Fruit Diet
Fruit slimming is a great way to lose weight and spend the summer season for the benefit of the body
Fruit diet is excellentan occasion to spend summer with benefit for appearance and health. It's quite possible to acquire harmony and slenderness with the right use of various seasonal delicacies.
Such a diet will perfectly enrich the body with a variety of vitamins, minerals, useful amino acids, microelements and a number of other substances necessary for normal life.
Pros and cons of losing weight on fruit ^
No one will argue with the fact that fruits are just a storehouse of vital for normal internal metabolism. Fresh fruit contains a huge amount of minerals:
- So, in the structure of strawberries, apples, peaches, apricots, plums, berries, there is a large stock of iron that helps to strengthen the body's immune system, normalize blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol.
- In dried fruits, for example, plum, prunes, dried apricots, contains a large amount of calcium, which has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails.
- Citrus is a source of vitamin C.
- Berries are a stimulant of the human nervous system. Figs, grapes, bananas, apples improve the work of the brain.
- Watermelons are an indispensable tool for cleansing the kidneys and lowering blood pressure.
- Pomegranates and lemons are an excellent preventive measure for the development of cardiovascular diseases.
- In addition, all fruits are a source of natural antioxidants that protect cells from damage and are a means of combating bad mood and depressive conditions.
In composition, they consist of 90 to 95% of water, which helps to cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins and remove all metabolic waste from the body. This fact is favorable not only for the state of general health, but is one and decisive in the fight against excess kilograms.
In addition, fruit is a very low-calorie type of food, allowing you to keep yourself within the necessary norms of daily caloric intake. Fiber, which is contained in them in large quantities, has the property of getting into the stomach to increase in volume and fill it, which significantly dulls the feeling of hunger and does not allow people to overeat.
All fruits are useful for the body, but there are some types among them, especially those that help to lose excess weight:
- grapefruits are famous for their low calorie content and one of the lowest glycemic indices. This property is, in principle, all citrus, which significantly accelerate the metabolism in the body and the process of losing weight too;
- apples are very rich in vitamins. Raw fruits can increase appetite, but baked in the oven apples are an excellent option for snacks;
- pineapples - they contain the enzyme bromelain, which reacts with fatty food and localizes its effect. Thus, fats begin to be absorbed less and less to enter the body. This fruit also well fights with cellulite manifestations;Oranges are similar in their properties to grapefruit. They contain a lot of plant fibers and cleanse the body of harmful substances. Ideal for snacks;
- bananas - from them many refuse because of high caloric content. In fact, these fruits are able to replace the whole meal and at the same time completely eliminate the feeling of hunger. They are better for eating for breakfast, thus making energy reserves for the entire dietary day;
- peaches - well stimulate the intestinal peristalsis.
Using a fruit diet, you can also significantly affect the skin condition of the body. So, with dry skin it is better to choose a mature sweet fruit of red color, and in case of oily skin, to prefer yellow and green sweet and sour fruit. Those who have no skin problems can use both types of diets as a basis for a diet.
With caution in dietary diets use grapes, melon, bananas, since they contain too much fructose and carbohydrates. Completely to exclude them from the menu it is not necessary, it is enough to limit quantitative use.
Like other methods of weight loss, fruit has a number of contraindications:
- fresh berries and fruits are very saturated with organic acids, which aggressively affect the gastric mucosa. Therefore, people who suffer from gastritis, a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis and bile duct disease, such a diet will not work;
- is absolutely contraindicated in such a diet for people with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, diabetics;
- you can not adhere to this menu for children and adolescents, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, that is, those who have functional changes in the body;
- does not recommend this diet to allergic people, as it can provoke a diathesis.
In general, reviews about the fruit diet are only positive. For 3 - 4 days of its observance, a real loss can be a loss of 5 kilograms or more of excess weight. The duration of such a food system can be 3-5 days, the maximum is allowed to extend it to 10 days.
You can not stick to this method of weight loss longer, because the body will lack protein. Of course, in many respects the results of the fruit diet will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.
Among the slimming are equally popular as mono diets, and mixed techniques. On the first you can eat only one kind of fruit, and on the second - all you want. On a mono-diet, you can achieve the best result, but on the mixed, the possibility of disruption is minimized. You can also choose a gentle option, in which, along with the main types of products, meat, fish and dairy products are also combined.
Fruit Diet: Menu for 3 and 7 days ^
Fruit Diet has a huge variety of varieties, for every taste and purse. Here are a few popular options that you can take as a basis and modify according to your taste preferences.
Menu for 3 days
Day 1:
- breakfast: any fruit, a glass of juice;
- lunch: fruit salad, still water;
- dinner: salad, a glass of juice.
Day 2:
- breakfast: 2 fruits, water;
- lunch: fruit salad, water;
- dinner: boiled vegetables, 2 fruits.
Day 3:
- breakfast: fruit salad, juice;
- lunch: salad, water;
- dinner: vegetable soup.
Nutritionists recommend using the following nutrition scheme on a diet of fruits. For breakfast choose the most dense of their species, which are good saturating and dispersing metabolism. For dinner, you can add a boiled chicken fillet to the fruit, which will fill the protein deficiency and give strength. For dinner, light fruits are best.
Menu for 7 days
The seven-day dietary technique in its pure form was also very popular. In fact, it represents seven one-day mono-diets. On a certain day, you can eat only one type of fruit, for example, on Monday - apples, on Tuesday - pears, on Wednesday - oranges, etc. But this version of the diet is considered very tough. You can choose another menu, calculated for 7 days:
- breakfast: strawberries, cherries without sugar, 1 tbsp.l.sour cream. A glass of juice or a cup of tea. Toast with yoghurt.
- lunch: vegetable soup puree, 200 g of dietary meat, serving fr.salad. A glass of fruit juice.
- afternoon snack: salad of grated carrots with apples, dressed with 1 tsp.sour cream.
- dinner: salad, seasoned with fat-free yogurt or yogurt. Juice.
Popular recipes for mixed fruit diets ^
Protein-fruit diet
Among the mixed variants of fruit dietary nutrition, the protein-fruity variant is very popular. He is very fond of Philip Kirkorov, so anyone who focuses on the food of pop stars, can safely "sit down" on him. The duration of this weight loss program is 3 days, it contains alternating protein foods with fruits. The diet excludes all fatty and sweet.
The sample menu looks like this:
- breakfast - 2 boiled eggs;
- lunch - grapefruit;
- lunch - 200 g of meat;
- snack - 2 apples;
- dinner - 200 g of baked fish;
- two hours before sleep: orange.
It is allowed to eat meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, cooked sausage, etc. as protein food in this diet program. Weight loss on such a diet can be 2 kg.
Fruit and milk diet
A well-balanced low-calorie nutrition system is a fruit and milk diet, which is considered very strict, but quite rational, and well tolerated. Its duration is from 7 to 21 days. In the latter case, on weekends, you need to take breaks, switching to a normal diet without excess.
Sample menu:
- breakfast: unsweetened tea or coffee;
- after 2-3 hours - 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
- in 2-3 hours - 200 g of fruits of any kind;
- after 2-3 hours - 300-350 g of low-fat sour-milk drink.
- after 2 hours - another 200 g of fruit.
- During this diet it is necessary to observe an abundant drinking regimen.
Fruit and kefir diet
After it significantly improves the complexion, skin, pimples disappear. There are a lot of variants of such a dietary program, all of them are based on the use of kefir and those fruits that are preferred by the slimming one. This unloading technique is often used in the period after the holidays, its duration is 3 to 5 days:
- breakfast: 0.5 liters of kefir 1%, 200-300 g of fresh berries and fruits;
- lunch: 0.5 liters of kefir, 200-300 g of berries and fruits, as well as raw vegetables;
- dinner: 0.5 liters of kefir, berries, fruit.
- You can arrange a snack from a vegetable salad filled with yogurt.
Curd - Fruit Diet
The curd and fruit diet is distinguished for its satiety and usefulness. Cottage cheese, as a high-protein product, quickly saturates the body, and fruits rich in fiber and vitamin, make up for the loss of these substances and cleanse the intestines from the products of decay. Stick to this diet can be from 1 to 7 days, depending on how many pounds you want to throw off, and on the health of losing weight.
The menu for the day includes 1 kg of sweet and sour fruit and 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese. You can drink green tea or table water, as well as herbal decoctions. All cottage cheese is divided into 4 to 5 meals. Each portion is supplemented with fruit additives.
Fruit - oatmeal diet
Weight loss on fruits with oatmeal will be especially liked by the lovers of the porridge. In oatmeal, you can add apples, kiwi, pears, plums or berries. It is also permissible to use dried fruits and nuts.
The porridge is consumed three times a day, and the fruits are eaten in breaks in the quality of snacks, not more than 300 g per reception. This program of weight loss can be observed up to 14 days.
Vegetable - fruit diet
This option involves the consumption of a large number of vegetables and fruits. Meat and fish can be eaten limited, not more than 150 grams per day.
The menu for each day will be as follows:
- breakfast - 0.5 melons, mango or 1 grapefruit, toast from bran bread;
- dinner - cold meat with vegetable salad, or grilled fish with green vegetables, or fruit salad in unlimited quantities, or a light broth, 2 eggs and a vegetable salad;
- dinner - grilled fish with vegetables, or a low-fat steak or a chop with a salad of vegetables, or a meat casserole and vegetables, or chicken meat on a grill with vegetable salad.
The basic rule of this diet is to keep yourself within reasonable limits and not to abuse excessive amounts of food.
We recommend you to watch a video about miracle products that help you lose weight and which, due to their usefulness and low caloric content, you can eat as much as you want: