Diet for teenagers
Diet for teenagers helps to smoothly and safely reduce excess weight
Diet forteenagers is based on a correct, balanced and safe food system that will excellently help not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to clear the skin from acne and strengthen the body.
Features of nutrition and weight loss in adolescence ^
Every teenager between the ages of 12 and 16 undergoes psychological, hormonal and physiological changes. During adolescence, interests, thinking, growth, weight, and shape are beginning to change.
Hormonal adolescent perestroika entails an unstable emotional background. Many teenagers, especially girls and girls, react very painfully to visible changes in the figure, especially weight gain.
Also on the opinion of adolescents is a significant impact of the standards of beauty from the TV screen or glossy magazines. As a result of these or other reasons, the younger generation seeks to bring themselves to the ideal, forgetting that fast "adult" diets can cause irreparable damage to health.
Effects of abnormal weight loss in adolescents can be avitaminosis, impaired metabolism, growth retardation, anorexia, malfunctioning of the stomach, intestines, other important organs, and other, and sometimes lifelong, problems. Teenage diet is recommended as an effective and simple weight loss program, aimed at literate weight loss or replenishment, if necessary.
The advantages of a teenage diet are:
- Weight will start to go down slowly but safely and effectively;
- Skin is quickly cleared of acne;
- Muscular and bone tissues are strengthened;
- A growing organism receives all the nutrients it needs, includingvitamins, micro and macro elements;
- Adolescent diet is completely balanced, ie, it consists of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in quantities necessary for the growing body.
The teenage diet has no disadvantages. Contraindications include only the presence of an individual allergic reaction to dairy products or citrus.
The main recommendations of the teenage diet are as follows:
- Mandatory transition to four or five meals a day;
- A full breakfast is the basis of a healthy diet necessary for a growing young organism;
- Strict compliance with the drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters per day;
- Evening meal should be held strictly three hours before bedtime.
The effectiveness and ease of the teenage weight loss method is determined by a diet that should include the following healthy foods:
- lactic and dairy products,
- cereals,
- fresh vegetables, berries, fruits,
- protein food, meat, fish, seafood,
- whole-grainbread.
The following items are strictly forbidden: smoked products, sausages, fast food, chips, store crunches, hamburgers, sweets, pastries, fried foods and sodas.
Diet for adolescent slimming: menus and features ^
Diet for teen boy
The dietary food system for a boy consists of food containing 3000 kcal daily, 59 grams of animal proteins, 425 grams of carbohydrates and 100 grams of fat. The norm of each portion given in the menu is 100 g., Drinks - 200 ml.
Sample menu for the day:
- Morning: chicken boiled fillet with garnish of buckwheat porridge, egg, plum compote;
- Lunch: pomegranate or pomegranate juice;
- Lunch: beef vegetable soup, rye bread 40 g, vinaigrette, milk;
- Snack: curd - fruit casserole;
- Dinner: potatoes baked with a slice of fish, tomatoes and greens 250 gr., Green tea or fruit juice.
Diet for the teenage girl
The diet for teenage girls differs from the dietary method developed for boys, the caloric content of foods and the composition of the diet. For girls, it is desirable to introduce more protein and carbohydrate foods into the diet.
Approximate daily menu for a teenage girl:
- Breakfast: natural yoghurt, oatmeal with slices of sweet apple, cocoa;
- Lunch: a portion of stewed vegetables( cabbage, carrots, potatoes, greens), a piece of steam( boiled) chicken or beef, 50 gr.sea kale, natural jelly or compote;
- Snack: cottage cheese is low-fat with pieces of fruit, dressed with 10% sour cream, milky - fruit cocktail;
- Dinner: potatoes baked in greens and sour cream, vegetable or fruit salad, any natural juice.
Diet for adolescent girls
The diet for adolescent girls from 14-18 years is not particularly different from the system of eating teenage girls. But it is desirable that the food ration for this age consisted more of sour-milk products, vegetables, meat and fruits.
Approximate diet menu for girls:
- Breakfast: apple - banana salad with yogurt, milk with muesli;
- Second breakfast: grated sweet apple with a handful of ground walnuts;
- Lunch: a serving of soup on chicken broth, vegetable salad, 20 bread, green tea;
- Snack: persimmon, banana, apple mix with 150 ml.milk( cottage cheese) low-fat in a blender;
- Dinner: a pair of Bulgarian peppers stuffed with mushrooms( chopped beef) and rice, a glass of orange juice.
Acne Diet for Adolescents
The Adolescent Pimple Diet is based on the following mandatory recommendations:
- The daily diet should consist of cereals, fresh vegetables, lactic acid foods, lean meat and fruits;
- The main condition for the treatment of acne is the rejection of coffee, bread, mayonnaise and sauces, fatty foods, sweet products, incl.honey, sugar, jam and jam.
In addition to food restrictions, it should be remembered that competent and timely hygienic skin care will help to get rid of teenage acne more quickly.
Diet for growing a teenager
To increase the growth by a couple of centimeters or more, it is necessary to include the following products in the food ration:
- Dairy products - yoghurt, milk, cheese;
- Chicken, fish and red meat;
- Egg Yolk;
- Nuts;
- Bananas;Beans and peas.
However, according to doctors, diet alone is not enough to increase growth. For a more effective result, it is desirable for a teenager to engage in swimming, cycling or walking.
Diet for fattening for teenagers
The method of weight gain in adolescents provides a high-calorie, but harmless food ration.
Sample menu is recommended as follows:
- Breakfast: 2.5% kefir, any porridge, but cooked in milk and 10 gr. Butter, 40 gr.rye bread;
- Breakfast the second: vinaigrette, sweet compote;
- Lunch: spaghetti, boiled chicken, vegetable salad with 20% sour cream?black tea with honey;
- Snack: 5 pcs.oatmeal cookies( jujube), 3.5% milk;
- Dinner: a sandwich( mayonnaise natural, a slice of bread, plastic of boiled beef, and cucumber), beef soup, berry juice.
Results, weight loss reviews and doctors' recommendations on proper nutrition in the adolescent period ^
The results of the diet for adolescents, with strict adherence to it, constitute a weight loss for the month of 3 to 5 kilograms. Since the teenage dietary method is fairly balanced and easily tolerated, it will not be difficult to get out of it. The main thing is to observe the diet and exclude the use of "harmful" products.
Reviews about the diet for teenagers are mostly positive. The proposed nutrition system really helped many representatives of the younger generation to cope with the problems of excess weight and acne eruptions. Doctors agree with the opinion that a growing body needs a full-fledged diet.
For those who do not wish to sit on a diet, we will give useful and effective advice of doctors - nutritionists, how to lose weight without a diet:
- Having a full breakfast is essential for rapid metabolism and improving metabolism;
- Exercise helps burn calories much faster;
- It should be possible to exclude from the adolescent diet the consumption of flour, fatty, rich food, which adversely affects the figure.
We also recommend to watch a video with useful advice of nutritionists on the three best days of release that help to lose weight fast and effectively: