Diet on dried fruits
Diet on dried fruits helps to lose weight and saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals
Diet on dried fruitsis considered a very useful and delicious unloading food system, the use of which will help a few days to remove a few extra pounds and saturate the body with the necessary vitamins andminerals.
Advantages of weight loss and purification with dried fruit ^
The basis of the dietary technique with dried fruits is a variety of dried fruits with nuts, the use of which is very high for the body:
- Dried apricots are a valuable product that strengthens immunity, prevents anemia and benefits the vessels and heart. In addition, the dried apricot includes vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, potassium, which strengthens the hair, improves skin color and excellently cleanses the intestines.
- Prunes contain vitamins E, C, A, group B, fiber, organic acids, many minerals, has choleretic, diuretic and antibacterial properties. In addition, dried plum fruit stabilizes the metabolism, relieves fatigue, improves the external state of the skin and removes toxins from the body.
- Figs perfectly reduce the feeling of hunger, improves digestion and lowers cholesterol. It includes glucose, fructose, pectin and a variety of minerals and vitamins.
- Raisins help to strengthen and shine hair, saturate the body with iodine and cleanse the intestines.
- Dried apples, peaches, pears - a low-calorie product that removes heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.
- Walnuts and walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios increase the body's resistance, saturate with vitamins, purify the liver and help fight overweight. It is forbidden to include in the menu salty, sweet nuts or covered with chocolate or glaze.
The dietary technique on dried fruits has the following undoubted advantages:
- Allows you to reset daily to a kilogram of accumulated excess weight;
- Heals the body by removing cholesterol, slag, toxins and other toxic substances from it;
- Improves the external state of the skin, hair, thanks to the vitamins contained in dried fruits.
The main drawback of the diet program from dried fruits is the unbalanced menu and the presence of contraindications, among them - diabetes and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
To achieve a visible positive result, it is necessary to carefully choose dried fruits for weight loss. The main condition for the right choice is the integrity of the sealed packaging and the absence of a wine odor.
It is undesirable to purchase dried fruits by weight, as they can be treated with chemicals or infected with pests. In addition, they should not be too soft and shiny in appearance.
Diet from dried fruits: menus and varieties ^
Diet on dried fruits and nuts
Its duration is 5 days, the daily food ration of which includes dried fruits with nuts - 500 g for women and 700 g for men, and 2 liters of liquid(green and herbal unsweetened teas, still water).
The approximate menu of a dietary technique from dried fruits and nuts is the following:
The first, third days of
- Breakfast.50 grams of dried apricots, 40 g. Apples, 20 g. Pistachios;
- Lunch.30 grams of dried apricots, 20 grams of apples, 10 grams of almonds;
- Lunch.70 gr.dried apricots, 30 gr.apples, 20 gr.pistachios;
- Snack.50 gr.dried apricots, 30 gr.apples, 10 gr.almonds;
- Dinner.50 gr.dried apricots, 50 gr.apples, 20 gr.pistachios with almonds.
Second, fourth days of
- Breakfast.50 g of raisins with prunes, 40 g. Pears, 20 g. Walnut;
- Lunch.30 gr.raisins with prunes, 20 gr.bananas, 10 gr.walnut;
- Lunch.70 gr.raisins with prunes, 30 gr.pears, 20 gr.walnut;
- Snack.40 gr.raisins with prunes, 30 gr.bananas, 10 gr.walnut;
- Dinner.60 gr.raisins with prunes, 50 gr.pears, 20 gr.walnut. Day 5
- Breakfast.80 g. Figs, dried apricots and prunes, 40 g. Cashews with hazelnut;
- Lunch.30 grams of figs, dried apricots and prunes, 20 grams of cashew;
- Lunch.100 g. Figs, dried apricots and prunes, 20 g. Hazelnut;
- Snack.50 grams of figs, dried apricots and prunes, 20 grams of hazelnut;
- Dinner.100 grams of figs, dried apricots and prunes, 30 grams of cashew.
Diet on dried fruits and kefir
Using dietary techniques on dried fruits and kefir, you can effectively lose up to 3 - 4 kilograms for 3 days and perfectly clean the intestines. The essence of the kefir - dried fruit program of weight loss is a three-day use of various dried fruits and kefir.
The food ration for a day is:
- 1 liter of 1% kefir;
- and 400-500 g. Dried fruits, which must be divided into the desired portions and consumed 10-12 times every hour.
Diet on dried fruits and buckwheat
The variant of this technique is excellent for slimming and cleansing, the positive side of which is the absence of irritability, weakness and fatigue. Although the diet on buckwheat with dried fruits is more balanced than on dried fruits alone, according to doctors, it is not necessary to adhere to it longer than a week.
The daily ration for 5-7 days is:
- buckwheat porridge without salt, milk, butter and sugar,
- 100 grams of dried fruit,
- 2 liters of clean water.
The approximate daily ration is as follows:
- Morning: portion of porridge, 20 grams of dried apricots;
- Lunch: 4 pcs.figs;
- Lunch: serving of porridge, 20 g. Of prunes;
- Snack: dates;
- Evening: a portion of porridge with raisins.
We also recommend that you read the article Psychological Diet.Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the diet on dried fruits ^
The results of the diet on dried fruits are very positive, as during its observance it is possible to achieve the following positive changes:
- Weight reduction up to five extra pounds in 5-7 days;
- Gastric diminishing in size;
- Significant improvement in appearance( skin, hair, nails) due to cleansing the body;
- Normalization of the bowel.
Excellent taste qualities of dried fruits make the diet easy, sweet and mouth-watering. However, the correct way out of this dietary technique should be gradual, as a sharp transition to the usual diet regime will cause a rapid jump in kilograms upward.
It is advisable for the first time to eat only oats, rice or buckwheat porridges with the addition of your favorite dried or fresh fruit. Then you should carefully enter the lean soups without meat and salads. After two weeks you can eat lean fish and meat. If you want as long as possible to stay in the optimal form after a diet of dried fruits, you should avoid the use of carbonated sweet drinks, smoked, sweet and flour products.
Reviews of the diet on dried fruits, among those who lose weight with it, are mostly positive. For some women, this option has become one of the most highly effective techniques for improving the figure. However, despite the approval of the losing weight, the opinion of dietitians about the diet on dried fruits diverge.
Some of them do not approve a long version of an unbalanced food system on dried fruits, believing that instead of benefiting the body will cause significant damage. Others hold a different opinion, that the diet on dried fruits, on the contrary, is very useful, as it perfectly compensates for the deficiency of vitamins and cellulose in the body and significantly improves the functioning of the intestine.
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