Diet from acne
The acne diet improves skin condition and normalizes digestion
The acne diet helps to correct such unpleasant situations like acne,the expanded pores and the raised fat content of the skin, which are the consequence of malnutrition.
Features of nutrition with problem skin ^
Acne, especially located on the face, always gives a huge discomfort to its owner, as the skin of the face thus looks very unattractive and untidy.
Problem skin often causes isolation in adolescents and the appearance of complexes even in adults. And the use of special lotions and creams that promise quick relief from acne and acne, unfortunately, do not give the expected result, and leads to despair.
The fact is that the problem, literally, is "deeper" and you need to start treating acne from the inside. The unhealthy skin condition and the presence of acne sharply signal that there is an irregularity in the body and most often it is associated with irrational nutrition.
In case of abnormalities in the digestive tract, the body is slagged, metabolic processes are slowed down. The intestine does not cope with the purifying function, toxins are absorbed and begin to poison the body. The skin tries to take this work on itself and cleaning takes place through the skin pores. As a result, an unhealthy gray complexion, acne, acne, irritation, pores filled with sebum, black dots and, as a result, a bunch of complexes and experiences on this matter.
Normalize the work of the digestive tract, improve metabolism is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Dietary program aimed at getting rid of skin problems, offers only to exclude from the diet of harmful products and introduce useful. This will not only improve the skin condition, but also will have a beneficial effect on health in general.
Recommended products:
- For cleanness and beauty of the skin, the diet should be rich in fiber, which improves the functioning of the intestine and its microflora and promotes complete cleansing. Cellulose is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and legumes.
- The building blocks of the cells are proteins, so the diet should consist of low-fat protein products. These include dairy products, lean meat, fish and seafood.
- Vitamins E and A are recognized antioxidants, vitamins of youth and beauty. Vitamin A contains all orange vegetables and fruits, beef liver, spinach, olive oil, nuts. The most generous source of vitamin E are nuts.
- It is especially important to provide a diet of zinc, which regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. In sufficient quantities, zinc can be obtained from herring, beef, asparagus, oysters and bran.
- Microelement selenium prevents the formation of acne and restores skin cells. You can get it from nuts and wheat.
- Group B vitamins are an indispensable component of the anti-acne diet. These vitamins are involved in enzymatic processes. This group of vitamins is present in cereals, cabbage, legumes, cheese and kidneys.
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids - reduce cholesterol, reduce the formation of harmful fats, activate fat metabolism. Present in excess in linseed oil( seeds), fish oil.
Prohibited products:
- Baking and any pastry made of white flour.
- Sugar and all sweets.
- Carbonated drinks.
- Fast food and all fast food products, as well as containing flavors, spicy seasonings, dyes and flavor enhancers.
- Salo, fatty meat, smoked meat, sausage.
- Strong coffee, tea and alcohol.
The diet against acne has no contraindications, because it is a proper, healthy and balanced diet. Hardly anyone doubts the ineffectiveness of chips and Coca-Cola and denies the value of fresh vegetables and high-quality protein products. Even if you have any diseases or allergies to a certain type of food, you can always make an individual menu yourself or ask for a correction to a dietitian.
Diets for acne: an approximate menu ^
Diets against acne: menus, useful products
The diet for acne and acne should include dishes cooked in a dietary way, you should stop from frying completely and limit the use of salt. The approximate menu of a diet from acne on the face can be made here thus:
Day the first
- Breakfast - a porridge from millet, with addition of milk, an apple and compote.
- Lunch - borsch with beef, without fried dressing, bran and green tea.
- Dinner - baked fish, carrot salad( preferably with garlic).
Day Two
- Breakfast - egg, cottage cheese with berries, tea unsweetened.
- Lunch - chicken broth and stewed vegetables, a slice of chicken, tomato juice.
- Dinner - buckwheat, chicken meat, vegetable salad.
Day Three
- Breakfast - porridge of wheat cereals, a glass of kefir.
- Lunch - chicken soup, bran bread, kissel. Dinner - beef stew with vegetables, compote.
Day 4
- Breakfast - salad from brynza and tomatoes, a slice of black bread, pear, green tea.
- Lunch - pea soup, a piece of fish, a salad of cucumbers, mors.
- Dinner - cottage cheese, bran, fruit and a glass of yogurt.
Day Five
- Breakfast - buckwheat with milk, berries or fruit, tea. Soup - beef soup, bran, jelly.
- Dinner - braised chicken with brown rice, a glass of kefir.
Day 6
- Breakfast - cottage cheese with berries, a slice of cheese, compote. Lunch - broth, a piece of chicken, bran, salad. Dinner - fish, beetroot salad with garlic, a glass of kefir.
Day 7
- Breakfast - steak chicken, fruit, green tea.
- Lunch - borscht of beef, a slice of meat and rye bread, vegetables. Dinner - cottage cheese, bran, yoghurt.
Diet for acne, ka and pimples, must necessarily include products that neutralize toxins, remove lipids and have bactericidal properties. This is, first of all, lemon, garlic, ginger, carrots and parsley. In addition, you need to drink about 2 liters of clean water.
Often acne and acne cover not only the face, but also the back. The reasons remain the same, so the diet from acne on the back is based on the same rules as the proposed diet against acne. In adolescence, acne appears as a result of hormonal adjustment, during this period it is especially important to monitor nutrition. Such a diet will support a growing body, an acne diet for adolescents will not only purify the skin, but will also benefit the health of the growing body.
According to the doctors, as soon as the bowel work is restored and the metabolism is normalized, the skin condition will noticeably improve and acne will disappear. Diet for problem skin will be especially effective if you follow the correct food regime . Arranging snacks is not recommended, in rare cases, it can be kefir or fruit.
Cleaning the bowels will help the body to cope with the problem of acne faster. Unloading day on kefir, watermelons or prunes can be arranged before the start of the diet . From acne on the forehead and other areas of the face and body such a menu will help get rid of in the shortest time.
Results and feedback from doctors about the diet for acne ^
Nutritionists and doctors agree that unhealthy food has a bad effect on the skin condition, so reviews about the diet from acne are the most positive. There are studies showing that the predominance of fast carbohydrates in the menu leads to an increase in the number of male hormones. This makes the skin oily, porous, the microorganisms multiplying in the sebum stimulate the formation of acne and acne.
The results of the diet from acne will certainly please, as when it complies with the general health improves, and in addition to reducing acne, there is a normalization of weight. Dietary techniques aimed at combating acne, acne, acne and problem skin, is fairly easily tolerated and saturates the body with the necessary nutrients. This system of nutrition can be fully taken as a basis for a healthy diet.
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