Diet with IRR
. Diet in case of IRR: reviews and patient results
Diet in VSD is a diet that does not require special restrictions, but it helps to eliminate the symptoms of this disease.
Features of the diet with VSD( vegetative-vascular dystonia) ^
Vegeto-vascular dystonia is not fully studied disease of the vegetative system, which has a wide variety of symptoms: increased sweating, hypertension, constipation or diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, hypotension,sleep disorder.
Most often, it occurs due to birth injuries, stresses and disorders in the work of the nervous system.
Do we need a diet with vegeto-vascular dystonia
As a rule, a therapeutic diet with vegetative vascular dystonia does not have strict prohibitions, but it has limitations: it is not necessary to get involved in fried and sweet dishes, as well as alcohol. This does not mean that they can not be consumed at all, but it is recommended to build your diet only on natural and healthy food.
What foods should be eaten as often as possible while maintaining a diet for patients with IRR:
- Fruits and vegetables;
- Cereals;
- Sour-milk products;
- Green;
- Nuts;
- Herbal teas;
- Meat and fish.
The list of recommended dishes also depends on the accompanying symptoms: for digestive disorders, you can not eat meat and fish, nuts, butter. Under stress, mint leaves help, with hypotension, sour-milk drinks, tea and coffee are useful, and at increased pressure the last two drinks are on the contrary excluded.
Rules for dietary nutrition in vegetative-vascular dystonia:
- In order to normalize metabolism and bowel function, it is advisable to eat small portions 4-5 times a day;
- When a panic attack occurs, you need to drink a glass of boiled water with the addition of sugar( 2 tsp) - this will improve the heart and nervous system;
- You can not overdo it.
Diet with vegeto - vascular dystonia: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition.
. Diet for AVR: therapeutic menu, recipes.
. Diet - table number 3 with vegeto-vascular dystonia: menu
. If the AVR is accompanied by constipation, this table is most often assigned. It is allowed to eat all the dishes that have been thermally processed, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Sample menu:
- On an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with a spoonful of honey;
- We have breakfast with yogurt, we drink tea with a sandwich and a piece of light cheese;
- At lunch we eat dry biscuit, drink it with juice;
- We have lunch with vegetable pearl soup, salad. We wash down with milk;
- At lunch we eat fruit salad;
- We are having supper with mashed potatoes and jellied fish;
- We drink kefir for the night.
Diet in the AVI and increased blood pressure
With increasing blood pressure, it is necessary to abandon all fat, spicy, smoked, flour and sweet, and eat according to the example of this menu:
- We have breakfast oat porridge on milk and with the addition of fruit, we drink light green tea;
- We ate a couple of boiled eggs for lunch;
- We dine with vegetarian soup, seafood salad;
- We snack apricots, apples or dried apricots;
- At dinner we eat buckwheat porridge with dairy sausages.
Diet for AVR in pregnant women
During pregnancy, all fatty foods should be removed from the diet, and the following menu should be used as an example:
- In the morning we eat a portion of cottage cheese with sour cream and berries, we drink a cup of tea;
- We are eating banana for lunch;
- We have dinner with soup with chicken meat, a light salad of vegetables;
- At lunch we drink kefir, we eat yoghurt;
- We dine with seafood salad, two steam cutlets. Drinking tea.
Diet in children's VSD
In childhood, nutrition with VSD should be sparing and especially useful:
- For breakfast we eat milk semolina porridge and yogurt, we drink tea;
- At lunch we eat a couple of fruits;
- We have dinner with soup and boiled beans with meat;
- We eat nuts for a snack;
- We have dinner with cabbage salad, dairy sausages and tea.
Diet in the VSD for weight loss
To lose 5-7 kg with this disease, it is necessary to eat for two weeks according to the principle of this menu:
- For breakfast we eat fruit salad, yoghurt. We wash down with tea;
- At lunch we eat a handful of nuts;
- We dine with low-fat soup and vegetable salad;
- We drink kefir for a mid-morning snack;
- We have dinner with boiled eggs and cottage cheese.
Diet for prophylaxis of vegetative - vascular dystonia
To prevent the appearance of symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to use folk methods of treatment of the VSD and adhere to the proper nutrition by the example of this menu:
- In the morning we drink tea with biscuits, eat oatmeal;
- We have a snack with banana yoghurt;
- We have dinner with soup or borshch( lean), vegetable salad with dressing from olive oil or lemon juice;
- We snack fruit smoothies;
- We are having dinner with jellied fish and mashed potatoes.
Diet with VSD: recipes
Recipe for fruit smoothies
- Put in a blender 2 tbsp.l.crushed peanuts, as much cocoa powder, pour kefir( 250 ml), add a few ice cubes;
- After twisting all the ingredients, add the banana cut into slices and beat again;
- Pour into two glasses, sprinkle with cinnamon.
Vegetarian borsch recipe
- Soak the beans for the night;
- In the morning we cut potatoes, beets, onions, white cabbage and parsley.rub garlic and carrots on a grater;
- Boil the potatoes first, then add the rest of the ingredients, except parsley;
- 10 minutes before the preparation sprinkle with herbs, dried ground basil, sage, marjoram and oregano.
Recipe for vegetable salad
- Cut into cubes pepper, cucumbers and tomatoes, grate the carrot;
- Pour ingredients with lemon juice, salt, mix;
- Top with sprinkled with herbs.
Results, testimonials and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition at VSD ^
As a result of a diet with vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is possible to normalize the state of health, get rid of nervous overstrain, but remember that without prevention or uncontrolled feeding, all symptoms can again manifest themselves.
Prevention of VSD consists of regular physical activity, psychocorrection, visits to massage sessions, as well as the use of only useful food.
Tips for avoiding vegetative vascular dystonia:
- Refuse bad habits;
- Timely cure various diseases;
- Avoid stressful situations;
- Regularly do morning exercises;
- Attend the swimming pool.
Reviews of doctors about diet in vegeto-vascular dystonia
Alevtina, 45, neuropathologist:
"Most often with VSD, you need to visit a neurologist, since the vegetative and nervous systems are inextricably linked. Diet is a prerequisite, without which no swimming pools, massages and vitamins will produce the desired result. "
Lyudmila, 34, neurologist:
"Often, patients come to me with VSD and its manifestation - hyperhidrosis. With this symptom, sweets and spicy dishes are strictly not recommended, as they provoke increased sweating. "
Natalia, 37, gastroenterologist:
" If VSD is accompanied by constipation - which happens very often - I recommend using as much dairy products as possible: they intensify peristalsisintestines. The diet in this case is simply necessary, as it promotes the fastest possible reception of positive results ยป