping fast and effective weight loss: