
What is the treatment of folk remedies for kidney inflammation

  • What is the treatment of folk remedies for kidney inflammation

    Kidney diseases are among the most formidable. Since the activity of the whole organism depends on their normal state. Therefore, drug therapy and the treatment of folk remedies for kidney inflammation is very important.

    Short anatomy and physiology of the kidneys

    Kidneys are paired organs. In this connection, the loss of one organ ensures the uninterrupted functioning of the whole organism due to the compensatory possibilities of the remaining kidney. The dimensions of each kidney do not exceed the following parameters: length -12 cm, width-up to 6 cm, width from 3 to 4 cm. The mass of one organ is not more than 180-200 grams. Outwardly their shape resembles the fruit of a string bean.

    The kidneys are located in the so-called retroperitoneal space, on either side of the spine. With their concave sides they face the spine. Accordingly - their convex sides are directed in opposite directions. The right kidney from the top borders on the liver. Left - with a spleen.

    Each organ has about 1.5-2 million nephrons. These formations are structural units of the kidneys. It is their functioning that ensures all the work of the bodies:

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    • Allocation. The most important function of the kidneys. Provides removal from the body of metabolic products.
    • Regulation of osmotic functions and oncotic blood plasma pressure. Due to this, homeostasis is maintained - a constant balance. Without it, the normal course of metabolism and the work of the whole organism is impossible.
    • Endocrine or secretion of internal activity hormones.
    • Hemopoietic function is provided due to the fact that the kidneys synthesize erythropoietin - the most powerful stimulator of growth and maturation of red blood cells( erythrocytes).

    Kidney function is performed due to the work of nephrons. About 2,000 liters of blood pass through them a day. As a result, not less than 1.5-1.8 liters of urine is formed.

    The main inflammatory diseases

    Naturally, if the functioning of the kidneys, their basic functions begin to suffer. That negatively affects the work of all organs and systems. To violations of the same work of the kidneys leads a number of pathologies, among which inflammatory diseases occupy a special place, since their prevalence among other nephrological problems is at the forefront.

    But the main inflammatory diseases of the kidneys are only three nosologies. This pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and kidney carbuncle:

    1. Pyelonephritis. It is an inflammatory disease of the calyx and renal pelvis. Parenchyma is practically not involved in the process of the disease. But secondary changes can take place and quite often. The fact is that pyelonephritis complicates urodynamics( urine leakage).This affects the work of the tubules by increasing the pressure of urine. Then begin to suffer nephrons and kidney vessels.
    2. Glomerulonephritis. With this pathology, the inflammatory process itself covers the nephrons themselves. As a result, the kidney function begins to suffer earlier.
    3. Carbuncle of the kidney. Inflammatory cavity in the tissues of the organ. There is a complication of the other two diseases. But due to the peculiarities of the process and the treatment tactics, it is considered as an independent pathology.

    Clinical manifestations of inflammatory kidney disease are manifested in the form of three main syndromes:

    • Pain in the lumbar region. They are most pronounced in carbuncle. Associated with overgrowth of the renal capsule.
    • Temperature response. It accompanies any inflammation. Exceptions are those with severe immunodeficiency:
    • Edema. Localized mainly in the upper half of the trunk. They are soft to the touch. Occur during the night. Pass in the daytime poured closer to the evening. It should be noted that the more pronounced the process and the longer it takes, the longer the swelling persists.

    In pyelonephritis, in addition to the above, polyuria is noted - an increase in urination. But the edema is very weak. Often they simply can not be seen. The same can be said about the carbuncle of the kidneys: edema is relatively rare.

    Methods of treatment

    In nephrology, the etiologic factor( cause of the disease) plays a decisive role in the choice of therapy tactics. After all, on what the cause of the disease depends on the decision of the question of how to cure inflammation of the kidneys.

    This is important! Most inflammatory kidney diseases are associated with bacterial infectious agents. Only with glomerulonephritis is the main and leading etiologic factor antibodies. But they are also synthesized by the immune system against streptococcal infection.

    Therefore, the drugs of choice for inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys are antimicrobial drugs. But the bacteriological methods for determining the pathogen are quite long. Therefore, treatment begins with broad spectrum antibiotics, the structure of which implies that their main action occurs in the urinary system. Now most often used fluoroquinolones, nitrofurans and cephalosporins 3-4 generations.

    Treatment of glomerulonephritis involves the use of substances that primarily stop the development of autoimmune processes. Here the first choice drugs are cytostatics and glucocorticosteroids.

    In addition, with glomerulonephritis, preparations that affect hemostasis( coagulability of the blood) are shown, since pathological processes in nephrons are almost always accompanied by increased thrombus formation. And it in itself worsens the work of nephrons. The use of antibiotics is indicated only if there are signs of bacterial infection or infectious complications.

    In pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis diuretics are equally indicated. Preparations of this group contribute to an increase in the rate of passage of fluid by the tubule. This means that toxins and infectious agents are more quickly eliminated( removed) from the kidneys.

    Folk methods of treatment

    If, on the other hand, drugs used by official medicine have a certain share of undesirable effects. In this connection, the people's means have some advantage. Some of them contain the same substances that have the properties of traditional drugs. But their concentration is insignificant for development of undesirable action. In addition, the same tool can have several effects at the same time. As a result, the load on the detoxifying organs is reduced: the liver and the kidneys themselves.

    For example, many herbs have both antimicrobial and diuretic effects. This allows them to replace diuretics and antibacterial drugs at the same time.

    In this regard, when there is no pronounced inflammation of the kidneys, herbal treatment and other effective folk methods, it is more preferable. Especially it concerns chronic forms.

    Among the main traditional medicine, which are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, the following plants are most often used: St. John's wort, cranberry, yarrow, coltsfoot, calendula, dog rose, almond, pumpkin( in any form), sage, linden.

    However, it should be remembered that traditional medicine does not in the least abolish treatment by traditional means. Since during the untreated or poorly treated kidney diseases are fraught with formidable complications. Used herbs for inflammation of the kidneys can significantly reduce the share of traditional medicines, which reduces the manifestation of their side effects.

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