The Swedish diet
Swedish diet: reviews and results of weight loss
Swedish dieticians have developeda unique diet, thanks to which you can reduce weight by 7 kilograms in just a week, without experiencing the feeling of hunger.
Swedish diet for weight loss: essence, benefits and features ^
The essence of the Swedish diet is to eat balanced foods that are low in calories and fat, but are maximally enriched with proteins. As you know, with a decrease in the intake of calories, the body begins to burn fat cells on its own, thus reducing the weight.
Anyone can use the menu of the Swedish diet, has no contraindications, and its diet is saturated with all necessary for daily nutrition substances. Thanks to a well-designed menu, metabolism and metabolism are normalized within a week, fat reserves stop replenishing and a smooth weight loss occurs.
Advantages and disadvantages of the Swedish diet
The advantages of the Swedish diet include the following:
- No stress for the body, as weight loss occurs smoothly;
- During the whole cycle, there is no feeling of hunger;
- The menu contains mainly natural food: vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, eggs and milk;
- Correct output prevents a set of previously lost kilograms.
The end result - how many kilograms will go to the Swedish diet, depends on compliance with the rules of losing weight. In addition, an important role played by sports: regular fiznagruzki increase the effectiveness of limited nutrition.
Swedish diet: detailed menu for the week, rules ^
Swedish diet for weight loss: menu for the week
The rules of the Swedish diet for weight loss and improve metabolism are quite simple:
- Every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water;
- It is recommended to refuse harmful food: roast, smoked, flour and sweets.
Swedish diet: for 7 days - minus 7 kg
Well-balanced diet allows you to reduce weight by 7 kilograms in just a week, without exerting any special effort - just follow the menu offered. The feeling of hunger with such a diet is almost non-existent, and if it does appear, you can eat a fruit or drink a glass of kefir.
Swedish menu for 7 days
First day:
- In the morning we cook buckwheat porridge on the water, eat a serving in 200 g, drink a glass of milk;
- For lunch, prepare a tomato salad with Bulgarian pepper and onions( green), eat a piece of cheese and drink milk;
- For dinner we cook three potatoes, eat them with a slice of bread, and also eat 100 g of beet salad with low-fat sour cream.
The second day:
- Breakfast leave the same as last time;
- Lunch a piece of boiled fish, potatoes( 2 pcs.) And a salad of vegetables;
- We dine boiled egg, salad from white cabbage and one onion, seasoned with olive oil, drink warm milk.
The third day:
- In the morning we eat a piece of cheese and a slice of dried black bread, we drink a cup of milk;
- In the lunch we cook chicken breast( 200 g), prepare a salad with herbs, drink down all the apple juice;
- Supper mashed potato, cooked on water( 200 g), drink milk, eat cheese and a slice of bread.
Fourth day:
- At breakfast we eat dietary buckwheat porridge, drink 100 g of kefir;
- For dinner we crumble 2 tomatoes and 1 onion, season with sunflower oil, eat ready salad with a piece of boiled fish fillet;
- At dinner drink kefir and eat a couple of apples. Fifth Day:
- We have breakfast buckwheat porridge, drink it with yogurt or drinking home-made yoghurt;
- At noon we eat porridge from buckwheat or vegetable broth;
- For dinner we boil the chicken breast and eat it with a salad of vegetables.
Sixth day:
- We repeat the previous breakfast, only kefir is replaced with milk;
- For a dinner we boil potatoes( 3 pieces), we eat it with boiled low-fat meat( 170 g), we bite with fruits: an apple and two tangerines, or the last we change for 1 orange;
- In the evening we eat rice porridge( 100 g) and vegetable salad.
The seventh day:
- For breakfast we use rice porridge( 100 g), we drink a glass of milk;
- Lunch potatoes in a uniform( 2 pcs.), A piece of lean fish and two citrus fruits to choose from;
- At dinner we eat vegetable salad, chop, apple and a slice of bread, and wash down with green tea.
Swedish diet on kefir
This diet can be adhered to no more than three days, during which the weight decreases by 3-4 kilograms. The monotonous menu consists only of protein products with low calorie content, so the first day for many is very difficult.
Menu of Swedish kefir diet for 3 days
Day 1:
- For breakfast we eat two boiled eggs and buckwheat cooked on water;
- We also dine with porridge, wash down with kefir;
- We dine with a glass of sour-milk drink.
Day 2:
- We have breakfast with kefir and two boiled eggs;
- Dinner buckwheat porridge and boiled chicken breast, drink kefir;
- We dine with boiled fish, wash down with kefir.
Day 3:
- We leave breakfast from the previous day;
- We have dinner with boiled fish and vegetable salad, we drink kefir;
- In the evening we drink 2 cups of kefir.
Swedish diet from acne
Scientist-dietician A. Vaerlandom developed a special diet that helps get rid of acne and acne, the appearance of which is often directly associated with malnutrition. It can be adhered to for a long time, the main thing is to exclude salt, sugar, meat and eggs out of the diet, and give the following products:
- Wholegrain cereals;
- Black bread;
- Vegetables( in the first place, onions);
- Fruits;
- Milk;
- Potatoes in uniform;
- Cauliflower and carrots;
- Spinach.
With the daily use of the above products improves metabolism, which causes the appearance of problematic rashes.
As a preventive measure, you can adhere to such a diet for three days:
- In the morning we are eating boiled water on the water( 100 g) and one apple, drinking green tea;
- Lunch boiled cabbage and potatoes in a uniform, wash down with fruit juice;
- We prepare a salad with spinach for dinner.
We also recommend that you read the article Diet for the feet.Effective Swedish diet: testimonials, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Doctors speak of the Swedish diet as an extremely useful method of losing weight,it is designed in such a way that it can be used by any person who does not have a lot of excess weight. During the observance of this diet, all vital functions of the body are well restored, and the remarkable results of the Swedish diet for weight loss prove its high efficiency:
- Weight decreases by 5-7 kg per week;
- Stop worrying acne and acne;
- The metabolic processes are stabilized, the metabolism improves.
The correct way out after the Swedish diet is not particularly difficult, but when fed with yogurt and buckwheat it is necessary to gradually introduce into the diet meat, fish and other low-calorie foods.
Reviews about the Swedish diet for losing weight our regular readers are also very positive:
Daria, 27 years old:
"I periodically sit on a seven-day diet in Swedish, although my normal diet is practically the same as her menu. Initially dropped 7 kg of weight without difficulty, is easily transferred and does not cause side effects »
Lyudmila, 30 years old:
« Swedish diet is one of my favorite! After the first week on it, my weight fell by 5 kilograms, now I just do sometimes unloading days, and I'm not fuller for a year now. "
Oksana, 37 years old:
" At first, it was difficult for me to give up sweet and flour, and the first three dayson the Swedish diet, of course, it was hard. Has then got used, and now such food for me is norm or rate, as all in a week I have grown thin for the same quantity of kgs »