Diet with Vitiligo
Vitiligo diet: rules for therapeutic nutrition for patients
Vitiligo diet is an important parttreatment of skin disease, the main only on useful foods with a high content of vitamins, zinc, minerals, copper and iron.
Features of nutrition with vitiligo ^
Vitiligo is a skin disease in which melanin - the pigment responsible for its color - disappears in certain areas.
The most common disorder of pigmentation occurs against the background of unstable work of the endocrine system, frequent stresses, chronic diseases, intoxication, lowering of immunity, pregnancy, abortion and childbirth.
The main symptom of vitiligo is the presence of white spots on the face, arms and neck, less often on the legs and other hairy parts of the body, while the hairs also become white.
How Vitiligo Diet is Needed
As studies show, patients often lack the minerals, vitamins D, zinc and iron, so a therapeutic diet for vitiligo is recommended by many dermatologists.
What should be curative nutrition for vitiligo:
- Vegetables and fruits;
- Seafood;
- Fish and meat of low-fat varieties;
- Millet, barley or buckwheat porridge;
- Fermented milk products;
- Berries;
- Dried fruits;
- Green tea;
- Iodized salt;
- Natural juices and honey.
What foods should be excluded from the diet with vitiligo:
- Strong coffee, tea and cocoa;
- Sour, smoked hot and fatty foods;
- Sweets;
- Alcohol;
- Butter;
- Semolina;
- Canned food;
- Blueberries;
- Quince;
- Beef;
- Chocolate;
- Kissels;
- Pepper.
Treatment of vitiligo with a diet is also necessary because with the use of healthy dishes the production of melanin normalizes, and as a rule, the disease recedes rather quickly - literally in a few months.
In some cases, the disease becomes chronic, and in this case, an effective diet for vitiligo patients must be observed throughout life, so as not to provoke the appearance of symptoms.
Vitiligo diet: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Vitiligo diet: therapeutic menu, dietary recipes
Vitiligo diet rules:
- Before eating breakfast, it is recommended to eat 150 g of fruit salad, and only after that eat thermally processed food;
- It is not necessary to comply with drinking regimen, however tea with mint or ginger will speed up recovery, and you can drink it three times a day.
Vitiligo diet: menu
For the treatment of this disease, the following example of the menu is most often used:
- For breakfast we eat a fruit mix, drink tea;
- At lunch we eat yogurt;
- We have a seafood salad, a piece of boiled fish;
- For a snack we eat a handful of soaked dried fruits;
- We have dinner with buckwheat porridge and steam cutlets.
Chinese diet for vitiligo
The Chinese doctors' diet limits the consumption of salt and products containing sodium: meat and fish, nuts, sour cabbage, cheeses.
Approximate menu:
- For breakfast we eat berries, wash down with kefir;
- At lunch we eat buckwheat porridge on milk;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup and a light salad with dressing from lemon juice;
- We drink kefir for a mid-morning snack, we eat a banana;
- We have dinner with stewed vegetables and vegetarian cutlets.
Vitamin diet for vitiligo
Such a diet implies an emphasis on the menu on fresh vegetables and fruits:
- For breakfast we eat oatmeal, drink milk;
- Snacking with apples;
- For lunch we prepare fruit salad, eat mashed potatoes with fresh vegetables;
- We snack cottage cheese or yoghurt;
- We dine with seafood salad and two slices of bread.
Diet for prevention of vitiligo
To prevent pigmentation, it is necessary to include in your diet as many vitamins and proteins as possible:
- In the morning we eat yogurt and banana, drink green tea;
- We ate lunch baked apples for lunch;
- We dine soup with seafood, vegetable salad, drink fruit juice;
- For a snack we eat a fruit mix;
- We dine with cabbage salad, mashed potatoes and steamed meatballs.
Vitiligo diet: recipes
Soup recipe with seafood
- Boil squid and shrimp, clean them from shells;
- Cut the squid fillet with straw;
- We chop the carrots, onion and cauliflower, throw the broth in the remaining seafood;
- We boil for 15 minutes, then we put calamari and shrimp in a saucepan, salt, cook until ready.
Cabbage salad recipe
- Shinch cabbage, rub the carrots, sweet apple and three tomatoes;
- Solim, season with lemon juice and olive oil.
Recipe for fruit salad
- Cut 1 apple and flesh of one banana;
- Mix the juice from half a lemon with 200 g of yogurt, fill the fruit;
- Top with ground nuts.
Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition with vitiligo ^
As a result of a diet with vitiligo for several months, it is possible to normalize the production of melanin and stabilize the condition and appearance of the skin, and in chronic form - to avoid exacerbations and prolong remission.
Prevention of vitiligo is only in proper nutrition, and in addition it is recommended to drink broths of dogrose and nettle leaves.
Tips for Avoiding Vitiligo Disease:
- Try not to get into stressful situations;
- In time to treat various diseases;
- Eating healthy food.
Reviews of doctors about the diet for vitiligo
Anna, 35, dermatologist: "Unfortunately, vitiligo is difficult to treat only with the help of a diet, but without it the effectiveness of drugs and various procedures prescribed for the treatment of the disease is significantly reduced"
Olesya, 30,dermatologist: "Vitiligo is recommended to follow a diet, but it does not serve as the main method of treatment. If white spots appear on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor, as any disease is easier to cure at the very beginning. "
Catherine, 39, dermatologist:" I assign a diet to my patients with vitiligo according to individual indications. Without it, I think treatment is less effective, and useful products increase the chance of recovery "