The Magic Diet
The magic diet allows you to lose about 4 - 7 kg per week
Magic dietrefers to one of the most effective and highly effective methods of weight loss, which gives amazing results.
It has found its name due to its high efficiency and short duration, since for seven dietary days it is easy to lose about 4 to 7 accumulated kilograms.
Essence and Features of Weight Loss on a Magic Diet ^
The basis of a magical diet is low-carb and protein foods that are practically fat-free. Rapid "magic" weight loss is achieved as a result of a lack of carbohydrates and fats in the diet, resulting in the body begins to quickly extract them from the internal stores.
The following dietary products are included in the menu of the magic diet:
- Dairy products - fat-free curd, yogurt, 1% kefir;
- Chicken eggs, hard-boiled;
- Fruits - plums( prunes), green apples, oranges;
- Vegetables - carrot, cucumber, spinach, onion, broccoli, celery, pumpkin, zucchini, radish, leaf salad;
- Drinks - black natural coffee or green tea, but without milk, cream and sugar;
- Cheese varieties containing minimum fat - brynza, tofu, etc.
During the magic dietary period, the following food is strictly forbidden:
- Meat, fish products - lamb, pork, heart, kidneys, liver, halibut, salmon, catfish;
- Sweets, sugar, confectionery;
- Groats - mango, rice, buckwheat;
- Potatoes, grapes and bananas;
- Butter and vegetable oils, pates, sausages and sausages;
- Alcohol and carbonated drinks.
The magic diet is built on compliance with the three mandatory rules:
- During each dietary day, it is necessary to eat up to 2.5 liters.water, preferably mineral, but not carbonated;
- Meal regime provides three meals a day: morning meal until 9.00, lunch time is within 13 - 14 hours and evening meal is not later than 18.00;
- Snacks such as breakfast or snack are strictly excluded.
The main advantage of the magic diet is only a lightning-fast weight loss. As for the shortcomings, they, unfortunately, are many:
- The menu of the magic diet consists of a poor and unbalanced diet;
- Substantially slowed metabolism;
- Lipid deficiency significantly worsens the skin condition;
- There is a constant feeling of hunger;
- Eating low-carb foods often causes dizziness, weakness, irritability, headaches and decreased performance.
In order to minimize the manifestation of some unpleasant sensations in the magic program of weight loss, you can use the following recommendations:
- At least two hours to spend in the fresh air;
- Sleep at least eight hours a day;
- Eliminate physical and mental fatigue;
- Do not ignore daily water procedures in the form of a shower, bath or visit the pool;
- Take multivitamin complexes.
Since the use of the magic method of losing weight means a transition to a strict dietary restriction, this diet is strictly prohibited in the following cases:
- Pregnancy, lactation period;
- Sports and mental work;
- Exacerbation of infectious and chronic diseases;
- Underage and advanced age;
- Serious diseases of blood vessels, stomach, liver, heart, kidneys and intestines are also a strict contraindication for using the magic method of losing weight.
Magic diet for losing weight: a menu for 7 days and features ^
Magic Foot Diet
Specially designed magic method of rapid weight loss gives good results for the whole body. However, a particularly striking effect in reducing weight is achieved in the lower body region. At the end of dietary magic weight loss, the hips and buttocks are significantly reduced, and the legs look much slimmer and slimmer.
Sample menu of the magic diet for weight loss:
- Breakfast: freshly brewed coffee;
- Lunch: a couple of eggs, 50 gr.brynza;
- Dinner: a portion of broccoli salad and grated green apple.
- Breakfast: green tea;
- Lunch: two oranges;
- Dinner: 8 pieces of plums.
- Breakfast: freshly brewed coffee;
- Lunch: portion( 200 gr.) Cottage cheese, prunes - a couple of things;
- Dinner: an onion salad, a couple of cucumbers and lemon juice.
- Breakfast: yogurt 250 ml;
- Lunch: a couple of eggs, green gulls;
- Dinner: apple, prunes - 5 pcs.
- Breakfast: green tea;
- Lunch: average serving( 200 g.) Salad from grated fresh carrots, radish and broccoli;
- Dinner: cucumber salad.
- Breakfast: freshly ground coffee;
- Lunch: salad from a pair of eggs and one carrot;
- Dinner: a cup of kefir low-fat.
- Breakfast: green tea;
- Lunch: 50 gr.tofu, carrot salad and lemon juice;
- Dinner: a couple of eggs.
Diet magic effect
Diet magic effect is another version of weight loss of this technique, the result of which will also be an excellent weight loss.
Weekly diet menu that gives a magical effect, the following:
- Morning: freshly ground coffee 250 ml;
- Day: A couple of green( but not acidic) apples;
- Evening: a couple of eggs, one grated medium carrot.
- Morning: curdled milk 250 ml:
- Day: oranges - a pair of pieces;In the evening: a couple of eggs.
- Morning: green tea 250 ml;
- Day: cottage cheese with plums - 200 gr.;
- Evening: a glass of low-fat kefir.
- Morning: Freshly ground coffee 250 ml;
- Day: 100 gr.tofu with a couple of eggs;
- Evening: a portion of cottage cheese with curdled milk.
- Morning: kefir 250 ml;
- Day: salad from apples, cabbage and carrots - 150 gr.; Evening: a couple of eggs.
- Morning: green tea 250 ml;
- Day: cabbage - cucumber salad - 200 g;
- Evening: medium grated carrots, a couple of eggs.
- Morning: Freshly ground coffee 250 ml;
- Day: a couple of eggs;
- Evening: carrot salad with brynza.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the magic diet ^
The results of the magic diet in terms of weight loss, which can be achieved in a week, just amazing and reach seven kilograms. However, because of a strict and limited diet, it is allowed to repeat the magic technique not earlier than three months after a full and balanced diet.
The correct output after the magic diet, which allows to reliably fix the results, is as follows:
- In the first three days after the end of the magic weight loss menu should not contain "banned" products.
- It is desirable for breakfast to use a couple of eggs with green tea, for lunch - a portion of stewed cabbage, cabbage and carrots, and in the evening to eat a couple of apples with a sour milk drink;
- In the following days, gradually increasing the rates, it is possible to introduce non-fat fish, meat and other products.
However, despite the amazing results of weight loss, reviews of the magic diet only a few slimming ones are approving. Many women who experienced it on their own, made a negative impression about the magic method of losing weight. First and foremost, this is due to the feeling of a constant and debilitating feeling of hunger, as well as weakness and headache.
In addition, almost all weight loss lost pounds quickly returned. Dietitians fully agree with the opinion of the majority and strongly recommend choosing another diet that reduces weight more slowly and does not harm the body.
We also recommend you to watch a video of the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: