Green diet
Products of this color have a negative caloric content and a low glycemic index
The green diet is a variant of "color"Diet, in which all products used are selected on a color basis.
This method of losing weight is used in cases where there is no goal to lose the maximum number of kilograms, but you just want to "straighten up" the forms that "blurred" during the winter or during the holiday, held in the "all inclusive" mode.
The role of green products for weight loss ^
Green vegetables and fruits are widely used in the compilation of a diet of various weight loss programs. This is due to the fact that almost all( with rare exceptions) products of this color have low caloric content and low glycemic index.
Their last property means that with the use of such vegetables and fruits, the blood sugar level rises very slowly, which means that the digestion of food slows down, which helps to dull the feeling of hunger for a long time.
In addition, all products of green color contain a rich treasure of vitamins and trace elements. They acquire their color due to the natural pigment of chlorophyll, which gives food the ability to strengthen the body's immune forces and stimulate metabolism. In some of them( for example, cucumbers, cabbage, apples, pears, quince) contains tartronic acid, which can dramatically slow down lipogenesis - the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.
And of course, like all vegetables, they are rich in fiber, which not only takes a large amount of energy for its digestion, but also adsorbs toxic substances in the body, neutralizing their action, and clears the stomach of the remnants of poorly digested food.
The following types of products are suitable for a green diet:
- vegetables: white cabbage and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, peas, peppers, zucchini, leafy greens, onions, lettuce, parsley, dill, etc.
- fruit: apples, kiwi, avocado, pear, pomelo, lime, etc.
- berries: grapes, gooseberry.
Diets on green vegetables and fruits: menus and recipes ^
When creating a diet menu, it is necessary to remember that the body can not be deprived of the necessary norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Of course, a number of products will have to be eliminated from their diet unconditionally - sweets, pasta, flour products, sugar, potatoes, sausages.
To limit also it is necessary the use of fruit with the big maintenance of simple sugars, fat food, animal fats - sour cream, cottage cheese, butter. The needs of the organism in a balanced diet can be satisfied by introducing a small number of eggs, fish, lean meat into the menu.
The menu of the green diet will look something like this:
- breakfast: 2 apples, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of fat-free yogurt, green tea;
- lunch: a handful of pine nuts, 1 tbsp.l.bran;
- lunch: light soup( cooked on lean meat or fish or vegetable), cabbage and cucumber salad,
- snack: any fruit;
- dinner: meat or fish for a couple, salad from leafy vegetables.
It is also very important to observe the drinking regime - about 1.5 liters of pure water are consumed per day. If the diet is necessary to exercise or engage in heavy physical labor, the norm of carbohydrates per day is 200 g, otherwise - 100 g.
You can drink green tea and decoctions of herbs - mint, chamomile, hawthorn, St. John's wort, dog rose, oregano, lemon balm.
A small nuance: vegetable dishes can be eaten at any time of the day until 22 hours, light protein products( kefir or egg white) are allowed even at night, slow carbohydrates eat in the morning, fruits - no later than 17 hours.
Diet on green vegetables
Another version of this method of weight loss is based on vegetables and is designed for 3 days, for which the weight loss can be up to 3 kg. The
menu has the following menu:
- breakfast: oatmeal on water with grated apple and 1 tsp.honey, a glass of skimmed yogurt or yogurt;
- lunch: 2-3 vegetables to choose from, a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable or apple juice;
- lunch: vegetable salad with olive oil, 150 g of fish or seafood, green tea;
- snack: 1- 2 green vegetables;
- dinner: vegetable soup or ragout, a slice of whole grain bread, green tea.
Diet on green apples
Very useful is the apple variant. The main advantage of apples, as is known, consists in the presence in their composition of pectin, fibers and quercetin( a natural antioxidant).In addition, they reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the human immune system and normalizes the work of the digestive tract. The simplest diet is "3 apples".Its essence is to eat before each meal one apple - only 3 per day. It is possible to increase the number of meals to 4-5, but the portions are reduced.
Diet on green peas
This is a low-calorie protein technique. As the main dish it uses fresh, stewed or frozen peas. The use of preservatives is not allowed. The peas contain a large amount of zinc, magnesium, vitamin B1.Very important for every organism is the nucleic acid present in this vegetable.
Approximate menu of this slimming program for one day:
- breakfast: 30 g muesli, 100 ml of milk, finely chopped bullseye;
- lunch: a dish of peas - pea soup, omelette with peas, a salad based on peas or, for example, schnitzel with its addition;
- afternoon snack: fruit or 150 grams of yogurt;
- dinner: radish, a slice of whole grain bread, a slice of cheese.
You need to eat on such a diet for 7 days, at which you can throw up to 4 kg of excess weight.
Diet on green buckwheat
Not everyone knows about the diet on green buckwheat, which in the 20 century.called "queen of croup".It differs from conventional buckwheat in that it does not undergo heat treatment, while retaining all its useful properties. Buckwheat is a source of complex carbohydrates and has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in general and the digestive tract, pancreas and circulatory system in particular.
You can use buckwheat in three ways:
- grind the grind in a coffee grinder, pour the powder with water and eat;
- you can eat sprouted buckwheat. If this is not very common, the sprouts can be pre-soaked in warm water;
- steamed buckwheat in a thermos - it is poured hot water, tightly closed with a lid and left for eight hours.
The dietary program on buckwheat means its use in regular portions throughout the day, without the addition of salt, sugar or oil. The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Allowed with this food system, drink no more than 1 liter of kefir per day, and eat 1-2 apples or fat-free yogurt. This method of losing weight should be followed for 2 weeks, not more than twice a year.
White - and red - green variants ^
In addition to the actual green diets, there are also a number of variants of their combinations.
White - green diet
For example, a very popular white - green diet, developed on the basis of fresh vegetables and dairy products. This combination gives the most tangible effect when losing weight.
Diet green apples and kefir
Among the variety of mixed diets, the combination of apples and kefir is considered to be the simplest and most effective. It involves the use of only these products for the selected duration of the program of weight loss( usually 3, 5 or 9 days).
The variant of this method of losing weight for 3 days will be as follows.
Day One
- breakfast: 200 g low-fat kefir with the addition of grated apple and a spoonful of oatmeal;
- lunch: a glass of natural kefir;
- lunch: 1 baked apple with currant;
- snack: - a glass of low-fat kefir;
- dinner: 2 baked apples.
Day Two
- breakfast: 1 baked in the oven apple;
- lunch: 1 fresh apple;
- lunch: 200 grams of coarse-grained cottage cheese with yogurt;
- afternoon snack: salad from honey, nuts and grated apple;
- dinner: 2 baked apples.
Day 3
- breakfast: a glass of yogurt 1% fat with a spoon of jam;
- lunch: 1 fresh apple;
- lunch: 200 g salad from 1 apple and yogurt, a slice of cheese;
- afternoon snack: 2 baked apples;
- dinner: salad from honey, nuts and grated apple.
- You can drink a glass of natural kefir before going to bed.
Red - green diet
This option is best to adhere to in the summer. It is designed for 2-4 weeks and its essence consists in a combination of products of red color with green products.
Vegetables and fruits with red pigment have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumor properties. For the red portion of the diet menu, you can use the following products:
- tomatoes;
- red cabbage;
- beet;
- Bulgarian pepper;
- radish;
- grapefruits;
- various red berries, etc.
For the green part of the menu use:
- cucumbers;
- cabbage;
- squash and squash;
- asparagus beans and peas;
- onion;
- all kinds of greens;
- apples;
- leaves of dandelions, nettles, etc.
To balance nutrition in the diet, it is also necessary to include a small amount of black bread, boiled chicken eggs, low-fat milk, some hard cheese, lean fish, a cube of bitter chocolate. You need to drink green and herbal teas.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: