Diet Sibarit
Diet Sibarit helped to lose weight to its author Elena Stoyanova 38 kg
Its name diet Sibarit is due to the originalA cocktail that resembles a cocktail of professional athletes. Throughout the diet, this cocktail becomes the main source of nutrition.
The essence and rules of losing weight in the system Sibarit ^
The author of the method of losing weight Sibarit is academician Elena Stoyanova, an expert in dietetics and the author of many books on problems of excess weight. The basis of her diet is the cocktail Sibarit - low-calorie, delicious and nutritious fruit and curd dish, which well removes cravings for sweets and pacifies appetite.
A sybarite is a person who lives beautifully and tastefully, because Elena and gave the cocktail such a vivid name. After all, on her diet, the person continues to eat delicious, do not experience discomfort and brings the figure of your dreams closer.
Thanks to the special balanced curd and fruit cocktail Sibarit the daily caloric content of the diet decreases, so the body begins to burn fat reserves to fill the missing energy.
The menu is constructed in such a way that the ratio of fat, carbohydrates and proteins ideal for weight loss is created. A good portion of the curd dish for an early dinner and cocoa for the late evening allows you not to experience night hunger and not to eat at night.
Her own weight loss result is more than impressive - 38 kilograms. The nutrition system is aimed not only at weight reduction, but also at its long-term retention. It consists of two stages - active weight loss and weight loss.
Some products are discarded:
- sugar, honey, butter and sunflower oil.
- A spoonful of olive oil per day is acceptable.
- You can not drink fruit juices, and adding pineapple or kiwi to cottage cheese helps to form a bitter taste.
- Do not eat boiled carrots, pickles, potatoes, pumpkin and beets, smoked products, sweets.
Recommended food:
- curd of zero fat content, 1% kefir.
- All citrus, mango, peaches, watermelons, pears, melons, apples, apricots, bananas.
- You can eat berries from blueberries, currants, strawberries, plums, raspberries.
- You can eat mushrooms, legumes, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, eggs, ground flaxseed, cocoa.
- From cereals preference is given to pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet and brown rice.
- Macaroni only from durum wheat.
Advantages of the diet Sibarit:
- Easily tolerated, not accompanied by a constant sense of hunger.
- Very productive.
- Preparing a cocktail does not take long.
- The food is balanced, the body does not suffer from lack of nutrients and vitamin deficiency.
- All the recommended products are useful and affordable.
- Thanks to a cocktail it's easier to give up sweets.
Disadvantages of the dietary program Sybarit:
- It is required to control the amount of food and will have to give up some products.
- The cocktail needs to be cooked every day.
- Late supper is strictly forbidden.
Diet Sibarit: menu for the week and recipes ^
Cocktail recipe Sibarit
Cocktail is prepared very simply and quickly. It is enough to grind the cottage cheese with berries or fruits on a grater or in a blender. Hard fruits are preliminarily cut into slices.
- On days of active weight reduction, a half-kilogram of curds of 0.6% and 400 grams of berries or fruits will be required.
- In the days of weight retention, 300 gr will be needed to make a cocktail.0,6% cottage cheese and 260 gr.fruit or berries.
- If you do not have 0.6% curd, then you can take 150 gr.usual and add to it 150 gr.fat-free yogurt.
One serving of the cocktail Sibarit is 100 g.cottage cheese and 80 gr.fruit. The use of this product reduces the daily calorie content of the diet, in addition, it is very tasty and useful. Exquisite dessert and diet seem incompatible, but it turns out that with Sibilar it is quite possible.
In order not to bother the menu, it is possible to alternate cereals for lunch and change salad vegetables, and alternate different kinds of dietary meat with fish for lunch, use not starchy vegetables in fresh and stewed type, soups and borsch. You can add green peas and mushrooms, some salt, balsamic vinegar, use meat broths, only remove fat from them completely.
Intensive stage of weight loss is not suitable for pregnant women, with kidney disease, because the diet contains a lot of calcium, some are contraindicated in such a quantity of protein or is allergic to milk proteins. In general, for a healthy person there are no contraindications, it is suitable for Sibarit and nursing mothers.
Stage of intensive weight loss
The duration of the first stage can take a week or 6 weeks, depending on the amount of extra pounds and metabolic features.
Menu for the intensive weight loss phase
- Breakfast - 2 freshly prepared portions( 360 g.) Of the cocktail.
- Extra breakfast - kashka, whole grains, boiled on water and vegetable salad, flavored with olive oil( 5 ml.).Walnuts or 3 almond grains, or hazelnuts. Olives, 3 pieces or ground flax seeds - a dessert spoon.
- Lunch - before it a cocktail 180 gr.(for 20 minutes), then 150 gr.cooked dietary way of low-fat meat or fish, a large portion of fresh lettuce, vegetable soup or vegetables cooked without oil.
- Dinner at 18.00 - serving cocktail 360 gr.
- For the night - cocoa on water( 2 tablespoons).
- You need to drink water before eating and 2 hours after eating( at least 2 liters a day).
Stage of weight stabilization
The main task of the second stage is to consolidate the achieved weight. However, at the stage of stabilization, if not to exceed the recommended calorie content of the diet, the weight will continue to decrease, although not so intensely.
- At the stabilization stage, breakfast and dinner remain the same, and during the day you can eat any food.
- Or you can take another option and eat 20 minutes before meals to eat a portion of the cocktail. It is very nutritious and will allow you to eat a smaller portion of lunch or dinner, thereby reducing the daily calorie content.
- Also during the stabilization phase, you can adhere to the first stage, but increase the amount of servings of cereal dishes and protein.
- You can try unloading days 2 times a week. Eating 4-5 times a day for 2 servings of cocktail and water.
Because the sybarite diet system does not provoke loss of muscle mass, exercise will facilitate this. The main requirement for physical exertion - they must be oriented to problem areas and have a reasonable intensity.
Reviews of those who lose weight and the results of losing weight on the diet Sibarit ^
Depending on the amount of extra pounds in the first stage, you can lose weight from 5 to 16 kilograms. Elena Stoyanova herself claims that she knows the result of losing weight by 66 kilograms, thanks to the system of this food. The results of the Sybarit diet are terrific, and at the same time, you can avoid the painful bouts of hunger.
Diet Sibarit, according to many grown thin, is fairly easy to transfer, because the amount of food consumed is large, and the menu is varied. The fastening phase can be adhered to for an indefinitely long time, so it is presented in convenient versions, while the weight will continue to decrease. If you need to get rid of a lot of weight, the diet can be repeated after a two-week break.
Reviews about the diet Sibaritv most cases are positive. It can not be harmful to health and, if simple rules are followed, is very effective. This system of nutrition is approved by both doctors and nutritionists. Low-calorie and nutritious diet Sybarit has many fans. Sometimes it is called a "star diet", according to rumors it is used not only by glamorous girls, but also by many representatives of the show business of the stronger sex.
It is also recommended to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release to help you lose weight fast and effectively: