Celery Soup Diet
Celery diet helps restore the desired body contours
Celery diet for weight loss, without a doubt, is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess kilograms, to cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the metabolism.
This amazing vegetable culture contains a valuable set of vitamins, minerals, proteins and acids that can ensure the stability of the cells of the body and slow the overall process of its aging.
Celery is useful for everyone - men and women, children and people of retirement age. In addition, it is low-calorie( considered a product with a negative calorie content), its benefits include the possibility of eating with any cooking treatment - root vegetables are equally useful in both raw and fried, stewed, boiled and baked.
Celery for slimming: health benefits ^
It is almost impossible to overestimate the useful properties of celery. It was used to treat a variety of ailments back in ancient times. Hippocrates often mentioned in his writings the healing properties of this green vegetable, and Casanova constantly used it to maintain male power.
In modern medicine, celery is also widely used. The powerful vitamin complex contained in its composition determined the use of the following diseases in the treatment of the following diseases:
- in diabetes mellitus, this vegetable can significantly improve the water and salt balance in the body and lower the blood sugar level, which makes it an indispensable ingredient in dietary nutrition for diabetics;
- in cancer diseases, high levels of vitamin A contribute to the excellent prevention of tumor development - the composition of celery contains substances that minimize the effect of external carcinogens;
- in hypertensive patients it promotes regulation of arterial pressure in case of its increase;
- is very useful for rheumatism, stomach diseases, kidneys and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
In folk medicine, compresses from celery juice are recommended for healing of bruises, abrasions, burns and ulcers. And to strengthen immunity, calm the nervous system, remove the manifestations of insomnia and even hangover syndrome, an indispensable assistant is traditionally considered to be celery fresh.
A special role this green vegetable plays in raising the male libido and treating impotence, so the celery juice for men should become a constant companion of the diet. According to doctors and traditional healers, regular consumption of celery juice is the best prophylaxis for prostatitis and other problems in the genitourinary system of the strong half of humanity.
Celery diet programs have a number of obvious advantages:
- you do not have to deprive the body of warm liquid food;
- because of the extremely low caloric content( in 100 grams - only 16 kcal) the product can be consumed in unlimited quantities;
- these methods of weight loss contribute not only to the discharge of excess kilograms, but also to overall health of the body.
There are a celery diet for weight loss and significant disadvantages:
- diet is boring and quite heavy;
- excess of vegetables and fruits is not always a favorable factor for the body, so if you feel discomfort, you should prefer soup - puree, ground on a blender;
- diet can cause hypoglycemia( a sharp drop in blood glucose concentration), which is usually seen on the second day of its compliance. In this case, you should immediately eat a sweet fruit or completely abandon this method of losing weight.
Celery soup: recipes and methods of preparation ^
The most popular diets are based on a celery soup. The first dishes with this vegetable are very rich, fragrant and delicious, which makes the slimming programs on their basis particularly enjoyable. In addition, such soups are very useful, because they contain a rich complex of vitally important vitamins and minerals.
Celery soup not only promotes the breakdown of fats, but also removes excess fluid from the body. This property is widely used for effective removal of edema of various origins.
Celery soup can be prepared according to different recipes. As components, any parts of the plant( root and ground) can be used. If you prefer greenery, then put it in the soup for 5 minutes until fully prepared, this will help to keep the vitamins in the prepared dish as much as possible. Here are the most popular recipes for cooking:
Recipe 1:
- 300 g celery, 500 g cabbage, 1-2 bell peppers, 5 tomatoes. Vegetables are cut and placed in a 3-liter pot of boiling water and boiled on high heat for 10 minutes. Then switch the stove to a slow fire and cook the vegetables until ready.
Recipe 2:
- celery root, 300 g cabbage, 2 bell peppers, 2 carrots, 5 onions, a bunch of celery twigs, a bunch of parsley or dill, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1 glass of tomato paste, 2 tbsp.olive oil, 2 bay leaves. First, crumble cabbage and celery, pepper, 4 onions, rub on a large grater carrots.
- All this is filled with cold water( 3-4 liters), brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes. Fry olive oil 1 onion, pour the tomato paste and stew for 2 - 3 minutes. The contents of the frying pan are transferred to a pan, there are thrown cloves of garlic( whole), parsley, dill, bay leaf. All cook for another 5 - 7 minutes.
Recipe 3:
- 300 g of celery root, a small fork of cabbage, 600 g of carrots, 6 bulbs, 2 green peppers, 400 g of string beans, 6 tomatoes, greens, 1.5 l of tomato juice. Celery and other vegetables shred, put in a saucepan, poured tomato juice.
- In order for the contents to be completely covered with a liquid, water can be added. The soup is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes on high heat, then covered with a lid and tanned for 15 minutes. If desired, before use, the soup can be blended with a blender - in this form it is better absorbed.
Important note - a celery soup for weight loss can not be salted;If it seems completely fresh, before consumption you can add a little soy sauce to the plate.
Diet on the celery soup: 7 and 14 days menu ^
This diet program is based on the use of celery soup, which can be eaten in almost any quantity and at any time of the day. Soup diet, of course, is not limited.
Celery diet for 7 days: menu( on days)
- Day 1: soup and any kinds of fruits( except bananas).For drinking non-carbonated water, unsweetened tea, coffee without milk, cranberry juice or mors are suitable - they are consumed for the duration of the entire diet;
- 2-nd: soup and vegetables - fresh, boiled or canned( except beans).For lunch, you can eat baked potatoes( 2 pcs.) With butter;
- 3rd: soup, vegetables and fruits;
- 4th: same as on the 3rd day + a glass of skim milk;
- 5-th: soup, beef( 300-400 g), tomatoes - fresh or canned;
- 6th: soup, beef and vegetables;
- 7th: soup, brown unprocessed rice, fruit juices( better freshly squeezed).
With this method of losing weight, you can lose 4 to 8 kilograms of excess weight.
Celery diet for 14 days
A 14-day celery diet is very simple and is used in cases when you are not completely satisfied with the results of weight loss achieved during a week and decided not to limit yourself to a seven-day program. In this case, you can extend it for another week. The diet menu in the second week completely repeats the diet of the first week.
Salads with celery
For those who want to somehow diversify their menu, in addition to soup, you can offer a variety of vegetable salads:
- Grated apple, carrots, cabbage and celery root season with lemon juice. This salad will be a good prevention of constipation and help cleanse the intestines, which greatly accelerate the process of losing weight.
- Try another recipe: grate celery, turnips and carrots on a large grater. Salad season with vegetable oil mixed with lemon juice.
- At lunchtime, it is permissible to eat another version of the salad: cut eggs, cooked carrots, fresh cucumber and stalks of celery. The mixture can be poured with light yogurt, low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil.
Everything turns out very tasty, nutritious and useful.
Celery diet: star reviews and doctor's recommendations ^
Analysis of numerous forums of hungry people showed that reviews about the celery diet are mostly positive, since, despite the monotony of the menu, it is easily transferred. In addition, which is very pleasant, this dietary program notes the preservation of a sustainable result of weight loss.
However, it is worth noting that, despite its amazing properties, celery is useful not for everyone. He also has a number of rather serious contraindications:
- is not recommended for the use of this vegetable to pregnant women, as it can stimulate uterine contractions and cause miscarriage. There are also cases when, after receiving celery, lactating milk was lost in nursing mothers;
- can not be used with epileptics - it can provoke an attack;
- with caution should approach the use of this vegetable people with urolithiasis - its composition can lead to the movement of kidney stones;
- should not be taken with it and peptic ulcers - as a result of its use, patients may experience heartburn, vomiting and stomach pain;
- with caution apply the celery diet for any chronic diseases( only after consulting a doctor).
Many stars "sin" by using celery. So, before going out on the red carpet, they are bitten by such not-unknown personalities as Charlize Theron, Kim Kardashian and Denise Richards. A lover of chilled soup with celery is Jennifer Aniston, and Katy Perry likes to "eat" celery, dipping it in a sauce, or as an ingredient in a salad with shrimps.
A big fan of vegetarian soup with celery is Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who advises everyone to include it in their diet as often as possible, combining with cabbage, cucumbers, parsley and Japanese algae Chlorella, which help improve metabolism and overall body rejuvenation.
In conclusion, we recommend viewing the video about the celery diet: