Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarian diet cleanses toxins and restores useful intestinal flora
Vegetarian diet is no longer the firstyear is the subject of controversy among researchers, nutritionists and people who want to get rid of excess weight or to improve health.
Basic principles and advantages of vegetarian food ^
The main principle of the right vegetarian menu is the lack of meat. Today, you can observe several varieties of vegetarianism: eating seafood and fish, veganism, raw food, fruitarian, etc.
The benefits of vegetarianism are very high:
- The high fiber content in the diet, which contributes to the normalization of digestion.
- Many dishes of vegetable origin contain a minimum of calories and fats, so they can be eaten in large quantities.
- Cleansing of toxins, which makes weight loss even more effective.
- Purification of blood vessels and often normalization of blood pressure.
- Decreased phosphorus in the blood and urine, which is important for those experiencing kidney problems.
- Normalization of blood sugar, so a balanced diet is suitable for diabetics.
- Any plant products - just a storehouse of various vitamins and trace elements.
- Many people mark improvement of state of health and even mood.
But all the same there are cases when vegetable food is not able to replace substances entering the body with meat dishes. Therefore, a strict weight loss program is not the best solution for the following population groups:
- children;
- adolescents;
- of women during lactation;
- of pregnant women;
- of the elderly.
Vegetarian diet: a menu for 7 days and for a month ^
For many, vegetarianism is not just a way to get rid of excess weight, but a way of life. But those who are not yet sure that they are ready to completely exclude "animal" food from their diet, you can "practice" on a seven-day dietary method. It gives an opportunity not only to clean the body of excess, but also to lose up to 4 kg.
Vegetarian menu for 7 days
- Breakfast: 120-130 g buckwheat porridge on water or milk.
- Lunch: a plate of soy soup, a salad and a slice of a bran bun.
- Dinner: 130-150 grams of rice, baked or grilled zucchini and eggplant.
- Breakfast: sandwich with slices of tomato and cheese, egg.
- Lunch: celery and apple salad, which can be filled with olive oil, soy sauce or lemon juice;salt and spices are allowed.
- Dinner: 170-200 g of baked potatoes with zucchini, 2 slices of rye bread.
- Breakfast: 130-150 grams of wild rice, a mixture of apple and pear, seasoned with low-fat yogurt.
- Lunch: vegetable broth, 150 g fresh vegetables, grapefruit, 1-2 slices of grain bread.
- Dinner: 200-220 grams of stew, mushrooms.
- Breakfast: sandwich of cereal bread, eggs, cucumber and greens, kefir.
- Lunch: 2 medium apples, 200 grams of rice with corn, green peas and pepper.
- Dinner: 100-120 g of baked or boiled potatoes, 200-250 g of salad from green beans and tomatoes.
- Breakfast: oatmeal, banana and a glass of yogurt.
- Lunch: soup with lentils, 100 g cabbage and carrots, 3 kiwi.
- Dinner: 250 grams of vegetable casserole.
- Breakfast: 230 g of dessert made of cottage cheese and berries, seasoned with yoghurt.
- Lunch: a portion of borsch with beans, mushrooms or soy, 150 g of vinaigrette, 2 apples.
- Dinner: stewed cabbage with mushrooms, 2 loaves, yogurt or curdled milk.
- you can repeat the menu of any day or make up a preferred combination of dishes.
For those who are sure that they are ready to survive on vegetarianism for a longer period, it is worthwhile to adopt a program designed for a month. It is good because it does not have a strict menu. Within a month, you can choose the preferred set of products from the listed, in order to obtain a useful and balanced diet.
Sample menu for the month
- Coffee, 2 toasts, 130-150 g of any berries( raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants).
- A glass of milk with a bran bun.
- Fresh, 2 slices of rye bread, orange or grapefruit.
- Tea or coffee, 100 g of carrots or casseroles from it, apple or banana, bran toast.
- 140 g curd or cottage cheese casserole, orange, yogurt.
- Tea, oatmeal on water or kefir.
- Pineapple juice, fruit platter, cereal loaf.
- 130-150 g of beans stew, asparagus, herbal tea.
- Casserole with rice and broccoli, assorted cucumber, tomato, pepper, carrots and olives, dressed with sour cream or olive oil, orange.
- Stewed vegetables, 70-100 grams of rice porridge, pear.
- Baked potatoes with vegetables, vegetable salad, pear or apple, juice.
- 2 slices of rye bread, a large portion of fresh vegetable salad.
- 150 grams of rice with carrot, orange or grapefruit.
- Casserole from green beans, 200 g of carrots with cabbage, any fruit.
- Buckwheat with vegetable sauce, fruit salad.
- Banana, a sandwich made of bread and vegetable pate, compote.
- Tomato juice, 150 grams of cottage cheese.
- Pear, 1 egg, a glass of yogurt.
- Pilaf with fruits, berries or dried fruits( you can add honey), tea.
- 100-120 g oatmeal porridge, egg omelette with the addition of sea kale, green tea.
- Buckwheat fried in water, 50-70 g of mushrooms.
- 250-300 g of potatoes baked with asparagus, zucchini, tomatoes and mushrooms.
If hunger suffers, you can arrange a snack by eating any fruit( except banana, grapes) or drinking kefir before bed.
It happens that a too strict vegetarian diet causes such problems as deterioration of hair and nails, skin peeling and crusting in some areas, weakness and fatigue. Usually this is due to an unbalanced diet, a lack of calories or vitamins. In this case, you can start taking vitamin complexes or go to a more gentle option. Here are some of them.
- Milk - vegetarian diet, during which the mandatory condition is the use of milk. It will help to fill the lack of calcium and other vitamins.
- Lacto-vegetarian diet is not fast, because for a month you can lose only 5 - 8 kg. But it is tolerated quite easily due to the inclusion in the diet of dairy and fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.
- The vegetarian diet for athletes is largely based on the strict distribution of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that enter the body with food.
- The protein vegetarian diet, as can be understood from the name, is based on daily protein intake. These are dairy products, legumes, eggs, seeds, nuts, etc. But do not think that you need to completely exclude carbohydrates.
Results, doctors' reviews and losing weight about vegetarian weight loss ^
According to doctors, the vegetarian menu can be repeated no more than once in 2 months, so that the body has time to get useful substances from the meat. For a month you can lose up to 10 - 15 kg. In general, this indicator is individual and largely depends on the initial weight and level of physical activity.
As the testimonies of those who lose weight on a vegetarian diet show, it is difficult to call it painful. After all, during the day, the body gets enough calories, and dishes without adding meat simply amaze with its variety and taste.
To make the results of a vegetarian diet happy, you need to take care of the correct entry and exit to this diet program, especially those who have previously had meat products present in the diet daily. For 1-2 weeks before the start of the diet program, it is better to reduce meat consumption.
If the restriction lasted more than 10 days, meat dishes should be included in the diet too gradually. It is better to start with lean fish, then add chicken, and then lean meat dishes.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of nutrition experts on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: