Diet for arthrosis
Diet for arthrosis helps to lose weight and reduce joint load
Diet forarthrosis is the most important link in the complex of medical measures, since with this disease it is very important not only to make a balanced menu, but to provide constructive nutrition to the damaged joints.
Causes and symptoms of arthrosis ^
Arthrosis is a common chronic joint disease that occurs due to deformation of bone tissue. The development of primary arthrosis contributes to the disruption of the synthesis of cartilaginous tissue.
In this case, the cartilage covering the joint and performing the damping function, loses its smoothness and natural lubrication( synovial fluid), coarsens and collapses, the bone is bare, and the friction of the joints becomes stronger.
With secondary arthrosis, the destruction of joint tissues and the formation of spike-like growths begin. The patient experiences pain and limited mobility of the joints. Deforming arthrosis is constantly progressing. In the case of fusion of articular surfaces, ankylosis develops, such a patient can no longer move by himself.
Coxarthrosis, or deforming arthrosis of the hip joint is the most common form of arthrosis. The people most affected by it are over 45 years old. The main symptom is pain in the hip joint during movements.
Gonarthrosis, or arthrosis of the knee joint, affects women more often and is second in terms of prevalence. Varicose veins and overweight especially increase the risk of developing this type of arthrosis. With this disease, you must take vitamin B12 separately.
Small joints are also susceptible to this ailment, arthrosis of the fingers and toes arises. It can be formed on several fingers, more often on the joints, which are closer to the nails, but the thumbs are most often affected.
Arthrosis of the ankle joint and arthrosis of the shoulder joint develops somewhat less frequently. Sometimes it is preceded by vascular disease. If several joints of all limbs are affected at once, the disease is called polyarthrosis.
Physicians identify the following main causes of the disease:
- Age changes and heredity. Excess weight, improper diet.
- Unfavorable working conditions associated with frequent colds, infections.
- Hypodinamics, muscle weakness in the joints.
- Excessive physical activity, trauma.
Symptoms of arthrosis joint damage:
- Pain may be present during activity during the day and abate at night. Or, on the contrary, there are pains during the night and during the day's rest, which take place during physical activity.
- Morning stiffness, swelling of the joints, the skin in the affected area becomes hot.
- Reduces mobility, crunches, deformities.
Therapeutic diet is aimed at weight reduction, improvement of metabolic processes, balance of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With arthrosis, the main thing to exclude foods stuffed with preservatives, since the latter are able to accumulate in the joints chemical compounds that destroy articular lubrication, for example, chondrocalcinates and uric acid. Therefore, the diet requires completely to exclude semi-finished products and meat, if there is no confidence in its environmental friendliness.
Useful products :
- Fish and seafood, nuts, linseed oil, as a source of Omega-3.
- Low-fat meat and jellies.
- Foods rich in vitamin D, C, A and B group. These are fresh fruits, vegetables and berries. It is especially useful to use: beets, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, blueberries, legumes, bananas, oranges, apples and whole wheat bread.
- Ginger and other spices.
- Milk and sour milk products are an excellent source of calcium.
- Freshly squeezed juices are useful.
Prohibited products:
- Fast food, sausage products, semi-finished products, chips and all refined products.
- Fatty meat.
- Buns, white bread, sugar.
- Fatty milk products, salted cheeses.
- Mayonnaise, transgenic fats.
- White rice, semolina.
- Marinades, conservation, pickles.
- Alcohol, energy, soda.
Diet for arthrosis of joints: approximate menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Excess weight aggravates the condition and often becomes the main cause of joint disease. Caloric content of the diet for arthrosis is recommended to be reduced, but the body should not lack nutrients. Fasting in the first place will negatively affect the joints.
- A diet with deforming arthrosis involves eating seafood. Particularly useful is a fish such as sardines, herring and other varieties containing Omega 3 acids and a high-grade protein. Fish oil helps to reduce inflammation, and protein is a building material that is extremely necessary in the destruction of bones. It is useful to eat broth from salmon fish, cartilages and bones of which contain natural chondroitin, which helps to restore cartilaginous tissue.
- However, not all of the protein is useful, in oily meat, fat, butter, Omega 6 acids predominate, which, on the contrary, provoke inflammation. A very important protein for the structure of tendons and cartilages is collagen. Patients with arthrosis simply need to use gelatin( jelly, jelly), this will help restore tissue.
- Vegetables and fruits are better to eat raw. A large number of antioxidants prevents aging, including joints. Pomegranate juice containing antioxidants also has an anti-inflammatory effect and blocks the body's enzyme, which affects the wear of cartilage. Pineapple also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Making up the menu of a therapeutic diet, you need to focus on these products.
- Portions should be small so that there is no feeling of hunger the food you need to take often. From the late dinner will have to give up. Drinking regime with a diet of 1.5 liters.
Exemplary menu
For an example, there are several options for a curative diet, which can alternate between each other so that the menu turns out to be diverse and full.
Breakfast options:
- Low-calorie cottage cheese with berries, unsalted cheese, tea with honey. Buckwheat porridge, a glass of milk, a pear.
- Protein omelet, fruit and berry jelly, compote.
Optional breakfast:
- Half a pineapple.
- Orange or apple.
- A glass of pomegranate juice.
Lunch options:
- Ear, brown rice and boiled chicken meat, salad from seasonal vegetables. Vegetable soup with beans. Steam sardines and stewed vegetables.
- Vegetarian borsch. A slice of baked turkey and cereal porridge( baked potatoes).
- Jellied fish( better salmonids).
- A stool of chicken.
- Half a pineapple.
Dinner options:
- Pink salmon roasted in foil, cabbage salad.
- Salad with egg, fresh cucumbers and squid, season with fat-free sour cream. Cod with stewed vegetables and lentils, orange.
The diet for arthrosis of the spine is made according to the same principle. It is necessary to take an additional vitamin and mineral complex. In addition, to achieve visible improvement and suspend the process of destruction of the vertebrae, in addition to dieting, it is necessary to engage in therapeutic gymnastics.
Physical exercises should be aimed primarily at strengthening the muscular framework of the spine - this will relieve the load from the vertebrae, improve their mobility and greatly facilitate the patient's condition.
Results, recommendations and feedback from physicians on a curative diet for arthrosis ^
Foods that are low in animal fats and fast carbohydrates, rich in natural collagen, chondroitin, trace elements and antioxidants, are certainly good prevention and improve the condition of already damaged joints. The doctors' comments on the diet for arthrosis fully confirm this. Especially noticeable are the successes of the diet against the background of competent drug treatment.
The results of a diet for arthrosis will not take long to wait, provided all medical recommendations are observed. In addition, a balanced menu and low calorie help to lose weight and reduce the burden on joints, pain and inflammation, stop further destruction of joints.
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