Atomic diet
The atomic diet helps to lose weight by alternating protein and carbohydrate days
Lose weight without harm to health and not hungerit seems unreal, but the atomic diet is one of the few diet programs that can guarantee this.
It got its name thanks to a technique that allows to significantly accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
The essence of the atomic system of weight loss ^
The principle of the effect of the atomic method of weight loss is similar to the diet system according to Dyukan and the Swiss diet, that is, weight loss is due to the alternation of carbohydrate and protein days. Why does this work?
As you know, carbohydrates are the fuel of the body that gives energy. On the day when only protein food is taken, energy is not enough and the body is actively spending old fat reserves, destroying glycogen. Carbohydrate day also does not give weight gain, but the caloric content of the diet should not exceed the consumption.
The main goal of the atomic diet is to stir up the "lazy" metabolism, to start an active process of burning excess fat and speed up the metabolism. The main advantages of the nuclear diet is that it is not hungry and does not deprive the body of the necessary nutrients.
It is possible at the first signs of hunger and until full saturation. However, portions of food should be reasonable, you can not overeat. Protein - carbohydrate alternation occurs every other day - a carbohydrate day is a protein day, the next - again carbohydrate. There are only 2 basic rules of atomic weight loss:
- Late dinner is forbidden. From the last meal to sleep must pass at least 3 hours.
- Flour products, potato dishes and sugar are completely excluded from the diet.
Advantages of the atomic diet:
- The atomic technique of losing weight is very effective and one of the safest.
- Does not bring discomfort in the form of an acute feeling of hunger, strict calorie counting, weakness and emotional exhaustion. It's just a new food rule.
- The body receives in abundance vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins. This is a fully balanced menu.
- No contraindications and age restrictions.
- To adhere to this technique is allowed a long time, even throughout life.
- During holidays, breaks and small indulgences can be allowed.
- In carbohydrate days, there is an effective cleansing of the intestine, since all foods are rich in fiber. There are no problems with the stool.
- The power system is well suited for sports.
There are no contraindications to the atomic diet. A person with serious health problems can consult a doctor who adjusts the diet individually, taking into account the particular health conditions.
Atomic diet: menus and recipes ^
Menu of the atomic diet for the protein day
This day it is recommended to eat fish, low-fat meat, sausages( skimmed), eggs. Natural dairy products are allowed: kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, cheese, cheese. Products can be chosen at their own discretion, which is more like. Approximately the menu can look like this:
- Breakfast - a portion of cottage cheese, a glass of yogurt. Or 2 eggs and a glass of yogurt. You can eat a piece of chicken or sausages and coffee with milk.
- Extra breakfast - a glass of milk or yogurt. Allowed to refill the cottage cheese with yogurt and drink tea.
- Lunch - baked or braised fish, or chicken, sometimes you can grill meat. Instead of chicken and fish, a piece of beef will fit.
- Snack - a glass of yogurt, ryazhenka.
- Dinner - sour cream, cottage cheese, egg. Instead of cottage cheese, fish are allowed, but not meat, it is better to eat at lunch.
If you show a little imagination, the menu will be delicious and varied. It is not necessary to eat meat or cottage cheese. From protein products, you can get delicious dishes. Here are the recipes of some of them:
Chicken Envelopes with Cheese
- Chicken fillet to beat and wrap a piece of cheese in it, you can attach the envelope with a toothpick.
- Dip into the beaten egg and roll in the cellulose.
- Fry on both sides in vegetable oil, pour a tablespoon of water and cover the pan with a lid.
- After a couple of minutes the water will evaporate and the delicious dish is ready.
Omelette with cottage cheese
- Mix 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese with two eggs.
- Add a quarter cup of milk and pepper, add salt and put the mass in a frying pan, oiled.
- Fry under the lid.
Protein salad
- Cut a small piece of cheese into small cubes.
- Chicken breast to disassemble into fibers.
- Egg to chop with a knife.
- Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt and season with sour cream.
Fish and meat can be baked with cheese, make lavish dishes, julienne and cold snacks.
Menu for carbohydrate day
- Breakfast - vegetable salad. Vegetables can be alternated, the salad should be different every day on a carbohydrate diet. For example, cucumbers and tomatoes with greens. Cabbage, carrot, apple. Or cucumber, radish, Bulgarian pepper. There are many options, all salads are seasoned with vegetable oil. Or stewed vegetables, salad from boiled beets. Coffee.
- Lunch - lean borsch, instead of potatoes beans are allowed, the rest of the ingredients, like in ordinary borsch, only without meat broth. Vegetable Salad.
- Dinner - vinaigrette, instead of potatoes canned peas or beans. Vinaigrette can be replaced with stewed vegetable stew with eggplant, bell pepper, zucchini, tomatoes, onions and greens. You can make a salad "Lecho".Dishes are seasoned with olive oil.
- During breaks between meals, it is recommended to enjoy berries or fruits, except grapes and bananas. From berries and fruits, you can cook gorgeous desserts.
Fruit and berry jelly
- Put a layer of orange, kiwi and top raspberries or strawberries in a transparent kremanka.
- Dissolve gelatin in water, then heat it, but do not bring to a boil.
- Pour it into apple or orange juice without sugar.
- Fill the gelatinous solution with a fruit and berry mixture and put to freeze in the refrigerator.
Salad from baked vegetables
- In the oven bake eggplant, 2 tomatoes and bell pepper.
- Vegetables cool, peel and grind in a mixer.
- Add salt, pepper and chopped garlic to the vegetable mixture and refill with oil.
Eggplant rolls
- Eggplant cut along thin plates, put for 10 minutes in salt water, then dry with a towel.
- Coat each plate with vegetable oil and bake on the grill( aerogrill) or in the oven.
- Prepare the filling: fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan and add the finely chopped greens.
- Place the filling on the edge of the slices and roll into a roll.
As you can see, in the protein and carbohydrate days you can enjoy yourself with original and tasty dishes. From the second week, a small amount of buckwheat and oatmeal, brown rice and pasta is gradually introduced.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the atomic method of weight loss ^
According to the reports of those who lose weight, without going to the victims and without a risk to health on an atomic diet, you can easily lose 5 to 9 kg per week. In this case, the weight, as a rule, goes off in jumps - in the first week quickly, then it can slow down or go slower. The results of the atomic diet are impressive, because the process of losing weight is constantly, just changing its pace.
The diet can be used indefinitely. And after a break, use it again. Physical loads are mandatory. For people with large body we recommend walking, not less than 1.5 hours. Useful fitness, running, gymnastics and just walking the stairs. If you comply with the rules of the power system, the weight will always be normal.
The atomic diet does not run counter to medical norms, it is supported by most doctors and nutritionists. On the part of losing weight, the reviews on the atomic diet are the most positive. It is easily tolerated, is not accompanied by weakness and bad mood, does not deprive a person of joyful moments in life. At any celebration you can afford a meat dish without garnish, which can not spoil the holiday at all.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help to lose weight fast and effectively: