Pumpkin Diet
Pumpkin diet helps to lose weight to 8 kg in 2 weeks
Pumpkindiet - a great way to lose weight delicious, quick and painless, and get from this not only pleasure, but also a benefit. The method is based on the use of pumpkin - a low-calorie vegetable, which can help softly lose excess pounds.
Pumpkin is useful for losing weight ^
Pumpkin is a dietary vegetable with a very low calorie content and a sufficient number of vitamins A, E, C, B, iron, zinc, calcium, pantothenic and folic acids.
But most importantly, the pumpkin pulp contains vitamin T( carnitine), which significantly speeds up metabolism, helps burn fat deposits and develop muscle mass.
There are no drawbacks of the pumpkin diet program, but there are some contraindications, namely:
- Diseases of the intestine and stomach.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Children and the elderly.
As for the merits, they are enough:
- For 1-2 weeks, usually a weight reduction of 4 to 8 kg is usually achieved, and if you combine a diet program with exercise, the loss can be more than kg;
- The body is completely cleared and the complexion improves noticeably;
- Pumpkin is an easy diuretic, so when it is used, excessive fluid, harmful toxins and toxins are removed;
- Improves sleep;
- The blood levels of cholesterol are normalized;
- There is no acute sense of hunger.
After a pumpkin diet, the lost kilograms can return only if they start eating wrong, namely, to consume excessively flour and sweet products.
During the diet program should be guided by the basic rules:
- Stick to it is recommended no more than two weeks;
- The menu allows the inclusion of meat, fish, vegetables, honey, low-fat cottage cheese and in a limited number - sweet fruit;
- From the liquid, unsweetened green tea, drinking or mineral water, pumpkin freshly squeezed juice is recommended;
- It is forbidden to have a snack between meals;
- It is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar and salt as much as possible;
- Dinner should be easy;
- Daily meals should be counted three to four times and strictly in time.
- The last meal should be no later than 18 hours.
Pumpkin diet: menu for 4 days ^
Dietary program is designed for two weeks, for her developed a menu for 4 days, which alternates. The result is a weight loss of up to 8 kg and an improvement in the digestive process.
Day 1
- Breakfast: porridge( pumpkin and brown rice) - 250 grams and 150 grams of pumpkin and fruit salad( fruits can be replaced with almonds);
- Lunch: 250 ml of pumpkin puree;
- Dinner: apple, 200 g pumpkin casserole.
Day 2
- Breakfast: porridge( pumpkin and oatmeal) - 250 g;
- Lunch: 250 ml of soup;
- Dinner: 200 grams of salad( pumpkin and pineapple).
Day 3
- Breakfast: pumpkin stew with vegetables-250 g;
- Lunch: 250 ml of soup and potato pancakes;Dinner: baked apple.
Day 4 of
- Breakfast: pumpkin patties - 250 g;
- Lunch: 250 ml of soup with meatballs;
- Dinner: 200 g salad of pumpkin and fruit.
Diet on pumpkin porridge
The diet for pumpkin porridge is designed for 5 days, during which the first and second days alternate. Between four meals a day it is advisable to use a large amount of liquid, which will speed up the metabolism. The result is a weight loss of up to 4 kg, repeat at least once every 2 months.
The diet menu on pumpkin cereal can be as follows:
Day 1
- Breakfast: porridge - 200 g, cucumber;
- Lunch: cereal - 100 g, 50 g of boiled chicken meat;
- Snack: 150 g of baked pumpkin;
- Dinner: pumpkin salad - 150 grams, a piece of boiled fish.
Day 2
- Breakfast: pumpkin salad with carrots - 250 g;
- Lunch: porridge - 200 g, a piece of hard cheese;
- Snack: tomato;
- Dinner: porridge - 100 g, boiled fish - 50 g.
Diet on pumpkin seeds
To help throw off unnecessary weight can freshly squeezed juice from pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Diet on pumpkin seeds should not exceed 4 days and suggests their addition in low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit, vegetable or fruit salads. Also, you can use sunflower seeds( not more than 30 grams) to replace one meal a day, for example dinner.
An approximate daily menu can be compiled as follows:
- Breakfast: porridge or mashed potatoes( pumpkin and almonds) - 250 gr.;
- Lunch: salad of vegetables or fruits with the addition of pumpkin seeds - 150 g;
- Snack: cottage cheese - 100 g;
- Dinner: 20 - 30 gr.pumpkin seeds.
Diet on pumpkin juice
Juice from ripe pumpkin is perfect for those who suffer from obesity, anemia and constantly feel weak. Moreover, it has the same useful properties, minerals and vitamins as the pumpkin flesh. Once a week, you can arrange unloading days, which will help you lose up to 2 kg.
To do this during the day you need to take only freshly squeezed juice and clean drinking water. The diet for pumpkin juice is designed for a short time, namely it should not exceed three days, after which the weight loss will be up to 5 kg.
The approximate menu of the slimming program is as follows:
- Breakfast: juice 250 ml, 2 slices of rye flour, low-fat cottage cheese with pieces of fruit - 100 g;
- Lunch: apple;
- Lunch: a glass of juice - 200 ml, boiled rice with vegetables or boiled fish - 100 g;
- Dinner: boiled potatoes and tomato, or boiled vegetables, juice - 100 ml.
Useful and delicious recipes for pumpkin ration ^
In order to lose weight it was not only useful, but also delicious, dishes from pumpkins should not be monotonous. There are a huge number of recipes from this bright orange vegetable. Here are the recipes of some of them:
Pumpkin porridge
- Peeled pumpkin cut into small pieces.
- Stew in a small amount of water until half cooked( 25 - 30 minutes).
- Add 3 tbsp.spoons of your favorite cereals and cook until done.
- You can add nuts, dried apricots or raisins at the end of the cooking.
Pumpkin salad with fruit or vegetables
- Pumpkin and fruits( sweet apple, pear) or vegetables( carrot, fresh cucumber) 2: 1 grate;
- Salad fill with low-fat yogurt or freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Pumpkin stew with vegetables
- For cooking, you need - pumpkin, carrots( 3 pcs), 4 tomatoes, greens, can of canned beans.
- Wash the pumpkin and carrots, cut into small cubes, fry in a small amount of olive oil.
- Then add a little water and stew.
- 5-10 minutes before the readiness to add beans and tomatoes.
- Sprinkle with chopped herbs before use.
Also in the menu you can enter such dishes from pumpkin as mashed potatoes, soups, pancakes, fritters, cutlets and much more.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the pumpkin diet ^
When you leave the dietary method based on the use of dishes from a pumpkin, you should follow some recommendations, due to which it will be easy enough to keep the weight. To do this, the daily diet should necessarily include flesh or pumpkin juice. In addition, with caution and in moderate amounts, you should consume flour, sweet dishes and fatty foods.
The results of the pumpkin diet are not only weight loss for 2 weeks to 8 kg, but also cleansing the body, improving the skin condition of the face and hair, eliminating nervous tension and strengthening immunity. Due to the variety of dishes from the pumpkin in the diet, the diet is tolerated quite easily.
Reviews of the pumpkin diet who want to lose weight and doctors are only positive. Women and men who took advantage of this technique, were satisfied with the result. Doctors believe that this method is not harmful to health and this weight loss is the most optimal.
They also note that due to the content of useful substances in the pumpkin, its use will serve as an excellent prevention of many diseases. However, those people who have abnormalities in the work of the intestine or stomach and wish to use a diet program based on the use of pumpkin, it is necessary to consult with a doctor.
It is also recommended to watch a video of the video with useful advice of nutrition experts on the three best days of release that help to lose weight quickly and effectively: