  • Myoma of the kidney: causes and signs of the disease

    Myoma of the kidney is a benign tumor, consisting of a kidney tissue. The main tissue is the parenchyma. It is she who carries the main burden, therefore most of all she suffers from many diseases. In addition, the renal parenchyma is often subjected to the development of the tumor process, including malignancy. Benign tumors occur in about 10% of cases. One of the rarest species is myoma.

    Causes of the development of

    pathology Unambiguously and reliably, physicians can not yet establish the reasons for the formation of a tumor of this species, as well as other types of neoplasms. There are factors that contribute to the formation of a tumor in the kidney.

    Usually the influence of these factors triggers the formation of fibroids, these factors include the following:

    • Hereditary factors.
    • Weakened immunity.
    • Frequent and prolonged inflammation.
    • Influence on the body of negative factors - radiation, smoking.

    The tumor begins to progress normally in already unhealthy organs. Usually renal fibroids occur in people in mature or old age.

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    Clinical symptoms of pathology

    Due to the fact that renal fibroid is considered to be a benign tumor, it usually grows quite slowly, with a small amount does not cause any symptoms. In this situation, the tumor tumor is diagnosed accidentally during the ultrasound in the abdominal organs during a prophylactic examination of the kidneys according to other indications of the treating physician.

    It often happens that a benign tumor, including myoma in the kidney, stops at a particular stage of its progression and at this point stops growing. If it has a small size, and it does not interfere with the kidney to do its job, then it does not require the organization of treatment.

    However, when diagnosing any tumor process, doctors recommend conducting a dynamic observation. It is impossible to give guarantees that the tumor will finally cease to grow. To cause a repeated progression may exacerbate any chronic pathology, changes in the hormonal background of the body or a nervous shock.

    This is important!

    Often, the myoma of the kidney is diagnosed only if it is large. In this case, the tumor is able to change the contours of the organ, violate the integrity of its fatty capsule, squeeze the vessels that are responsible for supplying it with blood. These are the cases when signs of the presence of a tumor begin to appear.

    Symptoms of myoma of the kidney include:

    1. Pain sensations in the kidney zone - in the abdomen and in the lower back.
    2. Urostage is a phenomenon of urine stagnation.
    3. Urinary leakage.
    4. Insufficient operation.
    5. Dystrophy or atrophy.

    Usually a benign tumor produces many problems related to its size, but it does not produce metastases, does not change the hormonal background, and does not release any toxins into the body. But such a tumor adversely affects the functioning of the kidneys. With large dimensions, the kidney tubules are squeezed, and the nephrons are unable to perform their filtering function. Taking into account the small size of the organ itself, it becomes clear that a fibroid size of even 2 to 3 cm can cause serious complications.

    Disturbance of the kidneys occurs when the vessels are squeezed by myomas, and as a result, blood filling is broken and the body loses nutrients. A nutritional deficiency provokes a deterioration in the functioning of the body. Also, nutritional deficiencies are the causes of a gradual decrease in size and causes its death. But such situations are very rare. In general, the lack of blood supply causes inadequate kidney function.

    Treatment: basic methods of

    For the treatment of large-sized kidney myomas, surgical removal of the tumor or whole organ is most often performed. A good effect is provided by treatment, in which the kidney vessels are clamped, which supply blood to the tumor. In this case, it is deprived of food and eventually dies.

    This is important!

    Hormone therapy is also a method of treating renal fibroids, but such therapy is not always effective and it is not always possible due to the large number of side effects from hormonal medications.

    In general, the predictions for the treatment of myocardial fibroids remain favorable, but the main thing is not to miss the development of the disease until the tumor reaches a large size.

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