Apricot Diet
Apricot diet helps to lose up to 4 extra pounds in 3 days
Apricot diet is an excellent dietary systemnutrition, during which you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also strengthen the nervous and immune systems.
Apricots have excellent taste qualities, due to which it will be very easy and pleasant to adhere to the diet.
What is the use of apricot slimming ^
The basis of the apricot diet is the inclusion in the diet of apricots and dried apricots. The use of these miracle fruits is in the presence of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium salts, vitamin A and C, beta-carotene, pectin, etc. in their composition.
Dried apricots contain the same vitamins and minerals and is able to exert a mild laxative and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this unique set of trace elements and vitamins, the dietary apricot nutrition technique has many unconditional advantages:
- Improves metabolism and metabolism;
- The work of the stomach and intestines is normalized;
- The body is relieved of excess cholesterol, toxins and toxins;
- Vessels are strengthened;
- The nervous tension is removed;
- Immunity is strengthened;
- Improves the condition of the skin of the face and hair;
- An excess fluid is output;
- Superfluous 3 - 4 kg disappear in a fairly short time.
Apricot method of weight loss can be used for all people, regardless of gender and age. However, due to the large amount of sugar in the fruit, it is not recommended to adhere to it during pregnancy, as well as people with diabetes.
During the apricot program, the following products are excluded from the menu:
- Carbonated and alcoholic beverages;Confectionery sweet and flour products;
- Fried fatty foods;
- Mayonnaise and ketchup;
- Meat products;
- Fast food;
- Crackers, chips and other harmful products.
During the apricot diet, except for apricots and dried apricots, it is allowed to include boiled fish, vegetable soups, salads, rye bread, eggs, cabbage, cheese and juices in the menu, but only in small quantities.
Apricot diet: menu for 3 and 5 days ^
Apricot unloading day
Apricot unloading day is very useful to arrange for the body every 2 weeks. To do this, take a half kilogram apricot and a liter of freshly squeezed apricot juice, divided into 4 parts and consumed throughout the day. This is excellent and will affect the work of the intestines and will have a positive effect on the body as a whole.
Apricot mono-diet for 3 days
Apricot mono-diet, designed for 3 days, is effective enough and will help to throw off up to 4 extra pounds, and also have a beneficial effect on health. The basis of the daily diet is apricots and dried apricots in a ratio of 1 kg: 300 g.
The menu can be varied by preparing a dish of these two components. To do this, take 0.5 kg of the main fruit, squeeze out the juice and 300 g of dried apricots, ground in a blender. After combining the cooked mass, you will get an apricot soup - puree.
Freshly squeezed fruit juice, herbal teas and compote cooked from a glass of dried apricots and 3 liters of water are allowed from drinks. The daily menu will consist of cooked soup - mashed potatoes and 500 g of apricots, which will need to be divided into 5 receptions.
Apricot menu for 5 days
A five-day apricot diet will help to remove up to 5 extra pounds. In the diet includes not only the main constituents of fruit, but dairy and meat products.
Day 1
- Breakfast: apricots - 200 grams, 150 g low fat yogurt, tea;
- Lunch: milk - 100 g;
- Lunch: apricots - 300 g, vegetable soup - 200 g, a piece of fish;
- Snack: 200 g apricot;
- Dinner: vegetable salad - 150 g, tea, apricots - 100 g.
Day 2
- Breakfast: 300 g apricot, a glass of low-fat yogurt, 100 grams of vegetable salad;
- Lunch: boiled egg;
- Lunch: boiled beef - 200 g, vegetable soup, apricot - 100 g;
- Snack: 200 g apricot;
- Dinner: apricots - 200 grams, 150 grams of vegetables, steamed.
Day 3
- Breakfast: boiled rice with dried apricots and prunes - 200 g, coffee;
- Lunch: a sandwich with cheese, juice;
- Lunch: apricots - 200 g, a piece of fish, soup - puree 200 g;
- Snack: 200 g apricot;
- Dinner: fruit salad - 200 g, a glass of yogurt.
Day 4
- Breakfast: oatmeal with dried apricots - 200 g, 150 g apricot, tea;
- Lunch: a glass of juice, apricots - 150 g;
- Lunch: boiled beef - 100 g, vegetable salad - 200 g, coffee;
- Snack: 200 g apricot;
- Dinner: apricots 200 grams, a glass of milk.
Day 5
- Breakfast: fruit salad with dried apricots - 250 grams, slice of black bread, tea;
- Lunch: a sandwich with cheese, coffee;
- Lunch: vegetable soup - 150 g, a piece of fish, 300 g apricot;
- Snack: 200 g apricot;
- Dinner: apricots - 200 g and vegetables, steamed - 200 g, juice.
Prolonged Apricot Diet
The apricot diet based on proper nutrition can be applied until the desired result is achieved. As a result of such a dietary diet, weight loss will be up to 1 kg per week.
The menu is developed in two versions:
Option first
- Breakfast: apricot puree, unsweetened tea or drinking water;
- Lunch: vegetable soup, light salad, a small slice of black bread;
- Snack: 3 apricots, a glass of low-fat yogurt;
- Dinner: stewed cabbage with beef or chicken breast.
Option of the second
- Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with dried apricots, green tea without sugar;
- Lunch: slice of black bread, cabbage salad, vegetable soup;
- Snack: green tea, 2 apricots;
- Dinner: steamed fish, vegetable garnish.
During the apricot system, the body begins to gradually clear, there will be no acute hunger and significantly improve the appearance and well-being.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the apricot diet ^
The results of the apricot diet are impressive - weight loss of up to 5 kg in 3 to 5 days without harming the health, cleansing and improving the body. This system of dietary food is good because its main ingredients( apricots and dried apricots) have excellent taste, so it is easily transferred.
If you follow a diet only on apricots and dried apricots, then you should leave it carefully. To start in the first half of the day is to enter the menu of cereals and soups, and then switch to a normal food system. However, in order to preserve the result for a long time, it is necessary to limit the intake of sweet, fatty and fried foods. Apply apricot method of weight loss should be no more than 1 time in 2 months.
Reviews about the apricot diet of losing weight and doctors - dieticians only positive. Doctors - nutritionists believe that stick to this system of weight loss for the body is even useful, and also advise daily to eat dried apricots and apricots, as they have a beneficial effect on the intestines, cleaning it.
In addition, this sweet sunny fruit is saturated with vitamin A, which improves the condition of hair, nails and facial skin. Those women who took advantage of the apricot slimming program noted that it is really effective and is tolerated fairly easily and painlessly.
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