Diet for children
Diet for children reduces weight smoothly and safely
Diet for children -balanced, nutritious and complete nutrition system, aimed at combating obesity, which can subsequently lead to the problem of obesity.
Features of nutrition and weight loss in children ^
Children often become victims of excess weight from eating "harmful" or excessively sweet food, such as cakes, cakes, chips, hamburgers, carbonated drinks and other useless products.
In addition, many children and adolescents are fond of computer games, do not have enough time on the street and do not attend gyms.
As a result of malnutrition and sedentary lifestyle, many children begin to suffer not only overweight, but also the consequences resulting from this:
- bone deformation,
- diabetes;
- cardiovascular diseases.
When deciding on a review of baby food and diet, it should be remembered that as a result of an unbalanced dietary diet, improper weight loss will follow, which may include stunted growth, vitamin deficiency, headaches, memory loss and coordination.
The food ration in children must be based on a full-fledged diet consisting of proteins, fats, vitamins, microelements and other nutrients. The list of acceptable dietary slimming products for children includes the following products useful for the growing body:
- Low-fat varieties of fish, meat, poultry, seafood, liver natural pate;
- Eggs;
- Cereals - pearl barley, oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat, corn;
- Natural low-fat dairy, lactic acid products: milk, yoghurt, kefir, snowball, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese and natural butter;
- Vegetables, fruits( dried, baked, fresh), berries;
- Legumes;
- Rye, wheat or bran bread;
- Drinks - natural juices from berries, vegetables, fruits, jelly, cocoa with cream, mineral water;
- Sweet products( limited) - black, milk chocolate, jujube.
A diet for children should not contain the following harmful food in the menu:
- Carbonated sweet drinks: pinocchio, cola, fanta and others;Meat or chicken half-finished products - cutlets, sausages, shop dumplings;
- Chips, lollipops, cinnamon, bars, cakes and stuff;
- Canned food, smoked products;
- Fried products: - French fries, pies, belyashi and others.
When observing a child's diet, the following rules should be followed:
- Children's diet should be frequent and divided, providing four meals. During each it is necessary to observe certain norms: first meal - up to 30%, breakfast of the second - up to 10%, lunch - up to 40% and dinner - up to 20% of daily diets;
- Protein food should be included in breakfast and lunch, it is advisable to leave cereals with vegetables for dinner;
- The diet for children strictly excludes uncontrolled eating and overeating;
- Dishes are prepared exclusively in baked, boiled, steamed or stewed;
- Butter is recommended to add in cereals in a very small amount.
The children's diet has the following main advantages:
- Weight will start to decrease slowly, but very effectively;
- The body not only safely free of fat deposits, but also easily get rid of slags, salts and other harmful compounds;
- Excellent immune system, bone and muscle tissue will grow stronger.
Negative diet for children does not have, since it is as balanced as possible. Contraindication can only serve as the presence of an individual allergy in children for dairy products, citrus and so on.
Diet for slimming children: a menu for the week and recipes ^
The main condition when observing a children's diet for weight loss - an active lifestyle. For a faster and more positive result, it is necessary to maximize the activity of children by morning exercises, visiting sections, dancing schools or practicing a sport.
Sample diet menu for the child:
- Morning: steam omelette with rice, apple compote;
- Lunch: a sandwich made from a piece of bread, butter, cheese and cucumber, compote;
- Lunch: potatoes stuffed with hepatic mince, carrot drink;
- Evening: oatmeal with dried fruits, boiled salad of beetroot with raisins, compote.
- Morning: pancakes with manna cereals, apple;
- Lunch: salad from eggs, potatoes and cheese, pear drink;
- Lunch: meatball with beef and buckwheat, beef broth, a slice of bread;
- Evening: Fruit jelly, salad from apple, carrot, fresh cabbage.
- Morning: salad from squid, rice boiled and corn with sour cream, pomegranate juice;
- Lunch: potato - fish steam cutlets, banana cocktail with milk;
- Lunch: fish - vegetable soup, cabbage stew, berry juice;
- Evening: porridge "Friendship"( millet, rice), salad from apples, pears, apricots and plums under yogurt, berry broth.
- Morning: potato omelette, rye bread with cheese, snow;
- Lunch: fruit, cottage cheese;
- Lunch: cabbage soup with chicken fillet and fresh cabbage, vinaigrette, orange juice;
- Evening: apple jelly, oat soup with rusks.
- Morning: pumpkin pancakes with sour cream, broth from dried apricots;
- Lunch: baked apple, a handful of berries;
- Lunch: beetroot with beef, vegetable salad, fruit jelly;
- Evening: corn porridge, yoghurt with fruit.
On the basis of the proposed menu, you can create your own plan for a balanced diet, taking into account the individual taste preferences of the child.
Dietary diet recipes for children
Delicious and healthy diet recipes for children will help diversify the menu. Here are some of them.
Cutlets "Riddle"
- Boil five medium potatoes, wipe through a sieve and add a couple of eggs, finely chopped greens, salt and make them in the form of a flat cake.
- 250 gr.of ground beef to put in the middle of each flat cake and to connect edges so that forcemeat completely remained inside.
- Prepare the prepared mass in flour and place in a steamer.
Chicken Souffle
- 60 gr. Chicken fillet bring to mince, add salt, add whipped in 30 ml of milk yolk.
- Stir, put on a baking tray and bake in the oven.
Apricot mousse
- 100 gr.apricots without pits cut, pour boiled hot water and bring to a boil.
- Then add 20 gr.sugar and swollen 10 gr.gelatin and again bring to a boiling state.
- Then the mass is wiped, cooled, beaten to a foamy appearance, poured into molds and cooled.
Results, reviews of thin and recommendations of doctors about a child's diet for weight loss ^
The results of a diet for children are very effective and can reach a month of weight reduction of up to 5 kg or more. However, positive effects are achieved in everyone in different ways, depending on the amount of extra pounds, complexion or physiological characteristics of each child.
The main thing when you leave the baby diet is not to return to a "harmful" and high-calorie diet. Since this diet adheres to a balanced diet, it is very easy to carry it for a child's age and you can repeat it in a couple of months.
Reviews about a diet for children not only among losing children, but also their parents do not have negative statements. They believe that this diet, although it was long, but really helped to lose weight and largely prevent unwanted health effects.
Doctors recommend adhering to certain tips in order to avoid further possible problems with the figure or mental state in children. Here are tips on how to lose weight without dieting:
- It is essential to control the amount of servings;
- To stimulate the child to lead a mobile rhythm of life;
- Restrict children computer and television pastime;
- Discuss with the child the damage to the figure and health of eating harmful foods and beverages;
- Parents become imitators for children for a healthy and correct lifestyle.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: