  • Diet Pegano with psoriasis

    Read in the article:
    • Diet of John Pegano: essence, indications for use
    • Diet of Pegano with psoriasis: menu, table, features of therapeutic nutrition
    • Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about the medical diet of Pegano

    Diet of Pegano: testimonials and patient results

    Diet PeganoIs a special diet designed to prevent and treat skin diseases, as well as to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

    John Pegano's Diet: Essence, Indications for Use ^

    John Pegano is an American physician who is the author of a cleansing diet. In his opinion, rashes on the skin are due to an excess of slags and toxins, so they need to be removed with the help of natural food and proper nutrition.

    The essence of the diet of John Pegano from psoriasis is to create conditions unbearable for harmful substances: 70% of the diet should consist of products that form an alkaline environment, and 30% - of dishes that create acidity.

    Also, the Pégano diet for skin cleansing also acts on the intestines due to fiber, which increases metabolism and dulls the appetite.

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    The main feature of the diet of Pegano in the treatment of psoriasis is that it consists of two stages: the first stage is intensified cleansing, and the second fixes the result obtained and increases immunity.

    When to use the diet of Dr. Pegano:

    • Psoriasis and eczema;
    • Acne and post acne;
    • Skin rashes and itching;Acne and acne.

    Does the medical diet of Pegano from psoriasis and eczema

    It is very important to know that often the cause of skin diseases is malnutrition and the consumption of harmful fatty foods - these dishes in the diet of Pegano from acne, eczema and psoriasis are strictly prohibited. As soon as the body feels saturated with vitamins, the appearance of rashes will be significantly reduced, and soon they will disappear altogether. What products are used in a diet for psoriasis by Pegano:

    • Fruits;
    • Vegetables;
    • Cereals;
    • Sour-milk products;
    • Low-fat fish and meat;
    • Tea and coffee;
    • Juices;
    • Herbal teas;
    • Green;
    • Lecithin.

    Do not eat smoked, fatty or fried foods, or sweets.

    Diet of Pegano with psoriasis: menu, table, features of therapeutic nutrition ^

    Diet of Pegano: therapeutic menu, recipes

    Rules of the medical diet of Pagano:

    • Food is best cooked on steamed or boiled;
    • Be sure to use granulated lecithin for 1 tbsp.l.three times a day;
    • Mineral must be alkaline, it is best to drink "Essentuki No. 4" or "Borjomi";
    • You can not combine meat and citrus fruits in one meal.

    Diet Pegano with psoriasis: menu

    To correctly navigate in the preparation of your diet, you can use this sample menu:

    • Breakfast cottage cheese and compote of dried fruits;
    • At lunch we drink tea and eat fruit salad;
    • Lunch chicken soup without potatoes, as well as stewed cabbage;
    • We snack fruit fruit juice;
    • We dine with a salad of fresh vegetables and a slice of chicken meat.

    Pegano Diet: product table

    Kind of products
    Beverages Chamomile, sage or mullein infusions Alcohol, tomato juice, coffee, lemonade
    Dairy products Bessol, cheese, yogurt, skimmed milk or kefir Fatty products, ice cream
    Oil Any typesvegetable oils Margarine and fat butter
    Eggs Cooked and not more than thrice a week Omelettes and fried eggs
    Meat Bird and lean mutton twice a week Goose, pork, duck,veal, sausages, sausages, sausages
    Fruits and berries Bananas, any apples, ripe peaches, melons, kiwi, citrus, grapes, apricots, dates, figs Plums, blueberries, prunes, strawberries, any currants, strawberries
    Vegetables MushroomsCucumbers, cabbage, onions, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, garlic, olives, green beans Peppers, tomatoes, eggplant and potatoes
    Cereals and floury Solid varieties of pasta, wild rice, bran, wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, breadfrom whole grains Yeast baking, semolina, white bread and whiterice
    Fish Flounder, trout, salmon, tuna, whitefish, sardine, halibut, perch Seafood and fried fish

    Apple diet PEGANO

    Before starting the main stage, you should clean your intestines with a three-day diet:

    • Drink on an empty stomacha glass of water with the addition of lemon juice;
    • After an hour you are allowed to have breakfast with an apple, you can eat them during the day in any quantity;
    • At night we drink 2 tbsp.l.olive oil.

    Recipes for dishes on the diet of Pegano

    Recipe for cutlets:

    • We twist 300 g of turkey fillet, mix with egg, season and salt;
    • Make balls, top with pepper;
    • We lay in the crushed dill and grated carrots;
    • Cooking for a couple of 20 minutes.

    Recipe for fruit salad:

    • Cut the pulp of melon, peaches and bananas;
    • Mix, pour low-fat yogurt.

    Recipe for baked apples:

    • Remove the core and bones from the apples, fill them with 1 tsp.honey, sprinkle with cinnamon;
    • Bake in microwave at maximum power 5-7 minutes.
    We also recommend that you read the article Diet with acne.

    The results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about the medical diet of Pegano ^

    As a result of the diet, Pegano can prolong the period of remission and get rid of skin lesions in just 1 to 2 weeks, since a good cleansing is still in the preliminary stage thanks to apples. At this time, redness may increase, scales appear, but everything soon passes and the skin becomes clean.

    For the prevention of psoriasis, diet is the most important rule, as the quality and composition of products depends on the skin condition.

    Tips for avoiding exacerbation of psoriasis with dietary nutrition:

    • Avoid stressful situations;
    • Wear clothing made of soft cloth;
    • It's better to be out in the open air, lead an active lifestyle;
    • Before taking medication, consult a doctor;
    • Caring for your skin.

    Reviews of doctors about the diet of Pegano:

    Alexandra, 33, dermatologist:

    "With psoriasis, the liver often suffers, so people with this disease are strictly forbidden fried and fatty foods. In general, I think the dietary system of Pegano is very effective, as I adhere to his theory. "

    Maria, 38, dermatologist:

    "Pegano's method has proved itself from the very best a few years ago, and since then many doctors have appointed her to her patients, including myself. The only negative is three days on apples not everyone can withstand, so very often people have to start all over again. "

    Galina, 43, dermatologist:

    " In any skin diseases, you need to monitor your diet: eating harmful food even in small amounts can quicklyaffect the skin »