Diet on natural juices
Juice Diet has a powerful cleaning action, energizes and vitamins
Diet juices - a vivid examplethat useful and tasty things are compatible, because the benefits of natural juices are indisputable and they have long become an integral part of a healthy diet.
essence and dignity of slimming natural juices ^
dietary program for fresh sokahokazyvaet a powerful cleaning action, energizes and nourishes the body with essential substances for health.
However, it should be noted that a truly useful are no shops, nectars packaged or pets that have passed pasteurization, namely fresh. Only such drinks can be used for juice dietary methods.
Juice liquid vitamin-mineral complex is several times more effective than the drug purchased in the pharmacy. Nature herself took care of herself and endowed fruit and vegetable fruits with healing ingredients that are in perfect balance, and therefore fully absorbed.
Juice method of weight loss is short - from one day to seven, maximum to 10 days. But this time is just enough for effective cleaning of the body and the discharge of several unnecessary kilograms.
- It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed drinks from berries, vegetables, herbs and fruits throughout the juice program.
- Juice nectar diluted by half with clean water - this reduces the load on the pancreas as well as the amount of alcohol consumed is quite impressive, up to 2 liters per day.
- It is necessary to drink ordinary or mineral water, not soda.
- Approaching the choice of nectars, their number and time interval of application should be considered carefully, given the state of health. For example, acidic beverages can not be used for gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcer disease, pancreatitis, since they are excessively irritate the mucous membranes and the increased acidity of gastric juice.
- In diabetes, you can not eat grape nectar and you need to limit the amount of sweet berry-fruit drinks, preferring vegetable.
- Nectars from vegetables are less caloric and more effective purify the body, but contain less vitamin.
Advantages of the juice dietary methods are beyond doubt:
- Cleansing and improving the body, improving metabolic processes. Slag and toxins are washed out of the body naturally.
- Drinking juice nectar is easy and pleasant, it invigorates and gives energy. Glucose enters the bloodstream quickly and the feeling of hunger instantly recedes, which is very important for the process of losing weight.
- Enriches the diet with vitamins and minerals. In a glass of medicinal drink there is a concentrate of vitamins, it is easy to drink, but it is already difficult to eat such quantity.
- By reducing the caloric content of the diet, the weight goes away quickly, and a small amount of food reduces the size of the stomach.
Juice diet program has some drawbacks:
- You can not use it for pregnant and lactating mothers.
- With some diseases, there are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Great care is required for diabetes.
- The organism needs solid food, so it is impossible to sit on the juice ration for a long time so as not to get problems in the form of a "lazy" stomach and intestine.
Juice diet: menu for 5 days and options ^
cooking juice nectars need every day fresh( fresh), four hours after extraction they are starting to lose useful qualities. A reliable juicer will be a good juicer. But you can do without it, some fruits are easily ground on a grater or in a blender.
When choosing beverages for a juice program, the following points should be considered:
- Nectar with pulp is better suited and contains pectin and fiber, which contribute to weight loss, so thick drinks should also be present on the menu.
- The juice on fresh juice has its own characteristics. It should be remembered that fruit nectars contain a lot of sugar. Their regular and thoughtless use can lead to the opposite effect - weight gain and trigger the development of diabetes. Diet on orange juice is one of these.
- And, on the contrary, a diet on tomato juice will not cause trouble, it has a strong cleansing effect and promotes weight loss. Tomatoes are low-calorie and contain little glucose.
- Diet on vegetable juices is more conducive to weight loss and cleansing than on fruit or berry. When making nectar, this must be taken into account, it is better to use their combination or alternate vegetables with fruits.
If only fruits, vegetables and berries are present in the diet, it is not recommended to adhere to such a diet for more than 5 days. Juices can be used differently, in each of 5 days approximately the menu can look like this:
Menu for 5 days
- Breakfast 8.00 - after waking up drink a glass of green tea. Half an hour later, apple nectar with pulp.
- The second breakfast from 10.00 to 12.00 - a glass of lemon, pineapple and orange drink.
- Lunch 13.00 - A thick nectar from a mixture of vegetables, ground with a blender: beets, carrots, celery and apple.
- Snack - from 14.00 to 17.00 to drink any juice mixture.
- Dinner at 18.00 - a glass of pineapple juice and half fresh pineapple.
- Until 21.00 - unsweetened vegetable juices: carrot, tomato.
In the next 4 days you can stick to such a diet or make your own changes.
Mono-juices on juices are even more short-term, but effective:
- For example, a diet on apple juice should not exceed three days. Starting at 8 am and 8 pm you need to drink a glass of juice from apples every 2 hours. This will improve metabolism and will be a good prevention of urolithiasis.
- The diet on pomegranate juice is longer - if you use it for a week, you will be able to get rid of 7 kilograms of fat. Pomegranate nectar contains a lot of valuable nutritional components, vitamins and minerals, improves blood circulation and blood composition, is useful in anemia. It has a unique property, it reduces the amount of fatty acids in the blood and prevents the deposition of fat.
- A unique product for weight loss - lemon, which has a powerful fat-burning and cleansing effect. But using only a lemon drink for a long time, on an empty stomach, is not quite right, it greatly increases acidity and irritates the mucous. Diet on lemon juice is very effective, but with ill-considered use can harm the body.
- It is better to mix lemon juice with carrot, beet and others at your discretion, the lemon will greatly improve their taste and fat burning properties. For example, a diet for celery juice is easier to tolerate, if not too tasty a celery drink will be improved by a lemon.
- The diet on birch sap perfectly cleanses the body, but is only available in the spring during the sap movement. Nectar birch has been treated a lot of diseases since ancient times. He did not remain unattended in modern times, as it perfectly normalizes metabolic processes, removes edema, removes toxins and enhances metabolism and as a result - kilograms rapidly go away. During the day, you need to drink 2 liters of birch drink, use this diet program for no more than 3 days.
- Diet on the aloe juice. Aloe - is a medicinal plant recognized as official medicine and used to heal a variety of diseases. Not so long ago it began to be used for weight loss. To drink aloe juice in pure form will not like much, it is bitter. A tablespoon of aloe is mixed with honey and taken before meals, a weight loss course - 2 weeks.
Reviews of those who lose weight and the results of losing weight on juices ^
Reviews about the juice diet are quite controversial, since only drinking and not using solid food is easily far from everyone. But if the juice program "approached", and you managed to withstand it, the results of the diet on juices will be extremely pleased. For 1 day, about a kilogram of excess weight is lost, and a week from 6 kilograms.
After one-day or two-day unloading the next day you can not eat protein food, you need to prepare a vegetarian menu. After a week of juice technology, not to gain lost pounds, the vegetarian menu will have to adhere to about 3-4 days, and subsequently limit fats and sweets.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help to lose weight fast and effectively: