Diet "Blyudechko"
The stunning success of the diet The dish lies in frequent and fractional nutrition
Diet ""Is an incredibly popular method of losing weight among the stars of cinema and show business, because it allows you to eat anything you want, but in small quantities. Unfortunately, people tend to overeat, as the information that the stomach is full, the brain receives about 20 minutes after it happened.
As a result of systematic overeating in people who eat a lot, the stomachs become much larger in size than those who eat in small portions. And this feature is not congenital - the stomach has the property of stretching. That is, the more you eat, the more you want.
Slimming Secret on a silver platter - the fractional and frequent meals ^
saucer Diet allows you to quickly lose weight by the following rules of supply:
- Those who chose it must have often, but not enough.
- As a plate it is necessary to use a saucer with a diameter of 10 cm.
- There are as many as it will fit in it. Impose without a roller coaster.
- This diet is justified from the point of view of psychology. If there is a large plate, but pour half - the brain signals the body that it was deprived, and the stomach will require more. The sight of a small but full plate, "deceives" the brain - as a result, the body does not feel deprived.
- According to statistics, on average, citizens of our country eat 2 times more than they need. It is necessary to get rid of the habit of eating large portions.
- You can not skip meals.
- You need 4 times a day.
- You can afford almost everything you want, even a cake or a chocolate bar - the main thing is that they get into the saucer.
However, experts still give certain recommendations:
- Do not eat semi-finished products and fast food;
- Discard the use of spread, margarine and mayonnaise. They can be replaced with olive or grape oil;
- There is bread instead of bread;
- Breaks between meals should not be large. You can distribute them like this: at 8 o'clock breakfast, at 12 - lunch, lunch - at 16, and at 19 o'clock - dinner;
- It is necessary to use enough fermented milk products: ryazhenka, kefir and yogurt. In a week several times you eat cottage cheese - it is a source of calcium, necessary for the body;
- Scrupulously calculate the amount of liquid drunk. A day per kilogram of weight requires 40 ml of water. We multiply our weight by 40 - this will be the daily volume of the required fluid. More can cause swelling.
- You can drink almost all drinks, except for soda and alcohol. Especially useful is green tea, which tones up the body.
Slimming system "saucer" has no special contraindications, however, before you start, it is still worth consulting with a doctor.
Dish "Blyudechko" - approximate menu and stages ^
The food program The dish consists of three stages:
- At the first stage of the diet, it is necessary to get used there is little. You can eat the same foods and foods as usual, only the difference in quantity. There should not be a "mountain" in the saucer. The normal portion with this method of losing weight is about 3 tablespoons.
- The next step is to learn to eat the "right" products: porridge on the water, low-fat cottage cheese, fruit, meat.
- The diet ends with the repetition of the first stage, when you can eat everything that a person is used to.
Menu options can be different. Here are some examples:
Menu 1
- breakfast - curd, scrambled eggs or porridge;
- snack - yogurt, fruit or vegetable;
- dinner - meat with a garnish of vegetables( they should be equally divided on the saucer);
- afternoon snack - fruit or puree from fruit;
- dinner - salad, lean fish or cottage cheese.
Menu 2
It is possible to eat every 2 hours. Then the diet can be something like this:
- first breakfast - a cup of coffee;
- second breakfast - vegetable salad with lemon juice;
- lunch - 1 large fruit and 10 grams of flax oil;
- lunch - 100 grams of boiled meat or fish;
- afternoon snack - 100 grams of cottage cheese or 1 egg;
- early dinner - vegetable salad;
- dinner - dried apricots or prunes( 10 pieces);
- before going to bed you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.
- Food should be chewed well.
Menu 3
- breakfast - tea, coffee or juice, bread toast with cheese and tomato;
- lunch - 100 or 150 grams of boiled vegetables with low-fat mayonnaise;
- snack - 100 or 150 grams of fruit salad;
- dinner - 100 grams of baked fish with beans or asparagus and lemon.
- breakfast - 1 egg, yogurt and coffee;
- lunch - vegetable salad and a slice of boiled meat;
- snack - half a bun, half a glass of yogurt or kefir;
- dinner - a stew of vegetables.
- from avtrack - 5 tablespoons muesli( without a slide), yogurt, coffee;
- lunch - 100-150 grams of vegetable soup, toast from whole-grain bread;
- afternoon snack - half a cup of smoothies from a banana with strawberries or half chocolate;
- dinner - a sandwich with tuna, cucumber and a leaf of lettuce.
- breakfast - scrambled eggs on tomatoes with spinach;
- lunch - vegetable salad with ham;
- snack - low-fat cottage cheese, you can with fruit;
- dinner - a stew of turkey with carrots and peas.
- breakfast - oatmeal with dried apricots and toast;
- dinner - soup with mushrooms and chicken;
- afternoon snack - milk shake with fruit or ice cream;
- dinner - stewed salmon with tomatoes.
- from avtrak - coffee, a whole-grain bread sandwich with salad and cheese;
- lunch - 100 grams of stewed calf liver with apples;
- afternoon snack - half a cup of low-fat kefir and fruit pie;
- dinner - beet salad with homemade cheese, olive oil and lemon juice.
- breakfast - toast, fried eggs with cheese, tea or coffee;
- dinner - lentil soup with meat and sour cream;
- afternoon snack - a pancake with berries;
- dinner - a salad of fresh vegetables.
The results and feedback of those who lose weight and doctors about the system Blyudechko ^
The main plus of the "saucer" diet, according to the weight loss, is that it is easy to sustain, since you can eat almost anything you want. In addition, after the end of the course a person gets used not to overeat and is saturated with a small amount of food.
Of the minuses, it can be noted that the "saucer" diet may not suit obese people who are used to eating a lot. But the output for them can be a gradual decrease in the diameter of the plates. Doctors do not advise to stick to such a food system for more than 2 weeks, as this can adversely affect digestion.
The results of the "saucer" diet speak of its effectiveness - an absolute majority of those who tried this technique express positive impressions. On average, you can reset from 1 kilogram to 3 per month. There are also more rapid weight loss - 1 kilogram per week and up to 20 - for 3 months.
Lose weight mark the literacy of the program from a psychological point of view - since everything is possible, there is no irresistible desire to "break".However, working people note the complexity of the diet, as not all enterprises can leave every 2-4 hours to have a bite.
Positive feedback about the "saucer" diet is left by doctors. Those who are hungry with four meals a day, nutritionists are advised to eat a saucer 5 times a day. They also remind that it is possible to lose weight without harm to health more than 1 kg per kilogram.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: