Low-calorie diet
Low-calorie diet contributes to effective weight loss( up to 7 kg per week)
Low-calorie dietis considered one of the short-term and the most effective methods for reducing excess body fat. Adhering to the dietary menu for a week, you can easily lose weight by 5 kg.
The essence and principles of weight loss on a low-calorie diet ^
The essence of a low-calorie diet for weight loss is to strictly limit the calorie content of the foods used. As you know, it is the low calorie diet that causes the body to effectively burn the accumulated extra pounds, thereby contributing to weight loss.
The main condition of a low-calorie diet is not to exceed the daily calorie content of the dishes, equal to 1300 calories for the female and 1700 kcal for the male half. However, for lovers of strength exercises and fitness rooms, the daily diet should correspond to 1500 kcal( women) and 1900 kcal( male).
In order to determine what you can eat on a low-calorie diet, you need to consider the following:
- Daily norms of organic substances should be: vegetable fats( vegetable oil, nuts) - 80 gr., Complex carbohydrates - 100 gr.;
- Proteins should predominate in the diet, as they are necessary to prevent the burning of muscles when losing weight.
Based on these recommendations, the list of products for a low-calorie diet includes:
- Veal, beef, rabbit, turkey or chicken - no more than 150 gr.in a day;
- Seafood and nonfat fish - in the same amount as meat products;
- Vegetables, but preferably with a low glycemic index: zucchini, cabbage, celery, corn, bell pepper, cucumbers, beets and the like;
- Cereals - buckwheat and pearl barley. They are recommended for use in the form of soup supplements;
- Low-fat dairy products: curd or curd puddings and casseroles, milk, cheese;
- Bakery products - otrubno bread or from coarse flour;
- Sweet-sour fruits and berries;
- Unsweetened teas and juices.
Advantages of a low-calorie diet:
- Excellent weight loss by burning fat accumulations;
- Accelerated metabolism.
The disadvantages of a low calorie technique are a feeling of an unpleasant feeling of hunger and the presence of contraindications - exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Low-calorie diet for weight loss: menus and food features ^
Low-calorie slimming technique has several options, each of which is different food ration and has its own eating habits.
Low-calorie diet for women
The low-calorie diet regime for women is based on the following rules:
- Six-meals meal with the norm of each dish is 150-200 g( ml);
- The last meal - 18.00 pm;
- Daily caloric content - up to 1300;
- Drinking regime - 1.5 liters of drinking water( not tap).
Sample menu of low-calorie diet for women for one day:
- Breakfast: a sandwich made from a piece of black bread, 50 gr.cottage cheese 2% and chopped tomato, orange juice 150 ml( total 210 cc.);
- Lunch: 200 g.persimmon( 120 cc.);
- Lunch: stewed cabbage with boiled chicken 110 g / 100 gr., Boiled egg, carrot juice 100 ml( 450 cc.);
- Snack: curd pudding, peach compote 100gr / 120 ml( 260 kk.);
- Dinner: vinaigrette and boiled squid 100 gr / 120 gr., Grapefruit juice( 260 kk.);
- Overnight: 150 g.tangerines( 60 cc.).
Low-calorie diet for men
The main difference between low-calorie dietary nutrition for men and women is in the daily intake of calories. Low-calorie diet for men is limited to 1,700 calories per day and single-serving meals up to 250-300 grams.(ml).
Approximate menu for men:
- Morning: steamed fish cutlet with crumbly buckwheat porridge 100 gr / 100 gr., Dutch cheese 50 g., Apple compote( 560 k.);
- Lunch: stew with boiled beef 150g / 100g, rosehip drink 150ml( 400 kcal);
- Snack: cherry - about 200 gr.(100 kp);
- Dinner: a portion of cabbage soup with pearl barley and fresh cabbage, tomato, cucumber salad, green peas, herbs and vegetable oil 100 grams, low-fat milk( 1500 k.);
- Dinner is late: curd - fruit salad: cottage cheese 2%, persimmon, oranges, lemon juice, apples, peach - 200 gr.(150 kp).
Low-calorie diet during pregnancy
Moderate and balanced nutrition is an important condition that every future mother must observe. A low-calorie nutrition system for pregnant women can prevent subsequent excessive weight gain, the consequences of which can be:
- Migrated pregnancy;
- Oxygen deficiency;
- Early placenta aging;
- Elevated blood pressure.
The recommended diet for expectant mothers is as follows:
- Breakfast: salad from boiled potatoes with fresh cabbage and olive oil, egg, pear compote;
- Lunch: apple-pear puree;
- Lunch: vegetable soup on low-fat chicken broth, boiled chicken fillet, tomato and onion salad, juice from any fruit;
- Snack: curd pudding with slices of apple, persimmon or peach;
- Dinner: vinaigrette with slices of lean veal, a small portion of boiled buckwheat, kefir.
Low calorie diet 500 kcal per day
A low-calorie diet of 500 kcal per day is a rigid method of losing weight, at the end of which high-performance results are achieved - up to 7 kg in 8-10 days. Using the calorie table you can make the daily menu varied or monotonous.
Approximate varied menu:
- Breakfast: salad of cottage cheese 2%( 100 g.), Apple( 50 g.) And 10% sour cream( 10 g.);
- Lunch: boiled shrimps with mashed potatoes 50 g / 110 g., Apricot drink;
- Dinner: vegetable salad 150 gr., Green tea.
Low-calorie mono-diet
The diet of mono-diet for weight loss consists in the use of two or three products, divided into six parts.
Sample menu for a low-calorie mono-diet for three days:
- Day one: 30 g of almonds, 400 g of apples, 300 g of peaches;
- Day two: 400 g 2% cottage cheese, 10 g cream 10%, 20 g prunes;
- Day three: 300 ml of carrot drink, cabbage stew with beef 400g / 100g.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about low-calorie diet ^
Results of low-calorie diet, calculated for a week, positive:
- Weight loss from 3 to 7 kg;
- Cleansing the bowels and improving digestion;
- Decreased gastric volume.
The use of this diet can cause complexity only in the first days. Then the body begins to adapt to the dietary low-calorie diet. Repeated application of this technique is possible in three months. With the correct exit from the diet, you can avoid the return of a dropped kilogram. Switching to the usual diet, it is necessary to consider the following:
- Do not increase the norms of dishes to avoid repeated stretching of the stomach.
- It is advisable to make them taking into account no more than 200-250 gr.at one time;
- Try very rarely to eat fatty and sweet food.
Positive feedback on a low-calorie diet confirms its high effectiveness. She taught many people to eat right and helped to get rid of the problem weight and improve their health. Nutritionists, although they positively consider this method, believe that it should be used only for those people who do not have chronic diseases.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: