Diet with prostatitis
Diet for prostatitis: reviews and results of application
Diet with prostatitisIs an additional treatment that urologists usually prescribe in addition to medication.
Peculiarities of the diet for prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men ^
Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, which is exclusively in men - accordingly, and diets for prostatitis patients can only be used by them.
There are several types of prostatitis: acute, chronic, calculous, stagnant, bacterial. All of them are often complicated by cystitis, which considerably burdens the course of the disease.
The therapeutic diet for prostatitis helps not only to relieve painful symptoms, but also to prevent the development of cancer, and for this, the menu should have the following products:
- Horseradish;
- Pasternak;
- Parsley;
- Mustard;
- Vegetables;
- Fruits;
- Seafood.
The danger of inflammation of the prostate is the appearance of possible complications: abscesses, sepsis, infertility, prostate cancer, erection problems. This is quite serious consequences, so doctors often prescribe a curative menu with prostatitis, which completely excludes the use of alcohol, fatty foods, carbonated beverages, legumes, and smoked products, and the salt is allowed to be consumed in strictly limited quantities.
Advantages of a diet for patients with prostatitis:
- It relieves severe pain symptoms, prevents the further development of the disease;
- Has a preventive effect;
- In some cases it helps to reduce weight.
There were no shortcomings in the power system, but before using it, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
In addition to the introduction of basic products, several rules should be observed:
- A minimum of 1 liter of purified water must be drunk daily;
- Restrict the use of fat, incl.and fatty meat;
- Refuse alcohol and smoking;
- Dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
- With an uneasy form to play sports;
- Eat 4-5 times a day in small portions.
Diet with prostatitis: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for prostatitis: medical menu
Diet for chronic prostatitis
To increase the period of remission, it is recommended to use 2-3 weeks the following example of the menu:
- We have breakfast with cottage cheese, a sandwich with cheese and a cup of tea;
- After 2 hours we eat any cereal porridge( oatmeal, buckwheat);
- We have dinner with soup with chicken liver, vegetable salad, with juice;
- We snack with orange, apple or grapefruit;We are having supper with mashed potatoes, a piece of boiled fish, a vegetable salad.
Diet for acute prostatitis
With exacerbation of prostate adenoma, it is necessary to introduce into your diet foods rich in zinc: nuts, eggs, chicken liver. Vitamin-containing leafy vegetables, bran and vegetable oils are also useful.
Sample menu:
- Lunch oatmeal with nuts, eat yogurt;
- We snack with salad from leafy vegetables;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup-puree, we eat cooked liver;
- We snack with two boiled eggs;
- We have dinner with a spoon of bran, boiled vegetables.
Diet for calculous prostatitis
When stones appear in the ducts, they must be taken out with urine. This is promoted by the asparagus juice, and it should be drunk a day for 600 ml:
- Mix the asparagus juice with carrot in a ratio of 2: 1;
- Drink three times a day for 1 glass.
Diet for congestive prostatitis
When stagnating fluid it is necessary to eat only healthy food, and the longer the better:
- We have breakfast rice or oat porridge, drink green or herbal tea;
- Snacking with oranges;
- We have dinner with boiled or stewed vegetables, soup with lean meat;
- We eat cottage cheese or yogurt for a mid-morning snack;
- We dine with seafood salad, mashed potatoes and a piece of boiled fish.
Diet for bacterial prostatitis
In addition to antibiotics, doctors often prescribe a therapeutic diet lasting no more than 3 months.
Sample menu:
- Lunch boiled eggs, a sandwich with cheese and tea;
- We have a snack with fruit;
- Dine low-fat soup or borsch without frying, drink a cup of juice;
- We have a salad with vegetable salad;
- We dine with boiled veal or chicken, a pair of boiled potatoes.
Diet for prostatitis and cystitis
For two concomitant diseases, the following example of a daily diet is used:
- In the morning we eat vegetable stew, a cucumber salad. We drink milk;
- We have dinner with buckwheat porridge and boiled beef meat, we eat a sandwich with black bread and cheese;
- For a snack we eat 2-3 slices of melon or watermelon;
- Supper with a salad of cucumbers and cabbage, potato soup on milk, drink juice from cranberries.
Diet with prostatitis after operation
In order to restore the intestinal function and prevent postoperative complications, it is necessary to introduce into the diet fruit, stewed or boiled vegetables, as well as seafood.
Approximate menu:
- In the morning we eat seafood salad;
- After half an hour we drink tea;
- We have dinner with boiled vegetables;
- We have dinner with low-fat chicken soup.
Diet for the prevention of prostatitis
For preventive effects on men's health, you should combine exercise and proper nutrition, following this menu example:
- For breakfast we drink green tea, eat a boiled egg and cottage cheese;
- After 2 hours we eat fruit;
- We have dinner with soup with low-fat meat, we eat a couple of slices of bread;
- We eat nuts for a snack, drink juice;
- We have dinner with stewed vegetables and boiled sea fish.
Results, feedback and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition with prostatitis ^
With timely prophylaxis of prostatitis, according to doctors, it is possible to prevent the appearance of this disease, leading at the same time a healthy lifestyle. If a man is already sick, then with medical treatment and observance of dietary rules, he can get rid of inflammation 3-4 days - for acute, and for 1-2 months - with chronic prostatitis.
Advice on how to avoid prostatitis:
- Maintain an active lifestyle;
- Eat right;
- Have sex regularly;
- Restrict the use of alcohol;
- Avoid overcooling;
- Timely detection and treatment of infectious diseases.
The results of dietary compliance with prostatitis are very good:
- Getting rid of inflammation;
- Removal of stagnant fluid and stones;Prevention of complications.
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Reviews of the prostate diet from doctors:
Alexander, 34, urologist:
"I always prescribe a diet as one of the complex measures to prevent complications after prostate adenoma. As a rule, it helps a lot, because my patients no longer complain of relapse of the disease. "
Catherine, 39, urologist:
" Often the rate of recovery of a patient with prostatitis depends on the right food. Any treatment can be ineffective if the patient does not follow a diet ยป
Olga, 43, urologist:
"Preventive diet helps reduce the risk of prostatic adenoma, and with an existing disease prevents complications such as cystitis and abscesses. In order to avoid prostatitis, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and find time for exercise "