The Israeli diet
Israeli diet: reviews and results of losing weight
It's hard to imagine a woman who does not want to lose weight with a sparing diet with minimal restrictions, and this is what the Israeli diet, developed by leading dietitians, is.
Israeli diet for weight loss: the essence, benefits and features ^
The main essence of the new Israeli diet is the right combination of foods, resulting in a decrease in the total caloric intake of food for the whole day:
- Meat, fish, eggs and cheeses can be consumed only with greens andvegetables( different kinds of cabbage, pepper, onions, legumes, etc.), but can not be combined with milk, sour cream, oils, citrus and starch-containing vegetables( eg potatoes);
- Milk and fruits can not be eaten in one meal - they need to be shared;
- Fruit juices and fermented milk products( kefir) are also considered food, so they must be separated;
- It is necessary to drink a lot of water( up to 2 liters per day).
Thus, instead of the usual meal with fatty meat and a full side dish, the body receives less calories and more benefits: the self-cleaning process begins, metabolism improves, and in some cases the diet helps to cure skin diseases.
A safe diet from Israeli doctors does not have any time limits: it can be adhered to even for several months, but it is best to observe it all your life.
There is also a separate Israeli diet for biological clocks, where you can eat strictly at certain times: from 10 am to 5 pm, when the body burns the maximum number of calories.
Israeli diet: advantages and disadvantages
It is worth emphasizing the main advantages of the diet according to the method of doctors from Israel:
- There are no restrictions and prohibitions, the main thing is to observe the time and compatibility of products;
- The body gets used to eating on time, and does not suffer from overeating before going to bed, becauseit is unacceptable;
- With nutrition, the state of well-being improves significantly;
- There are no contraindications to the diet.
Of the shortcomings should be allocated only one: not all people have the opportunity to eat strictly at certain intervals.
Israeli dietetics diet: rules for eating, menu for 10 days ^
Israeli diet: menus and recipes for weight loss
Israeli diet by the hour( eat from 10 to 17)
An easy way to lose weight is to eat strictly at a certain time, from 10 to17 hours. During this time it is allowed to eat any combination food, and before 10 am and after 5 pm drink only kefir( 1%) and juices.
This technique is one of the easiest, becausea person does not need to limit himself to his favorite food. There is one drawback: those who work do not always have the opportunity to observe the time regime.
Israeli diet for metabolic disorders
For people with impaired metabolism, doctors from Israel have developed an effective menu, which is recommended to adhere to 10 days in order to completely restore your body. Approximate ration for each day:
- Before meals in the morning before eating, we drink olive oil( 1 tsp - 1 tbsp.);
- We are waiting for 15 minutes, drink a glass of low-fat kefir or eat yogurt;
- For the first breakfast we eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, cottage cheese, chicken eggs, peas, corn, we drink tea. All products alternate every other day;
- At the second breakfast we eat a few unsweetened fruits( up to 300 g);
- We have dinner with soup or borsch from vegetables, salad, vinaigrette, boiled or steamed meat, fish with a piece of bread or baked apple( also alternate);
- For a snack, repeat the second breakfast menu;
- We dine with yogurt or kefir( 1 glass), a fruit mix of ground figs, dates, nuts, and apricots in equal parts.
Low-carb Israeli diet
The basis for a low-carb diet is meat and sour-milk products, as well as vegetables and fruits. This effective diet allows you to lose weight in 3 days by 5 kg, but during the diet there is no feeling of hunger or discomfort. A similar effect also to the Israeli diet of Haviva Antis - it also reduces weight and strengthens health.
Sample menu for 3 days
First day:
- For breakfast we eat omelet from three eggs with greens and onions, we drink tea without sugar;
- After a couple of hours we eat a vegetable salad with sunflower oil, 100 g of cottage cheese;
- We have lunch with salad from vegetables and boiled meat( 200 g);
- For dinner we bake fish and prepare a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.
The second day:
- We have breakfast with cottage cheese, green apple and tea;
- After 2 hours we eat a vegetable salad with olive oil;
- For a dinner we boil the chicken, fill it with lemon juice and eat with salad leaves;
- We have dinner with boiled broccoli, vegetable soup and a piece of cheese.
The third day:
- Morning eat a couple of eggs, a slice of cheese, and drink tea;
- For the second breakfast we make a salad with celery and seafood;
- We have dinner with steamed cutlets and vegetable soup;
- We dine with boiled turkey and broccoli cabbage.
Israeli diet for psoriasis
To facilitate the course of the disease and alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis, Israeli doctors have developed an individual diet based on plant foods. It is recommended to be performed once in 2 months in order to prevent protein and fat disorders, as well as to alleviate the condition of people with psoriasis.
Approximate menu for the week:
- For breakfast we eat porridge of rice and pumpkin, fruit, a little honey, we drink tea;
- We snack with bananas;
- For lunch, separately cook 100 g of beef, eat borsch without meat, drink with compote;
- Supper with cabbage salad from cucumber, stewed mushrooms, drink juice.
Israeli diet for weight loss: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
In order to support the results of the Israeli diet for weight loss, you must constantly observe all the rules of nutrition: eat only the combined foods and at certain times, drink plenty of water, andsports.
According to doctors, diets according to the Israeli method promote the normalization of metabolism and can not harm human health. In order to maintain weight after losing weight, you need to exclude from your diet harmful foods high in carbohydrates and fats, and also do not eat less than 4 hours before bedtime.
Reviews about the Israeli diet for losing weight to our regular readers are also very positive:
Elena, 27 years old:
"I've been eating food for 2 years only from 10 am to 17 pm, but the weight has dropped by just 5 kg in just a couple of months, and withSince then I have not recovered at all. This mode is not very complicated, you can eat anything, but only at a certain time. "
Tatyana, 33 years old:
" I lost 3 kilograms on a low-carb diet in Israel, fully respecting the menu. For me it was not quite easy - I really wanted a sweet one, but I did. Now I eat everything, but from 10 hurray till 5 pm - for half a year I did not recover ยป
Irina, 50 years old:
"The Israeli diet for psoriasis has helped me reduce the frequency of relapse, and now plaques appear much less often. I try to spend it every month, and the result is very happy: not only that I improved my health, but also threw off a kilogram of 3 "