Diet with reflux esophagitis and gastritis
Diet for reflux esophagitis: testimonials and patient results
With a combination of two diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, only medication is not enough: for a full-fledged treatment, a properly selected diet is needed.
Diet specialties for reflux esophagitis and gastritis ^
Reflux esophagitis is an inflammatory disease in which food from the stomach enters the esophagus.
In this case, there is a trauma to his mucous membrane, there are painful sensations, belching, heartburn, a sensation of a coma in the throat, it is often complicated by coughing, caries and serious inflammation of the digestive system.
Do you need a diet with reflux esophagitis
Of course, any illnesses of the digestive tract are treated not only by medications, but also by diets. Therapeutic diet with reflux esophagitis and gastritis provides for a number of restrictions on products. Under the ban fall:
- Chocolate;
- Alcohol;
- Eggplant;
- Coffee;
- Tomatoes;
- Strong tea;
- Bay leaf, parsley, coriander, dill;
- Spices;
- Fatty grades of meat and fish;
- Fast food and chips;
- Sweets and baking
In the therapeutic diet with reflux esophagitis and gastritis, the following dishes are preferred:
- Low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese, milk kefir;
- Boiled soft boiled eggs;
- Kashi;
- Low-fat fish and meat;
- Apples in baked or grated form;
- Yesterday's bread;
- Compotes( especially from dried fruits).
Diet reflux esophagitis is recommended to be observed until complete cure, but, as practice shows, gastritis and esophagitis periodically make themselves felt throughout life. In order to increase the period of remission - and it can last for several years - you need to carefully monitor your diet and not eat prohibited foods.
Diet regimens for patients with reflux esophagitis and gastritis:
- During an exacerbation, it is necessary to switch to porridge and soup of a mucous consistency, and from the use of solid food to temporarily give up;
- It is recommended to eat frequently, but in small portions;
- Daily use a decoction of rose hips and green tea - they remove the main symptoms.
Diet for reflux esophagitis: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for reflux esophagitis and gastritis: menu, recipes
Diet table number 1 for reflux esophagitis: menu
To prevent the development of the disease it is recommended to eat the following dishes:
- Mashed soups on milk or vegetablebroths;
- Vegetable puree;
- Milk pre-wiped porridge;
- Boiled or steamed meat, fish;
- Oils: creamy, sunflower or olive;
- Sour-milk products;
- Steam omelettes or boiled eggs;Stale white bread and biscuits;
- Sweet fruits and berries;
- Vegetable juices;
- Broth of dog rose;
- Weak tea or cocoa with milk.
Diet for reflux esophagitis and gastritis
To get rid of heartburn and prevent the development of exacerbations, this sample menu is suitable:
- We have breakfast oatmeal with banana slices;
- We are eating cottage cheese for lunch;
- We have dinner with soup-mashed potatoes;
- We snack with yogurt;
- We dine rice porridge and 100 grams of meat.
Diet for reflux gastritis
To avoid eructations, heartburn and reduce acidity, a gentle diet is used:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal with fruit, drink milk;
- We ate a salad of boiled vegetables for lunch, we drink kefir;
- We dine with steamed vegetables, boiled eggs and a flat cake of wheat flour, we drink a cup of tea;
- For a mid-morning snack we drink a glass of carrot juice;
- We have dinner with stewed vegetables and cottage cheese.
Diet with duodenal gastro reflux
This disease involves the injection of products from the duodenum into the stomach, which is often accompanied by pain and vomiting. In order to facilitate the patient's condition, the following sample menu is used:
- In the morning we eat a portion of rice porridge;
- For lunch - bio-yogurt;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, a piece of fish;
- We snack a handful of berries;
- We dine with steamed vegetables and low-fat meat.
Diet for gastroesophageal reflux
For the elimination of GERD symptoms, this is the best version of the approximate menu:
- We have breakfast with a pair of soft-boiled eggs, buckwheat porridge and tea with milk;
- We bite cottage cheese and broth of rose hips;
- We have dinner with vegetarian soup, boiled vegetables and compote;
- We snack infusions of rose hips;We have supper with baked fish and vegetables.
Diet for erosive reflux esophagitis
When erosion occurs, a gentle diet based on cereals, mashed soups, low-fat meat and fermented milk products should be observed:
- In the morning we eat yogurt, drink non-hot tea;
- We use cottage cheese for lunch;
- We have dinner with fish knels, stewed vegetables and compote;
- Lunch with beet salad;
- We dine with boiled pasta and meat( 100 g).
Diet for reflux gastritis in the acute stage
During this period, one should not consume raw vegetables and fruits, i.e.all products must be heat treated. On the first day of exacerbation it is better to refuse to eat and drink only decoctions and compotes, and then eat on the following exemplary menu:
- In the morning we eat any cereal well-cooked porridge;
- At lunch we drink kefir or yogurt;
- We dine low-fat soup, crushed in a blender, as well as mashed potatoes and cutlets;
- Lunch with kissel;
- Supper with vegetable puree and 100 grams of fish.
Diet for the prevention of gastritis reflux
To prevent an exacerbation or the emergence of this disease, it is recommended to build your diet according to the example of this menu:
- For breakfast we eat cottage cheese with fruits, drink green tea;
- For lunch we snack berries;
- Lunch soup on low-fat meat broth, eat seafood salad and a couple of cutlets;
- Lunch tea with biscuit biscuits;
- We have dinner with mashed potatoes, boiled meat and salad from vegetables.
Diet for reflux esophagitis and gastritis: recipes
Recipe for herbal infusion
- 1 tsp. We pour the seeds of flax with boiling water( half a glass), insist all night;
- We take an infusion on an empty stomach for 5 days.
Recipe for soup-puree
- Fill a glass of rice with boiling water, we insist 2 hours;
- Cut potatoes, onions, carrots, boil in water, add a little salt;
- When everything starts boiling - pour the rice into the pan and boil until it is completely boiled;
- When ready, merge excess water, and the remaining ingredients are twisted in a blender.
Recipe for steam fish knots
- We clean and relieve bones of 100 g of pike, cod and sea bass fillets, grind it in a blender;
- Clean the onions and carrots, beat in the blender with fish again;
- Put the stuffing in a bowl, add raw eggs( 5 pcs.), Pour salt and sugar, mix;
- Pour neatly boiled cold water, whisk again, previously adding 1 tbsp.l.matzo;
- Cooking vegetable broth, bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes;
- Put fish balls in boiling broth, cover with lid, cook for 2 hours;
- We take out the knelves, place them in a deep container and pour it on top with broth so that it covers them.
Results, feedbacks and recommendations of physicians on proper nutrition with reflux esophagitis and gastritis ^
As a result of a diet with reflux esophagitis, in just 2 days it is possible to get rid of exacerbations, and if it is used during remission, prolong it up to several years.
According to doctors, there is no special prophylaxis for esophagitis and gastritis, but it is very important to eat right to prevent digestive tract diseases.
Tips for avoiding reflux disease with esophagitis:
- Follow your diet;
- Restricting the use of too sharp and fatty foods;
- Regularly monitored by doctors, and if you get sick, write to the reception in time.
Reviews of doctors about a diet with reflux esophagitis
Evelina, 33, gastroenterologist:
"Unfortunately, people very often come to doctors when the disease is already in an acute stage. In such periods, the diet is an important part of the treatment, and without it the effectiveness of medicines is significantly reduced if not equated to zero. "
Regina, 39, gastroenterologist:
" I always prescribe my diet for this disease, as it helps prevent complications, and the disease itself passes into the stage of remission quickly. "
Marina, 45, gastroenterologist:
" Without a diet, it makes no sense to drink tablets, and my patients have learned this truth for a long time. Judging by the dynamics of their diseases, in most cases those who monitor their diet are rarely experiencing exacerbations, and the stage of remission does last for them even for several years ยป